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CellTypes Enumeration

A field's CellType specifies how the field is used. For dynamically created pages the CellType is used to determine what type of control to instantiate to represent the IField in the UI. Certain properties configurable via the studio are CellType-specific (see CellTypeAttributes). In particular, many cell types have a set of CellType-specific attributes associated with them. Such attributes are named Cell<celltype>Attrs.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum CellTypes
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0The CellType is unknown for this field. There is no enum defined for this type for CellTypeAttributes.
TextBox1The field is a basic text string. Use CellTextBoxAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
CheckBox2The field should be represented as a checkbox. Use CellCheckBoxAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Button3The field should be represented as a button. Use CellButtonAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Icon4The field is an icon image with a fixed size. By default 16x16 pixels is expected. Use CellIconAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Label5The field should be represented as a label. Use CellLabelAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Password6The field is a password field where the value should not be visible. Use CellPasswordAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Picture7The field is a graphic image. By default the size of the image is unknown. Use CellPictureAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Html8The field contains HTML and should be displayed as HTML. Use CellHtmlAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Link9The field is a link. Links do not provide a built-in mechanism for editing. Use CellLinkAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
ComboBox101 The field should be represented as a ComboBox (DropDownList). ComboBox fields require that a Picklist be specified in order to be useful. When the PicklistOptional attribute is set, a TextBox with a widget (using BndLkup) is presented since the HTML SELECT control does not allow free-form entry. Use CellComboBoxAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
ListBox102 The field should be represented as a ListBox. ListBox fields require that a Picklist be specified in order to be useful. Use CellListBoxAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
RadioButtons103The field should be represented as a set of related RadioButtons. Use CellRadioButtonsAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Tree104The field should be represented as a tree. Use CellTreeAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Chooser105 A list-based selector control rendered as two side-by-side lists, one with unselected items and the other with selected items. The control is derived from a standard .Net ListBox and transformed to its Chooser presentation via jQuery. Use CellChooserAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
TextWithWidget201 The field should be represented as a TextBox with an associated widget button. Typically the widget button is used to invoke a popup widget of some kind or to invoke a ButtonClick event on the backend. This field is normally represented using a BndLkup control. Use CellTextWithWidgetAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
DatePicker202 The field should be represented as a TextBox with an associated calendar button. When the button is clicked, the calendar widget is presented to the user allowing the user to select a particular date. This field is normally represented using a BndLkup control. Use CellDatePickerAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Find203 The field should be represented as a TextBox with an associated find button. When the button is clicked, a Find page is presented allowing the user to choose a related record. A set of Find-specific properties are used to specify how the related record is found and what data to copy from the related record once one is selected. The field will also provide a link to any related record. This field is normally represented using a BndLkup control. Use CellFindAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
MultiSelect204 The field should be represented as a TextBox with an associated dropdown button. When the button is clicked, a multiselect widget is presented allowing the user to choose zero or more items from a set of values. MultiSelect fields require that a Picklist be specified in order to be useful. This field is normally represented using a BndLkup control. Use CellMultiSelectAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
FilePath205 The field should be represented as a TextBox with an associated upload button. When the button is clicked, a file upload page is presented allowing the user to choose a file to upload. The upload is performed when OK is clicked on that page. A set of FilePath-specific properties are used to specify how the file is handled. The field will also provide a link to any related file. This field is normally represented using a BndLkup control. See also the newer FileUploader for support of various upload mechanisms. Use CellFilePathAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
TimePicker206 The field should be represented as a time-only picker widget. Currently the TimePicker supports a number of different presentations one of which is a pair of dropdown lists for the hour and the minutes. Use CellTimePickerAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
