Click or drag to resize

RowReorderOptions Enumeration

Options for modifying how datasheet row-reordering works. Use the ConsoleDatasheet_OrderingField property for setting up row reordering.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum RowReorderOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
NoRowReorderCol1 By default a row-reordering column is added to the left of the datasheet allowing the user to grab a row and drag it. Set this option to prevent the column from being added and to add a pane button allowing the user to put the datasheet into row-reordering mode.
RequireExplicitStart2 By default, unless NoRowReorderCol is set, row-reordering mode will be automatically initiated the first time the user attempts to drag a row by grabbing the RowReorderCol. Set this option to require the user to confirm putting the datasheet into row-reorder mode.
See Also