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RowCountAlgorithm Enumeration

Various row count algorithms supported by the MapperDatasheet. Generally the datasheet will use internal logic to select an algorithm, but a specific algorigthm may be specified.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum RowCountAlgorithm
  Member nameValueDescription
Automatic0The datasheet should use its own internal logic to determine which RowCount algorithm to use. This is the default.
None1The datasheet should not display a row count.
OnUserDemand2The datasheet should display an ellipses and calculate the row count via an AJAX call only when the user clicks on the ellipses.
AjaxSynch3The datasheet should render and immedately make a synchronous AJAX call to retrieve the row count. Other requests from this user will block until the row count is returned.
AjaxAsynch4The datasheet should render and immedately make an asynchronous AJAX call to retrieve the row count. The browser will poll for a row count. The user may make other requests while the call is pending.
See Also