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FieldGroupingAttrs Enumeration

Attributes specifying how mapper grouping should be performed on a specific field. Grouping can also be controlled at the IMapper level using MapperGroupingAttrs. See the Customize Datasheet Grouping wiki article for more information.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldGroupingAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
GroupOnRawValue1The record grouping should be based on the grouper field's raw value. The caption will be based on it's DisplayText. Relevant when grouper field has a picklist.
NoItemText8Do not include the field's value in the grouping caption. This typically applies only when A GroupingCaption has been provided.
ResolveReferences16Resolve any field references in the caption. This typically applies only when A GroupingCaption has been provided.
ParseEmbeddedFuncs32Resolve any embedded functions in the caption. This typically applies only when A GroupingCaption has been provided.
IgnoreVisibility64Include the field's label in the grouping caption even if the field is not visible.
OmitLabel128Do not include the field's label in the grouping caption.
HtmlContent256The grouping content / label may include html and should not be escaped.
See Also