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ReportAttrs Enumeration

Attributes controlling report behaviour.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum ReportAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
Disabled1The report is disabled.
DoNotPassColKeys2Do not pass the visible column keys in the report URL.
NoCriteria4This report does not support criteria filtering.
OpenInline8Open the report inline in the application instead of popping it up in a separate window.
ShowParameters16Show or hide the report parameters in the report toolbar. This corresponds to SQL-Reports rc:Parameters=true.
DoNotPassUid32When specified, the uid (user ID) parameter is not passed to the report.
UseDynamicBucket64When specified, the filter is not converted to a static bucket.
CascadingComboFiltering128When filtering, use a cascading ComboBox, instead of TextBox, on ComboBox fields having discrims.
RequiresParentKey256When building a link for the report on a console, add the parent view key as a parameter.
TenantSpecific512This report is tenant-specific and access must be explicitly granted.
ExcludeFromUI1024This report should be excluded from the UI.
PassFilterDesc2048Include the description of user-specified filtering in the report URL as the 'fltdesc' parameter.
PassParamDesc4096Include the description of user-specified parameters in the report URL as the 'paramdesc' parameter.
UseChooser8192Specifies whether or not a Chooser control should be provided for managing the filter fields.
AllowSnapshots16384This report supports uset-created snapshots.
See Also