TimeDuration207 The field represents a time duration. Typically a numeric value, the duration in hours, is expected. Unless the FormatAsTimeSpan attribute is set, the value will be treated as a floating point number when creating or consuming DisplayText for the value. When the FormatAsTimeSpan attribute is set, the .Net TimeSpan.ToString() method will be used when creating DisplayText and TimSpan.Parse() will be used when consuming DisplayText. The TimeDuration control is typically used for setting values in the UI. Use CellTimeDurationAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
SecureText208 The field stores secure data. Typically this data is encrypted. Support is provided for authorized users to explicitly view the decrypted data with the read access audited. Use CellSecureTextAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
FileUploader209 The field should be represented as a TextBox with various associated upload buttons allowing files to be uploaded via various, specifiable mechanisms including browsing, scanning, and webcam. When one of the buttons is clicked, an appropriate widget is presented allowing the user to invoke the upload. An html IMG is also provided by the control for optional display of image documents. The upload is performed by the widget. A set of FileUpload-specific properties are used to specify how the file is handled. The field will also provide a link to any related file. This field is normally represented using a FileUploader control. See also the older FilePath for support for file browsing only. Use CellFileUploaderAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
DateTimePicker210 The field should be represented as a TextBox with associated calendar and clock buttons. When the corresponding button is clicked, a calendar widget or time-selection widget is presented to the user allowing the user to select a particular date or time. The date/time value may also be edited manually. Use CellDateTimePickerAttrs for CellTypeAttributes. For date-only values use DatePicker. For time-only values use TimePicker.
EmailAddr301 The field represents an email address. The field normally represened as a TextBox allowing user entry. When an email address is present, a link to pop up a mailto or platform email form allowing an email to be originated to the address. Use CellEmailAddrAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
WebSite302 The field represents a web site. The field is normally represened as a TextBox allowing user entry. When a website is present, a link to that website is provided. Use CellWebSiteAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Url303 The field contains a URL. The field is normally represened as a TextBox allowing user entry. When a URL is present, a link to that URL is provided. Use CellUrlAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Currency304 The field represents currency (money) data. Use CellCurrencyAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
MapperSummary305 The field shows a summary of this record, or a related record or records, using the IMapper HTMLSummary capability or its SummaryTemplate. Use CellMapperSummaryAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
HtmlEditor306 The field provides an HTML editor when the field is not locked. When locked, the field renders static content raw or as HTML according to the field's HtmlContent Attribute. At this time fields of this type are implemented using the Telerik RadEditor. There is no enum defined for this type for CellTypeAttributes.
GroupBox401 The field represents a GroupBox grouping element (rendered as a FieldSet/Legend in HTML on detail pages). Use CellGroupBoxAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
TabStrip402 The field represents a TabStrip grouping element. This type is provided for future use and is not currently supported.
RatingIcon403 The field is represented by an array of clickable icons. Use CellRatingIconAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
Sorter404 The field is used to allow the user to arrange the order of items in a picklist. There is no enum defined for this type for CellTypeAttributes.
Dynamic405 The field type is dynamic and the WebControl (BaseControl) and/or CellTypes to use is to be provided by an extension during the FieldCreateControl (FieldCreateControl(IField, CreateControlArgs)) event via its CreateControlArgs parameter.
Signature406 Displays any existing signature as an image, and allows entry of a signature using a pointing device (e.g. mouse on PC, your finger on iPad) using a CANVAS element (or flash simulation of one on older IE versions). Use CellSignatureAttrs for CellTypeAttributes.
ShadowColumn407 The field acts as a filtering and/or sorting shadow column for another field. When a field's ShadowColumn references another field, that referenced field is a ShadowColumn (typically, but not necessarily, a ShadowColumn). The ShadowColumn is then used to perform filtering and/or sorting (per the referencing field's ShadowAttrs) when filtering/sorting is requested of the referencing field. You can set the ShadowAlgorithm on the ShadowColumn to use one of the built-in shadow algorithms, or you can implement custom shadowing by handling the FieldBuildFilter event to generate filtering, and the RowBeforeInsert and RowBeforeUpdate events to maintain the shadow column's data. Note that at this time there's not really a good way to implement custom shadow sorting. There is no enum defined for this type for CellTypeAttributes.
See Also