Data type-specific format specification instructing the field on how to display its
data and how to parse a value out of user entered text. Most standard .Net formatting
is supported and formatting is locale-appropriate. Additional formatting specifications
are provided to extend those provided by .Net. Examples Here
EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
Syntaxstring Format { get; set; }
Property Format As String
Property Value
ExamplesExamples of common format specifications are:
Dates and times
- d -- (default) short date format by user's DateCulture
- D -- long date format by user's DateCulture
- t -- short time format by user's DateCulture
- T -- long time format by user's DateCulture
- f -- full date short time format separated by space
- F -- full date long time format by user's DateCulture
- g -- short date short time separated by space
- G -- short date long time separated by space
- + -- (modifier when appended to base format) will add date description relative to today (e.g. "3/5/13 (Tomorrow)").
- c -- (default) standard currency with standard subunits per field's currency type (e.g. $100.00)
- c0 -- standard currency, per field's currency type, with no subunit digits (e.g. $100)
- c* -- standard currency, per field's currency type, with any number of subunit digits according to user entry (e.g. $100.125)
- w -- in words (e.g. "one hundred dollars")
- W -- in words, title case (e.g. "One Hundred Dollars")
- d -- (default) typical integer formatting per user's NumberCulture
- p -- typical percentage formatting per user's NumberCulture, e.g. 5% means 0.05 (.Net standard)
- % -- (modifier with p, as "p%") convert to a percentage, e.g. 5% means 5, not 0.05
- w -- in words (e.g. 137 as "one hundred thirty-seven")
- W -- in words, title case (e.g. 137 as "One Hundred Thirty-Seven")
- 0x -- hexadecimal (e.g. 48 as "0x00000030")
Floating point
- f -- (default) typical floating point formatting per user's NumberCulture
- p -- typical percentage formatting per user's NumberCulture, e.g. 5% means 0.05 (.Net standard)
- % -- (modifier with p, as "p%") convert to a percentage, e.g. 5% means 5, not 0.05
See Also