HTMLSummaryFlags Enumeration |
EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum HTMLSummaryFlags
Public Enumeration HTMLSummaryFlags
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Horizontal | 1 | Summary of mapper will be laid out in a horizontal orientation. |
| Vertical | 2 | Current or first data row will be laid out in a vertical orientation. |
| OneRow | 4 | In horizontal layout, forces the summary to be only one row. Either the current row, or first row. |
| IgnoreTopN | 8 | In horizontal layout, ignores the TopN rowcount and summarizes all the rows of the mapper. |
| NoFieldStyleOverride | 16 | Don't override default summary style with field specific styles. |
| HeaderOnly | 32 | Include the header captions only (applies to Horizontal layout only). |
| NoHeader | 64 | Do not include any captions (applies to Horizontal layout only). |
| AsTableRow | 128 | Not used at this time. |
| IncludeBlankValues | 256 | Include blank values in the summary (does not apply to Horizontal layout). |
| OmitDefaultValues | 512 | Do not include default values in the summary (does not apply to Horizontal layout). |
| LockedOnly | 1024 | Include only locked fields. |
| InitOpen | 2048 | This summary should be open initially. |
| FitToWidth | 4096 | The summary content should fit within the constraints of the container and not be allowed to expand naturally. |
| IncludeButtons | 8192 | Include all mapper button fields in the summary rendering. Currently supported only on MapperSummary fields in datasheets. |
| NoBlankRowsVisible | 16384 | In horizontal layout, if all elements of a row are empty, then the row is not rendered. |
| UseFieldCaptionsForTemplateLabels | 32768 | If the summary is based on a template layout, let the platform know if it needs to generate field captions for the template expansion. |
| EmptyIfNoRecords | 65536 | If no records are found for the summary, return an empty summary. |
| ShowAggregate | 131072 | If the mapper has an aggregate display then this forces the aggregate row to be added to the summary. |
| RawDataValues | 262144 | Data should not be formatted in the table's cells. |
| AsMunge | 524288 | Data from all the rows and cells in the summary should be munged together into one undelimited string. |
| AsJavascriptTable | 1048576 | Data should be rendered into a javascript table (an array of row objects) and registered on the page. |
| HoverSummary | 2097152 | This summary is being rendered inside a hover summary. Intended primarily for programmatic use. |
| AllowHtmlContent | 4194304 | This summary should not escape content from fields marked as HtmlContent. |
| IncludeImmediateEdit | 8388608 | This summary should replace immediate edit markers. |
| TimezoneConvert | 16777216 |
When used in conjunction with AsJavascriptTable, date/time fields with a Timezone
property specified will be rendered in the destination (display) timezone instead of the database (raw) timezone.
See Also