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PageExtensionBaseWizardBeforePageLoad Method

Called when a IWizardTemplate wizard page is about to be loaded. At the time this event is fired the wizard page has not yet been loaded and added to the System.Web.UI.Page object, but it has been set up for loading. This means that the UserData is available. The primary intent of this event is to provide access to the wizard page descriptor and UserData prior to the wizard page's mapper being loaded. See WizardPageLoad(Object, WizardPageEventArgs) which would more accurately be named WizardAfterPageLoad. See also WizardBeforePageLoad, the underlying raw event.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
protected virtual void WizardBeforePageLoad(
	Object sender,
	WizardPageEventArgs e


Type: SystemObject
The wizard firing the event.
Type: NetQuarryWizardPageEventArgs
The event args.
See Also