FieldProperties Properties |
The FieldProperties type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AccessKey | The key to use as a page short/accelerator for this field. | |
AggregateType | The aggregate function to use when calculating mapper (datasheet) aggregate row values. If not specified, Sum is used. See AggregateType | |
AliasName | The column name to use during select. A field may have any number of fields aliased to it. | |
Button_BootModalOptions | Options for Bootstrap popup modal dialogs. See BootModalOptions | |
Button_ButtonType | The button display type. | |
Button_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to button type fields. See CellButtonAttrs | |
Button_Confirmation | Confirmation message to present to user before taking action. | |
Button_DetailPane | Detail navigation should be to this pane in the specified LinkMOP. | |
Button_FalseValues | Semi-colon delimited string of values that cause the field to treat the underlying value as False. | |
Button_Icon | For Icon-style buttons, the path to the icon to use. | |
Button_LinkFilterDescription | The description for the LinkFilterExpr, overriding the standard description. May include field references. | |
Button_LinkFilterExpr | Filter expression to use when LinkBehaviorAttributes.UseLinkFilter is set | |
Button_LinkKey | The RowKey to the related item. | |
Button_LinkMOP | The Page to which to link. | |
Button_LinkSource | An expression that resolves to a link for a button. | |
Button_OnClick | Javascript placed on the button's onclick event. By default no postback is performed. Set the Postback CellTypeAttribute if a postback is also desired. Note that the script will be resolved for field expressions and embedded functions if, and only if, wrapped in a !fnResolve(). | |
Button_PagePopupType | When Popup CellAttribute is set, this specifies how the target page is to be popped up. See PagePopupType | |
Button_PopupCssClass | A CSS class to be added to the popup container. | |
Button_StatusText | Status text used in pop-up status messages. | |
Button_TrueValues | Semi-colon delimited string of values that cause the field to treat the underlying value as True. | |
Button_WindowOpenOptions | Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions | |
CalculatedValue | Javascript expression that represents the value for this field. (May include field references.) | |
Caption | The field's caption. This value is used as the display text for the label of the field. | |
CheckBox_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to CheckBox fields. See CellCheckBoxAttrs | |
CheckBox_FalseValues | Semi-colon delimited string of values that cause the checkbox to treat the underlying value as False (NOT checked) | |
CheckBox_ImageClasses | The CSS classes to use with the imageChecked jQuery plugin. The plugin will be used if a value is provided. The checked and unchecked image class names should be separated by a pipe ("|") character. Typically each class should specify a background-image, width, and height. | |
CheckBox_TrueFalseText | Text to display when field value is true or false, separated by a pipe ("|") character. | |
CheckBox_TrueValues | Semi-colon delimited string of values that cause the checkbox to treat the underlying value as True (checked) | |
Chooser_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Email Chooser fields. See CellChooserAttrs | |
Chooser_Delimiter | Override the default selected item delimiter (";"). | |
Chooser_OnDeselect | Javascript placed on the Chooser's OnClientDeselect event. Supports field references including the [~.] notation to get a reference to the current field. | |
Chooser_OnSelect | Javascript placed on the Chooser's OnClientSelect event. Supports field references including the [~.] notation to get a reference to the current field. | |
CodeGenOptions | Options for affecting code generation for this field. See FieldCodeGenOptions | |
ColumnName | The actual column name in the underlying table. | |
ComboBox_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to ComboBox fields. See CellComboBoxAttrs | |
ComboBox_DetailPane | Detail navigation should be to this pane in the specified LinkMOP. | |
ComboBox_LinkKey | The RowKey to the related item. | |
ComboBox_LinkMOP | The Page to which to link. | |
ComboBox_LinkSource | An expression that resolves to the URL for the linkable label associated with this ComboBox. Ignored if LinkMOP is specified. | |
ComboBox_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
ControlName | The name of the control in the UserControl that should be bound to this field. By default, the field's KeyName is used. | |
CssClass | The CssClass to use. | |
Currency_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Currency fields. See CellCurrencyAttrs | |
Currency_Culture | The Windows locale ID (LCID) or culture name (e.g. 2057 and en-GB respectively) for the currency, The value can be specified directly or using a field reference. | |
Currency_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
DatePicker_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to DatePicker fields. See CellDatePickerAttrs | |
DatePicker_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
DateTimePicker_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to DateTimePicker fields. See CellDateTimePickerAttrs | |
DateTimePicker_MinuteInterval | The interval, in minutes, between selectable minute values. | |
