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HTMLSummaryFlags Enumeration

Flags used to control how an HTML summary is generated. Among other uses, these flags are passed in the flags parameter when calling Exec(MapperExecCmds, Enum, Object) with the Caption command.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum HTMLSummaryFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
Horizontal1Summary of mapper will be laid out in a horizontal orientation.
Vertical2Current or first data row will be laid out in a vertical orientation.
OneRow4In horizontal layout, forces the summary to be only one row. Either the current row, or first row.
IgnoreTopN8In horizontal layout, ignores the TopN rowcount and summarizes all the rows of the mapper.
NoFieldStyleOverride16Don't override default summary style with field specific styles.
HeaderOnly32Include the header captions only (applies to Horizontal layout only).
NoHeader64Do not include any captions (applies to Horizontal layout only).
AsTableRow128Not used at this time.
IncludeBlankValues256Include blank values in the summary (does not apply to Horizontal layout).
OmitDefaultValues512Do not include default values in the summary (does not apply to Horizontal layout).
LockedOnly1024Include only locked fields.
InitOpen2048This summary should be open initially.
FitToWidth4096The summary content should fit within the constraints of the container and not be allowed to expand naturally.
IncludeButtons8192Include all mapper button fields in the summary rendering. Currently supported only on MapperSummary fields in datasheets.
NoBlankRowsVisible16384In horizontal layout, if all elements of a row are empty, then the row is not rendered.
UseFieldCaptionsForTemplateLabels32768If the summary is based on a template layout, let the platform know if it needs to generate field captions for the template expansion.
EmptyIfNoRecords65536If no records are found for the summary, return an empty summary.
ShowAggregate131072If the mapper has an aggregate display then this forces the aggregate row to be added to the summary.
RawDataValues262144Data should not be formatted in the table's cells.
AsMunge524288Data from all the rows and cells in the summary should be munged together into one undelimited string.
AsJavascriptTable1048576Data should be rendered into a javascript table (an array of row objects) and registered on the page.
HoverSummary2097152This summary is being rendered inside a hover summary. Intended primarily for programmatic use.
AllowHtmlContent4194304This summary should not escape content from fields marked as HtmlContent.
IncludeImmediateEdit8388608This summary should replace immediate edit markers.
TimezoneConvert16777216 When used in conjunction with AsJavascriptTable, date/time fields with a Timezone property specified will be rendered in the destination (display) timezone instead of the database (raw) timezone.
See Also