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CaptionFlags Enumeration

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum CaptionFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
NoRoot1Do not include the mapper's Caption property value in the caption.
NoPaging2Do not include current paging information in the caption.
NoFiltering4Do not include current filtering information in the caption.
PlainText8Do not include any HTML or javascript in the caption.
NoOverrides16Do not allow page-specific or navigation-specific overrides of the mapper's caption.
NoCount32Do not include record count in the caption.
ForLink64This caption is for use on a link (looks for LinkCaption text item).
DoNotThrow128Do not throw an exception if caption includes an expression with unresolvable fields or syntax errors.
NoHtmlEncode256Do not encode the caption for html. (Allow HTML content)
RootOnly38 Do not include paging, filtering, count, or similar information. Currently this is the equivalent of specifying NoPaging, NoFiltering, and NoCount.
See Also