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CellPictureAttrs Enumeration

Cell attributes specific to Picture cells.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum CellPictureAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
ScaleToWidth1Scale the image to the column width.
ImageInDB2The image is stored in the database vs. a path to a file.
AlwaysExtract4If the image is stored in the database, extract the image on each access and don't cache it.
WebCam8Provide webcam support allowing user to replace this picture.
EmbedImage16Render the image HTML with embedded image data instead of a link to the image.
PopupInList32If the ScaleToWidth option is not set, pop up a full-sized version of the image when hovered over in a datasheet. Supported in IE only.
See Also