A grab bag of hacks and tweaks providing workarounds to unusual mapper problems. Use with caution.
EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum MapperTweaks
Public Enumeration MapperTweaks
| Member name | Value | Description |
| NoTopN | 1 |
Disable the mapper's use of TopN. This is almost never recommended and is provided to workaround a rare situation in
which badly fragmented indices on a table, in conjunction with a TOP N clause, can cause SQL-Server to perform very badly.
Setting this tweak should be used as a temporary workaround until the root problem can be determined and fixed.
| VerySlowQuery | 2 | The mapper is based on a very slow view (or stored procedure) and it should adjust its behaviour accordingly. |
| RowCountIsUnknowable | 4 | The number of records resulting from a query is unknowable other than by retrieving all the applicable records. When set, the mapper will not attempt record count queries or other mechanisms for determining the record count. |
| NoDefaultOnlyUpdates | 8 | When set, do not apply updates that only involve changes caused by UseDefaultOnUpdate. |
| RBCOmitCloneFilters | 64 |
RowButtonClick handling related to UseLinkFilter involves a cloning the datasheet mapper
filtered on the current row. By default the datasheet mapper's filters are included in the clone because this can provide
significant hints to a SQL-Server in the case of a complex view (which is in that context). Set this tweak to omit existing
filters (via use of OmitFilters) on the clone, leaving just the PK filter for the clicked row.
| AllowShortTimeout | 128 |
Normally command timeouts are limited to a minimum of 30 seconds as substantially shorter timeouts are typically
problematic in production environments at peak load. However, when this option is set, the minimum is not enforced.
This option should be used only with careful consideration. Note, however, that a zero timeout means to NEVER
timeout and this is disallowed. When set the mapper will use the appropriate AllowShortTimeout
or AllowShortTimeout flag on its main query.
| OldRowRequery | 256 |
Provided for backward compatibility, tells the mapper to use the old RowRequery mechanism.
Use the OldRowRequery Compatibility feature
to use the old mechanism system-wide.
See Save(MapperSaveOptions) for a discussion of the old vs. improved RowRequery mechanisms.
| MultiplePKsNoUK | 512 |
Identifies this mapper as deliberately having multiple PK fields, but no UniqueKey field identified.
When set, warnings like "Multiple PK's were defined for this mapper, but no UniqueKey" will not be logged. Note that you should only set this tweak
if you are certain that the mapper is configured properly as a mapper should almost always have a single PK or a
UniqueKey identified.
See Also