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FieldExecCmds Enumeration

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldExecCmds
  Member nameValueDescription
ShowInfo1001Show debug information for this field -- not yet implemented.
PicklistFillCtrl1002 Fill the picklist for an appropriate control (e.g. a web DropDownList control).
  • Flags - Provide PicklistFillFlags options to the flag parameter to control behaviour.
  • Param #1 - Normally the WebControl to be filled. Special case: if parameter #1 is not a WebControl and DiscrimProvided is set, then the control bound to the field is filled and parameter #1 is assumed to a discriminator string.
SortClause1003Generate a sort (SQL ORDER BY) clause for this field.
  • Flags - Pass 1 in flags to sort descending.
FilterClause1004 Generate a filter based on this field.
  • Flags - Provide FieldFilterFlags options to the flag parameter to control behaviour.
  • Param #1 - Typically the value to filter is specified in parameter #1 either with a prepended operator, e.g. ">=3/1/2005" unless UseCurrentValue is specified in Flags.
  • Param #2 - If OperandInParam2 is specified in Flags, the operator may be provided in Param #2 instead of including it in Param #1.
Note: If a filter and its description are required, use FilterClauseAndDesc.
FilterDesc1005 Generate a filter description based on this field and corresponding to the filter clause obtained by calling FilterClause. If both a filter and description are required, use FieldExecCmds.FilterClauseAndDesc.
  • Flags - Provide FieldFilterFlags options to the flag parameter to control behaviour.
  • Param #1 - Typically the value to filter is specified in parameter #1 either with a prepended operator, e.g. ">=3/1/2005" unless UseCurrentValue is specified in Flags.
  • Param #2 - If OperandInParam2 is specified in Flags, the operator may be provided in Param #2 instead of including it in Param #1.
ControlValueSet1006 Sets the value of the provided control using the field's current value.
  • Flags - Provide ControlValueSetFlags options to the flag parameter to control behaviour.
  • Param #1 - The control to set must be provided in parameter #1.
PicklistList1007 Generates and returns a list of DisplayText items for the field's picklist.
  • Param #1 - The delimiter to use must be provided in parameter #1. For example, if a picklist contains three items with DisplayText "High", "Medium", and "Low" then executing this command with a delimiter of ";" will return "High;Medium;Low". Note that duplicates will not be included.
LinkForFind1008 Generate a URL to be used as a link for Finding a related item using the standard platform Find functionality.
CreateControl1009 Create a control appropriate for this field.
  • Flags - Provide ControlCreationFlags in the flags parameter to specify how the control is to be configured.
  • Param #1 - If the ForFilter option is specified, the control ID may be provided in parameter #1. The field's ControlName will be used if no ID is provided. Note that no ForFilter control will be created if filtering is not supported or is disabled on this field.
  • Param #2 - For non-ForFilter and non-ForSimpleDetail controls, optionally provide the control's value as a string in parameter #2.
CreateLabel1010 Create and return a label control for this field, if appropriate. Currently no label is created for CheckBox, Button, and Icon CellType's. If no label control is created this command returns null.
  • Flags - Provide LabelFlags in the flags parameter to specify how the control is to be configured.
LinkForNav1011 Generates and returns a navigation URL based on CellType and the field's and its siblings' current values.
  • Param #1 - A primary key value may be provided in parameter #1.
  • Param #2 - Optional action type used as the value of the "act" parameter on the url.
FileExtractImage1012 Extract an image from the database column corresponding to this field. This is used where image data itself (not a path to the image file) is stored in the database.
  • Param #1 - Provide the IDataReader as parameter #1 positioned to the row of interest.
  • Param #2 - Provide the column index into the DataReader in parameter #2.
Note: this command is primarily provided for internal platform use.
LabelText1013 Return text appropriate for a label for the current field.
  • Flags - Provide LabelFlags in the flags parameter to control results.
ControlValueGet1014 Get the value from the provided control or from the control bound to this field, depending on the ControlValueGetFlags provided in Flags. Note that, depending on the control type, the returned result could be DisplayText or the underlying value.
