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CellComboBoxAttrs Enumeration

Cell attributes specific to ComboBox cells.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum CellComboBoxAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
NoPicklistEdit64Do not allow users to edit Picklist values. This overrides the AllowUserAdd/Update/Delete picklist attributes.
PicklistOptional128Picklist values are optional and the user should be allowed to enter free-form entry or pick from list.
LockNoDiscrim256Control should be locked when there is no discrim value.
Typeahead4096Provide improved typeahead (vs. standard HTML SELECT) using javascript.
DynamicValues8192Allow user to enter values not found in the picklist while still using a standard combobox.
UpdatePicklist16384When DynamicValues is specified, new user-entered values are automatically added to the picklist.
NumericDropdown32768The Picklist values will be generated per the field's Min/Max properties.
ReservedALW65536 Obsolete. Deprecated -- use AllowListWrap.
FormatTextAsDate131072The Picklist text is a date/time value that should be formatted per field Format and user locale.
Amendable262144Allow selections to be posted back which do not yet exist in the server-side Picklist.
SortInverted524288Invert the normal sort order on this field's Picklist.
NoGrouping1048576 Ignore any picklist grouping, see Group.
See Also