MapperAttributes are used to control overall behaviour of the
EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum MapperAttrs
Public Enumeration MapperAttrs
| Member name | Value | Description |
| DenyInsert | 1 | Do not allow inserts. |
| DenyUpdate | 2 | Do not allow updates. |
| DenyDelete | 4 | Do not allow deletions. |
| BiDirectional | 8 | Allow forward and backward dataset access. By default access is forward-only. |
| NoCSSOverride | 16 | Do not override the Cascading Style Sheet for the table. |
| NoRowRequery | 32 |
Do not perform a row requery after a save.
By default the current record is requeried following a save in order to pick up changes due to triggers and calculated columns.
| LogTransactions | 64 |
Log SQL transactions to the xot_transactions table.
By default logging will be performed to that table in the mapper's Database, but you can set the
TransactionLogDatasource property on that DataSource to log elsewhere.
The logging database should have the platform operational schema (if the IDatabaseAttributes
has NoPlatformOpSchema set then logging will not be performed and an error will be logged to the DevLog).
| UseDistinct | 128 | Query using the SQL DISTINCT keyword. |
| PopupDetail | 256 | Intended for programmatic use (use corresponding Page attributes for meta-data configuration). When a drilldown to detail is performed, pop up the detail. |
| NoTabOrdering | 512 | Do not apply automatic tab ordering/indexing on detail forms. |
| LogicalDelete | 1024 | Records should be logically deleted, rather than physically deleted, based on the LogicalDelete property. |
| NoClientValidation | 2048 | No client-side validation should be performed on the mapper's value. |
| NoHeaderFreezing | 4096 | Do not freeze the column or row headers when scrolling datasheet. |
| Unallocated | 8192 | This attribute is unallocated (previously ShowAggregates which is now a mapper property). |
| SkipCodeGeneration | 16384 | This mapper should be skipped during the generation of TypedMapper derived classes. |
| NoCount | 32768 |
This mapper should not implicitly query for count information. This option should be set on
mappers having many, many rows (e.g. 100,000+) where a COUNT(*) can be very slow (on the
order of several seconds). If this option is set, no total record count will be shown to the
user in the datasheet UI.
| NoDupeCheck | 65536 | This mapper should not perform duplicate checking (ignoring any field DupeCheck attributes). |
| AppendPKSort | 131072 | This mapper should append to the sort the primary key to ensure deterministic paging. |
| FastStart | 262144 | For performance the datasheet should not query unless a user filter has been supplied. |
| UseTransaction | 524288 | Wrap mapper insert/update/delete operations in a transaction and commit only if entire operation is successful. |
| GenerateRemoteMapper | 1048576 | Generate a RemoteMapper derived class for this mapper. |
| DataProvided | 2097152 |
Mapper data will be provided by an extension rather than by a direct DB query by the mapper.
Note that this must be set in order to support caching of programmatically-provided data.
| DebugMode | 1073741824 | The mapper should be configured for debugging. |
See Also