  • Flags - Provide ControlValueGetFlags in the flags parameter to control results.
  • Param #1 - The control from which to get the value, however if the UseBoundControl option is set, this parameter is ignored and the value is obtained from the control bound to this field.
ControlBind1015 Sets up the control per the field and optionally binds it to the field.
  • Flags - Provide ControlBindingFlags in the flags parameter to specify how the control is to be configured.
  • Param #1 - The control to setup/bind must be passed in parameter #1.
IsChecked1016 Returns whether the value passed in parameter #1 is considered "checked". For bool values, IsChecked returns true if the value is true, else false. For all other types the value is converted to a string and true is returned unless the string is null, empty, or has the value "0". Following this determination, if InvertSense applies, the value is inverted. Note: This definition of "checked" allows fields bound to various datatypes to be meaningfully bound to a CheckBox control for display purposes.
  • Flags - Pass 0x00000001 to have the field test it's own Value in which case Param #1 is ignored.
  • Param #1 - The value to test for its "checked" state. Ignored if the 0x00000001 flag is specified.
FindPK1017 Determine the PK field key (not the value) for the table to which this field belongs. This information is determine either via explicit configuration on the field as a CellTypes.Find field, or implicitly based on table relationships in the xmt_tables table.
CssClassGet1018 Gets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class to use for the field. If a CssClass property is explicitly specified for the field that that is returned. If not, then the class is determined based on the CellType, DisplayFormat, and locked state field.
FilePathDelete1019 Delete the data file associated with this field -- generally applies to fields with CellType of FilePath.
  • Flags - Pass 1 in the flags parameter to delete the old file (as specified in OldValue) rather than the current file.
BindDiscrimEvents1020Bind discriminator-related events to the DropDownList bound to this field.
ValidationScript1021 Gets the client-side javascript validation script for the field.
  • Param #1 - Pass an optional name for the returned javascript function in parameter #1.
Returns a validation script if any validation is required else an empty string. The script will be a javascript method taking a field reference as parameter #1, and the value to validate as parameter #2, e.g. a function whose prototype is of the form function validate_email_address(fld, val, full) (parameter #3 is true if full validation is to be performed, else false). When evaluated, the method will return a blank string if the validation was successful, otherwise a localized error message.
DisplayFormat1022 Gets the FieldDisplayFormat for the field. The format is determined based on the field's data type, cell type, and other relevant settings.
MapperNotification1023 Called by the field's mapper to notify the field some item of interest.
  • Flags - The notification is specified in the Flags parameter from the set of MapperNofications values.
FormatPattern1024 Gets the localized format pattern string for the field per its data type and Format specification. For example, if the field is a date field, the date local is U.S. English, and the format is "g", the format string would be "M/d/yyyy h:mm tt". This pattern can be used with the client-side javascript parsing/formatting methods.
ButtonScriptAdd1025 Add custom and predefined button script (e.g. confirmation or AJAX) to a button control. Note that script used to navigate is often generated via ButtonNavScript then added directly by the caller rather than via this command.
  • Flags - Provide ButtonScriptAddOptions options to the flag parameter to control behaviour.
  • Param #1 - The button control to which the script should be added.
FilterClauseAndDesc1026 Generate a filter based on this field and the filter description. The values are returned in an ArrayList with the filter at index 0 and the description at index 1.
  • Flags - Provide FieldFilterFlags options to the flag parameter to control behaviour.
  • Param #1 - Typically the value to filter is specified in parameter #1 either with a prepended operator, e.g. ">=3/1/2005" or with the operator provided in parameter #2 (if OperandInParam2 is set), however, ignored if UseCurrentValue is set.
  • Param #2 - The operand, if OperandInParam2 is set.
Note that this is the equivalent to calling FilterClause and FilterDesc (but more efficient).
AutoSuggestAdd1027 Add the AutoSuggest facility to the provided control, and appropriate for this field.
