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TimeZoneSetFlags Enumeration

Flags use in conjunction with IAppContext.Exec(AppExecCmds.UserTimeZoneSet).

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum TimeZoneSetFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
BrowserOffsetFromUtc1 The parameter specifies the timezone as an offset from UTC, in minutes. This option is generally used when attempting to determine the user's timezone from his browser. Setting the timezone in this way is inferior to setting the timezone to a definitive timezone by timezone ID or a timezone object because a particular offset from UTC can map to multiple timezones at any point in time.
DoNotOverride2Only set the timezone if no user timezone has already been set.
WindowsOffsetFromUtc4 Sets the timezone using an offset in minutes from UTC, using the Windows direction of calculating UTC offset. (Pacific time is -480 minutes)
See Also