FieldExpressionAttrs Enumeration |
Attributes used when resolving field reference expressions. Each of these attributes corresponds to
a modifier flag character. See the
ExpressionParser class for more information about
field references.
- [$keyname] - DisplayText - Use the field's display text rather than its raw value (obtained via DisplayTextGet(DispTextFlags)).
- ['keyname] - AnsiQuote - AnsiQuote the value using AnsiQuote(String).
- [`keyname] - DoubleQuote - Enclose the field value in double-quote '"' characters (this is a back-tick character).
- [#keyname] - Numeric - The value is a numeric value and should be rendered as zero "0" if the value is null/empty.
- [<keyname] - UseOldValue - Use the OldValue if the field is dirty.
- [&keyname] - UseCaption - Use the field's Caption instead of its value.
- [?keyname] - EscapeForUrl - The field's value should be escaped for use in a URL using ForUrl(String).
- [@keyname] - EscapeForHtml - The field's value should be escaped for use in HTML using ForHtml(String).
- [^keyname] - ApplyDefault - Use the field's DefaultValue if the field's value is null/empty.
- [+keyname] - EscapeForXML - The field's value should be escaped for use in XML using ForXml(String).
- [*keyname] - RawValue - Use the field's raw value (obtained via Value), implied if no other option specified.
- [~keyname] - ClientElement - Renders as a javascript expression accessing the field. Often combined with either '$' or '*' attributes to obtain the client-side display or raw values respectively.
- [:keyname] - Optional - Value is optional and should default to zero or empty string, as appropriate.
- [-keyname] - Guid - The value is a GUID value and should be rendered as the zero GUID "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" if the value is null/empty.
EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldExpressionAttrs
Public Enumeration FieldExpressionAttrs
| Member name | Value | Description |
| DisplayText | 1 | $ = Use DisplayText |
| AnsiQuote | 2 | ' = AnsiQuote |
| DoubleQuote | 4 | ` (back tick) = Double quote |
| Numeric | 8 | # = Use zero if null or empty |
| UseOldValue | 16 | < = Use old value if dirty |
| UseCaption | 32 | & = Use label |
| EscapeForUrl | 64 | ? = Escape for use in URL |
| EscapeForHtml | 128 | @ = Escape for HTML |
| ApplyDefault | 256 | ^ = Use default if no value found |
| EscapeForXML | 512 | + = Escape for XML |
| RawValue | 1024 | * = Raw Value (also implied if no other option specified) |
| ClientElement | 4096 | ~ = Client Element. Often combined with either '$' or '*' attributes to obtain the client-side display or raw values respectively. |
| Optional | 8192 | : = Value is optional and should default to zero or empty string, as appropriate. |
| Guid | 16384 | - = Use zero-GUID "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" if null or empty. |
See Also