  • Param #1 - The control (currently only TextBox controls are supported) should be passed in parameter #1.
DiffValues1028 Generate a "diff" of the IField's current value vs. its old value.
  • Flags - Provide FieldDiffOptions options to the flag parameter to control behaviour.
FilterRawValue1029 Get the raw value(s) for a user's filter text. Currently intented for use primarily with field's having picklist, numeric, and date/time values and with limited comparison operator support. Not yet implemented.
AggregateQueryExpr1030 Get the field's aggregate query expression for use in an aggregate query SQL statement. The field's AggregateType property is used to ascertain any specific setting and if there is none, then the aggregate type is determined based on the field characteristics.
FormatValue1031 Format the value provided in parameter #1 per the FieldFormatFlags specified in flags.
ValidateValue1032 Validate the field's current value against any declarative validation rules such as Min and Max. If any validation fails an InvalidFieldValue exception will be raised.
FormatterScript1033 Get javascript appropriate for use in a field's onchange event. Presumably the field is a textbox, although this is not strictly required. The script will essentially unformat the user-entered text and reformat it as per the field's format settings.
TableDetailsAndFilter1034 Return a string which defines information about the fields underlying database table information The string is semi-colon delimited list of data representing the following information DatabaseId;TableName;TableColumn;TableFilter The TableFilter is a filter on the primary key of the table associated with the data in the current row of the mapper.
GetBehaviorProperty1035 Return the boolean value representing a field's behavior setting. The value returned will come from the FieldBehaviorAttributes representing one of the FieldBehaviorOptions flags. The FieldBehaviorOptions flags is intended to deprecate use of any true/false behavioral properties of a field object.
  • Param #1 - The name of the deprecated property.
  • Param #2 - The corresponding FieldBehaviorOptions option that is the equivalent of the deprecated property.
  • Param #3 - The source of the call, for DevLogging.
This command is primarily intended for internal use.
DefaultChanged1036 Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the field's DefaultValue has been changed programmatically.
IsSetFromDefault1037 Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the field's Value was set from its DefaultValue.
PicklistReplace1038 Replace or set a picklist in the middle of the field life-cycle (e.g. during the RowCurrent event) while retaining the field value and refreshing the field's bound control, if any. Note: If the field has a DISCRIM for cascading comboboxes, you MUST specify the replacement by picklistID (vs. a picklist object) or the AJAX DISCRIM handling will not work.
PicklistChanged1039 Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the field's Picklist has been changed programmatically.
CurrencyCulture1040 Returns the currency CultureInfo object to use for this field.
  • Flags - Specify ExpressionResolutionFlags for flags, but at this time only UseOldValue is supported.
  • Param #1 - Parameter #1 should be a string containing the field's culture spec which may or may not be a field reference or embedded function. That spec may be an LCID or .Net culture depending on the field's settings.
ConvertValue1041 Convert a value per this field. Currently the only conversion supported is to convert to a raw value from DisplayText. For example, to convert 12/25/08 into its corresponding DateTime object on a Date/Time field.
  • Flags - You can specify ConvertValOpts for flags.
  • Param #1 - Provide the value to convert in Parameter #1.
AggregateType1042 Gets the AggregateType for this field.
GenConversionScript1043 Obtain a javascript conversion script from the field appropriate for the field's configuration. This method is provided primarily for internal use by the mapper. Currently this supports conversion only to float datatypes for numeric calculations in javascript.
  • Flags - You can specify ConversionScriptOptions for flags.
  • Param #1 - The value, which may be a javascript expression to be resolved, should be provided in Parameter #1.
  • Param #2 - The client-side field reference may be provided in Parameter #2. If omitted the javascript this keyword is used to reference the field firing the event.
GetPhysicalFilePath1044 Returns the physical path of a file based on the properties specified in the fields properties. The field must be a FilePath field, otherwise the method will throw an error.
  • Param #1 - Boolean parameter #1 indicates whether the path should be returned for the stored image file. False means the path is the original uploaded location, true means the path to the final stored location.
