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FieldBehaviorOptions Enumeration

Options specifying general IField behaviour.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldBehaviorOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
SortDescInit1Specifies whether the field should sort descending (vs. ascending) upon initial user-initiated sorting of the field.
IgnoreRowLock2Ignore any mapper-level RowLock (has no effect on field-level RowLock).
StaticContentFromDefault4The value of this field is statically populated from the field's DefaultValue property.
NoColumnResize8Do not allow users to resize this column in datasheet views.
NoColumnSort16Do not allow users to sort this column in datasheet views.
DefaultMakesDirty32Normally a field initialized from its DefaultValue does not make a mapper dirty. Fields with this behaviour will be made dirty when the DefaultValue is applied.
AllowListWrap64Allow this field to wrap in list views. Note that this option replaces various CellTypeAttributes with the same name.
ShowHoverSummary128Provide popup summary of related information when user hovers over this field.
TrimLeft256Trim any leading whitespace from this field when its value is set. May be combined with TrimRight.
TrimRight512Trim any trailing whitespace from this field when its value is set. May be combined with TrimLeft.
NoBorderWhenLocked1024When this field is locked it should be displayed with no border.
AllowLinkInFindResults2048By default, all links are disabled in find results. Allow to be turned on, on a field by field basis.
RequiredExceptLegacy4096 This field is currently marked Required, but was not originally so marked. Allow changes to the mapper to be saved even if this field is null, provided that this field was already null. This handles the case where a field is newly marked as required, but there are existing records in the DB that were created when the field was NOT required, and we want to allow changes to those records without requiring this field NOW be populated. Note, however, once such a field IS set, we don't want to allow the user to clear it! You can get this behaviour on a particular save by calling Save(MapperSaveOptions) with the RequiredExceptLegacy option.
HideWhenPicklistEmpty65536Hide this field if its picklist is empty.
FixedTextboxSize131072Render Textbox width the same when locked vs. unlocked. Applies to BndLkup cells only.
SortAndGroup262144List should group on this field whenever user sorts by this field.
LinkContainsParentInfo524288The generated link from Link properties should include parent navigation info.
ForceBorderWhenLocked1048576If the application property TextBoxNoBorderWhenLocked is set to true, you can override this default behavior to have the locked field display a border.
ForceInputTagType2097152By default the InputTagType is used only on mobile and tablet devices. Set this bit to force its use on all devices.
NeverMakePageDirty4194304 Changes to this field should not make the client-side page dirty. This has the effect of suppressing any dirty page warning on page refresh and similar activities. Note that there is no effect on how the field is treated by the mapper with regard to saving and requiredness.
NoPicklistOptimization8388608 Do not optimize this field's picklist handling. Typically set on fields having picklists with complex SQL that the platform may parse incorrectly. This corresponds to the option, but applies it to just this field instead of to all fields using that picklist.
SourceFieldDoesNotMakeDirty16777216Normally a value set per SourceField makes the destination field dirty. Fields with this behaviour will not be made dirty when the SourceField is applied (essentially treating the SourceField value as a DefaultValue).
ReplaceSmartQuotes33554432Replaces smart quotes in the text value with simple quotes.
SortSubSelectInner67108864 If the field uses a picklist to provide sorting, the platform will use a LEFT JOIN by default to join the picklist sub query. Set this attribute to force that join to an INNER JOIN to potentially improve sorting performance. If you force an INNER JOIN on the picklist sub sort, you have the potential for records to drop out of your query. Use with Caution.
AllowImmediateSave134217728This field allows immediate save. Must be combined with EditInList field attribute.
See Also