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TabOrderAttrs Enumeration

Flags used to control how the mapper assigns automatic TabIndex ordering to fields in a detail form. Note that these only apply when NoTabOrdering is not set.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum TabOrderAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
TopToBottom1Fields should be ordered top-to-bottom vs. the default of left-to-right.
OmitLockedFields2Do not include locked fields in the tab ordering (overrides TabOrderLockedFields AppAppearance setting).
IgnoreGrouping4Do not calculate tab order based on control grouping.
IncludeLabels8Include label controls in the tab order.
IncludeUnpositioned16Include elements that are not absolutely positioned.
IncludeLockedFields32Do include locked fields in the tab ordering (overrides TabOrderLockedFields AppAppearance setting).
See Also