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CellFindAttrs Enumeration

Cell attributes specific to Find cells.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum CellFindAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
AutoSuggest16AutoSuggest selections based on partial entries typed by user.
NoUserSort32Do not allow user to choose a sort order when finding records.
NoLabelLink64 Do not make the field label a link when there is a related item. See also NoListLink. Note that you can restrict all navigation, by role, for this field by denying the Navigation permission.
NoFilterDesc128Do not provide a filter description caption in the Find popup.
NoLiveLook4096Do not present the button with a 'live' look where button image livens when user hovers over it.
CascadingCombos8192Use cascading ComboBoxes, instead of TextBoxes, on ComboBox fields having discrims.
HideTextBox16384Hide the Find's TextBox. This is intended for use when the Find is used as a client-side programmatic element.
RepeatedSelect32768Allow user to select an item then repeatedly select additional items.
ShowLockedButtons65536Show locked buttons (which are normally hidden). This is typically used when the control is locked/unlocked in script.
NoTextBoxLock131072Don't lock the text box.
HtmlDescription262144The Find description (used in the Find dialog) is HTML and should not be escaped.
SizeSearchFields524288Size the search fields per each field's ColWidth in the find mapper.
FirstFieldAsSelector1048576Render the first visible data column in the Find datasheet as an item selector.
RequireFiltering2097152Require user to provide some filter criteria before searching.
BndLkupFiltering4194304In Find criteria use a BndLkup control with filter widget, instead of TextBox on appropriate fields.
ImmediateSearch8388608Perform an immediate search when the Find is first opened. Note that this generally is valuable only if that initial search is likely to return the desired item.
NewEntryOK16777216Allow user to enter new text not corresponding to a found item. If this is NOT set then user will be required to select an existing item from the Find popup or AutoSuggest. This option has no effect unless AutoSuggest is set.
NoListLink33554432 Do not make the field text (in a list) a link when there is a related item. See also NoLabelLink. Note that you can restrict all navigation, by role, for this field by denying the Navigation permission.
See Also