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ShadowAlgorithm Enumeration

This field is being used as a ShadowColumn and the ShadowAlgorithm specifies how shadow data is to be maintained and filtered/sorted against.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum ShadowAlgorithm
  Member nameValueDescription
Custom0Custom shadowing (or no shadowing) is implemented for this field.
Unpunctuate1Alphanumeric-only shadowing is to be used on this field.
Phone2Standard phone number shadowing (US-centric, with basic international support) is to be used on this field.
SimpleAlias3The shadow column is being used as a sort of alias for sorting and filtering and is ignored when saving data (FilterAndSortOnly)
See Also