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CellFilePathAttrs Enumeration

Cell attributes specific to FilePath cells.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum CellFilePathAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
NoTextBoxLock2Do not lock the cell's TextBox.
NoUploadHints256Do not provide user with upload performance hints on the file browser dialog.
DelFileOnRecDelete512Delete the related file when the record is deleted.
DelFileOnFileUpdate1024Delete the related file when a new file is specified.
NoLiveLook4096Do not present the button with a 'live' look where button image livens when user hovers over it.
ReadableFilename8192When storing the file on the server, use a readable filename (while still making filenames unique).
PhysicalPath16384The folder specified for this field is a physical path, not a virtual directory.
OpenInline32768Open the file inline in the application instead of as a standard getf.
OpenInlinePopup65536Open the file inline in the application in a popup window instead of as a standard getf.
NoFileExtDisplay131072Do not display the file extension to the user.
NoUploadDialog262144Do not present a popup dialog box for the user to select an upload file.
ResizeUploadedImage524288If an uploaded file is an image, the image will be resized and/or an equivalent thumbnail will be created.
FileInDB1048576The uploaded file is stored in the database vs. a path to a file.
ZipFiles2097152After the file has uploaded zip the contents of the file to save file/database resources. File will be automatically unzipped when requested.
Reserved4194304Reserved for future use.
AuditDownload8388608Record file download activity to the audit log.
UseDocService16777216The uploaded file is stored via the specified document storage service, IDocStorageService.
DisplayImage33554432The related file is an image file and should be displayed in place.
See Also