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CellSecureTextAttrs Enumeration

Cell atrributes specific to SecureText cells.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum CellSecureTextAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
SystemKey1Encrypt/decrypt this field's data using the SystemKey.
AutoAssignKey2 Generate a custom key when first encrypting this field's data. For later decryption, the key will be stored in the field specified in the EncryptionKey property.
NoReadAudit4Do not log audit records when user views this field's data.
AllowListDecrypt8Allow user to decrypt and view data from list views.
ShowInAlert16When user retrieves a decrypted value, display the value in a javascript alert popup.
ShowInWidget32When user retrieves a decrypted value, display the value in an in-place div widget.
ShowInPlace64When user retrieves a decrypted value, display the value in place replacing the password control with a textbox control. Supports Masks.
NoAutoEncrypt256 Do not encrypt data when saving. If not set, encryption is performed if the field's EncryptionKey or SystemKey attribute is set.
NoDecryptUI512Do not provide automatic decryption in the UI.
NoAutoComplete1024Disables the browser's built-in AutoComplete feature.
See Also