  • Param #2 - Boolean parameter #2 indicates whether the thumbnail path should be returned (overrides Parameter #1).
HasDiscrimDependencies1045 Determines whether or not this field has any discrim dependencies on other fields in the mapper. Returns true if any other fields discrim on this field, else false.
GetDiscrimValue1046 Returns the resolved discrim value for this field. If no discrim, returns an empty string.
WarningIndicator1047 Marks a field with a warning indicator at runtime. Normally this command is called during a mapper's RowCurrent event. The resulting mark resembles the indicator for a client-side validation error, but can be specified by level and customized.
  • Flags - Optional severity as a LogMessageLevel value.
  • Param #1 - The warning ToolTip.
  • Param #2 - Optional CssClass.
CurrencyLocaleSpec1048 Retrieves the field's currency locale spec as used in javascript to parse and format currency values.
  • Flags - Optionally provide ExpressionResolutionFlags in flags.
  • Param #1 - Specify the locale identifier (LCID or .Net culture symbol) in parameter #1.
At this time the spec has five parts in an up to five-character string in the form "dgcpf" (e.g. U.S. = '.,$02') where:
  1. d = the localized decimal point character,
  2. g = the localized thousands grouping character,
  3. c = the currency symbol,
  4. p = the .Net CurrencyPositivePattern (0 = symbol first, 1 = symbol last, 2 = symbol first w/ space separator, 3 = symbol last w/ space separator),
  5. f = the number of fractional digits standard for the currency (e.g. 2 for USD).
A number of limitations currently exist:
  • Each of the locale parts above must consist of a single character (insufficient for certain currency symbols),
  • Digit grouping is always performed as thousands (standard U.S. grouping),
  • No CurrencyNegativePattern is supported.
WhyLocked1049 If field is locked returns an explanation of one reason why the field is locked, else returns null or blank. Often fields are locked for multiple reasons in which case one reason, typically the broadest, will returned.
InputTagType1050 Gets the HTML5 INPUT type to use for this field.
ApplyLocaleSpec1051 Set attributes on the control that allow client-side code to convert between raw numeric values and locale-specific formatted strings.
  • Flags - Provide ExpressionResolutionFlags in flags.
  • Param #1 - Optionally provide the WebControl to which to apply in parameter #1. If no control is provided, the field's BaseControl is used.
  • Param #2 - Optionally provide the culture string to use in parameter #2. If no culture is provided, standard field culture rules are used.
HoverSummaryScript1052 Used to set up a HoverSummary on the field. If a HoverSummary is supported on this field then javascript for a control onmouseover event is returned. By default the SummaryKey field's value is used for the key to the HoverSummary content. By default a HoverSummary script will be returned if one can be generated even if the field does not have its HoverSummary enabled unless the IfShowHoverSummary attribute is specified. For efficiency this should only be called when ShowHoverSummary is set on the field, or better yet, include the IfShowHoverSummary attribute in this call for a more thorough determination of whether or not a HoverSummary should be available.
StreamStore1053 Stores a Stream, typically a Stream of binary data to be stored per this field's settings.
NumberLocaleSpec1054 Retrieves the field's number locale spec as used in javascript to parse and format numeric values. At this time the current number culture is always used. At this time the spec is a two-character string of the form "dg" (e.g. U.S. = '.,') where:
  1. d = the localized decimal point character,
  2. g = the localized thousands grouping character,
A number of limitations exist at this time:
  • Each of the locale parts above must consist of a single character.
  • Digit grouping is always performed as thousands (standard U.S. grouping).
ButtonNavScript1055 Generate javascript to perform navigation using a button control, typically used as the OnClientClick value. Note that non-navigation script is often added to a button via ButtonScriptAdd.
  • Param #1 - The link (required).
  • Param #2 - Provide the button's ClientID in parameter #2 (optional, but recommended).
FindFields1056 Retrieves a NameValueCollection containing the destination/source pairs from a Find field's FindFields property. Note that an empty collection should be expected to be returned for other CellType fields. The syntax for the FieldFields property is sets of "dst[=src]" specifications, where src and dst are field keys separated by semi-colons. If src and dst fields have the same Key, the spec can be abbreviated to simply "src". For example, "prod_id;prod_nm=name". The returned collection always include both a destination (the key) and source (the value) as the source will be copied from the destination if not explicitly specified.
DOMModifiedFields1057 Retrieves a string array (string[]) of the field keys of other fields in this field's IMapper that may be modified when the user uses this field's UI to set its value. For example, for Find fields, those destination fields specified in the field's FindFields will have their values set programmatically on the client when the user sets a value using the Find widget. Such fields are "DOMModified" meaning that their values are modified in the client Document Object Model (DOM) by javascript and typically need to be saved when the page is posted back. Note that an empty array, not a null array, will be returned if there are no such fields.
GroupCaption1058 Gets the group caption for the specified field. The group caption is obtained from the GroupBox field associated with the current field. If the field has a GroupBox field associated with it and that grouper applies to the current context and has a caption, that caption will be returned, otherwise a null/blank string will be returned.
  • Flags - Pass a 1 in flags if the caption is for use in a list (e.g. Datasheet or Excel export).
IsMissingValue1059 Determines whether or not the field should be considered as "missing" for the purposes of required field handling (Required) if it had the specified value.
  • Param #1 - The value to test for being considered missing. Typically Value is passed as the value.
GetFormat1060 Gets the .Net display format specifier for the field. If no format is explicitly specified for the field then the application default format for the field's display type is used.
QueryExpression1061 Gets the query expression to use for this field in SELECT and ORDER BY clauses. In the nominal case this will return the field's Key which is typically also the corresponding column name in the database. However, there are varous cases where the returned value will differ from the Key:
ValueToRawString1062 Converts the specified raw value (presumably from an IField) to a string representation of that raw value. This is distinct from the DisplayTextGet(DispTextFlags) for that value.
  • Flags - Specify FieldRawStringFlags in flags to provide specific conversion options.
  • Param #1 - The value to convert.
PseudoBind1063 Pseudo-binds the field to the control. Pseudo-binding does not apply field values or other row-specific settings to the control, but does apply other settings that are normally applied to the control by the field object in PreRender. At this time, this include features such as:
  • Tooltips
  • Watermarks
  • Hover summaries
  • Styling
  • Locale
  • Masks
  • CssClass
Provide the following parameters:
  • Param #1 - The control (a WebControl), required.
  • Param #2 - The host Page (optional, recommended if ctrl.Page is null).
PostedFile1064 Gets the HttpPostedFile associated with this field, if any, else returns null. Typically this applies only to FilePath fields.
IsClickable1065 Gets whether or not this field should be clickable based on the field's current visibility and locked state (including ValueHidden, ValueEnabled, ValueDisabled testing with regard to the field's current value). Returns true if clickable, else false. Currently this applies only to Button fields.
LogTruncation1066 Log a likely text truncation (per the IFieldMaxLength property) or text truncation database error to the xot_field_trunc_log table.
  • Flags - Truncation status (xot_field_trunc_log.status_id) where: 1 indicates that a SQL truncation error occurred, 2 indicates that the IField truncated the text per its MaxLength property, and 3 indicates that a likely truncation was detected, but allowed to continue with the likely result being a hard SQL truncation error.
  • Param #1 - The value being truncated. This should be the full, untruncated value.
  • Param #2 - The name of the table.
  • Param #3 - The underlying table column size, in characters, if known, else zero.
This method is provided primarily for internal use by the mapper.
RowCellType1067 Gets the CellTypes for the field for a specific row based on the row's RowKey.
  • Param #1 - The RowKey of the row in question.
For fields with Dynamic the field's row info (including CellTypes is captured as part of the FieldCreateControl handling. For all other fields, and for the current row, the returned CellTypes is identical to that obtained from CellType. This method is provided primarily for internal use by the specific platform renderers.
Exec commands provided extended functionality for fields.
See Also