DefaultValue | The default value for the field. | |
DeleteBehavior | Specifies how mapper deletions should treat the table for which this field is the PK. Default indicates that the mapper should decide. Normally this property is managed in the Tables subform under Mappers. See FieldDeleteBehavior | |
Description | The field's description. This value is typically not used in the web application. | |
Discrim | The value or field reference to use as the Picklist discriminator. | |
EmailAddr_AllowDelimited | If true, email addresses can be delimited with a comma (,) or semi-colon (;) | |
EmailAddr_Bcc | The literal text or field expression ([field name]) to use as the Bcc. | |
EmailAddr_Body | The literal text or field expression ([field name]) (or combination) to use as the Body. | |
EmailAddr_Cc | The literal text or field expression ([field name]) (or combination) to use as the Carbon Copy. | |
EmailAddr_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Email Address fields. See CellEmailAddrAttrs | |
EmailAddr_EmailFromField | The field to use as the from address when sending an email. | |
EmailAddr_EmailNameField | The field to use as the display name when sending an email. | |
EmailAddr_Subject | The literal text or field expression ([field name]) (or combination) to use as the Subject. | |
EmailAddr_To | The literal text or field expression ([field name]) (or combination) to use as the To. Note that names should be delimited with semi-colons. | |
EmailAddr_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
EnumType | The fully-qualified enum type to use as the value type for this field in its TypedMapper. | |
FieldBehaviorAttributes | Miscellaneous options affecting the behaviour of the field. See FieldBehaviorOptions | |
FieldExportAttrs | Attributes specifying how this field should be handled during export processing (e.g. to Excel). See FieldExportAttrs | |
FieldGroupingAttrs | Attributes specifying how mapper grouping should be performed on a specific field. See FieldGroupingAttrs | |
FieldImportAttrs | Attributes specifying how this field should be handled during import processing. See FieldImportAttrs | |
FieldSecurityAttributes | Field-level security options. See FieldSecurityAttrs | |
FieldTableAttrs | Attributes specifying how the corresponding table should be handled. Typically applies to PK fields only. See FieldTableAttrs | |
FilePath_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to FilePath fields See CellFilePathAttrs | |
FilePath_CreateThumbnail | Determines whether a thumbnail should be created for an image. The default is to always create a thumbnail. | |
FilePath_DocumentType | Expression to use as the document type optionally including field references. | |
FilePath_DontResizeSmallerThan | Don't resize images that are smaller than the given size in kB. Default is 120kB. | |
FilePath_FileAccept | Specifies the types of files that the server accepts (that can be submitted through a file upload). Used to set the HTML input ACCEPT attribute on the field's FILE input. | |
FilePath_FileDBField | The binary field in the mapper that stores the file. | |
FilePath_FileDescription | Expression to use as the document description optionally including field references. | |
FilePath_FileMimeTypeField | The name of the field specifying the mime type of the content. If not specified, defaults to application/octet-stream. | |
FilePath_FilePathField | The name of the field specifying the file name. | |
FilePath_FileUploadSource | The mechanism by which the user provides the upload file. See FileUploadSources | |
FilePath_Folder | The virtual folder to use to store files. | |
FilePath_ImageDBField | The binary field in the mapper that stores the resized image. | |
FilePath_ImageFormat | The format of the output image. The default format is jpg. See ImageFileFormat | |
FilePath_ImageOutputPath | The path where converted images are to be located after conversion. | |
FilePath_ImageQuality | The quality of the converted image. The default quality for images is Medium. See ImageFileQuality | |
FilePath_ImageSize | The size of the output image. Small:640, Medium: 800, Large: 1024, Very Large: 1280. The default size is Large. See ImageFileSize | |
FilePath_MaxFileKB | The maximum upload file size, in KBytes. | |
FilePath_MissingImageIndex | If a missing file image is desired, the 1-based index into the document service's MissingFileImages list. | |
FilePath_StorageService | The document storage service to use. Requires that the UseDocService attribute be set. | |
FilePath_ThumbDBField | The binary field in the mapper that stores the thumbnail image. | |
FilePath_ThumbFormat | The format of the thumbnail image. The default format is jpg. See ImageFileFormat | |
FilePath_ThumbPath | The relative path to the output path where thumbnails are created. The default subfolder is called Thumb. | |
FilePath_ThumbQuality | The quality of the generated thumbnail. The default quality for images is High. See ImageFileQuality | |
FilePath_ThumbSize | The size of the output image. Small:50, Medium: 100, Large: 200, Very Large: 300. The default size is Large. See ImageFileSize | |
FilePath_Watermark | The text or picture to display when no picture value has been set. | |
FileUploader_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to FileUploader fields. See CellFileUploaderAttrs | |
FileUploader_FileAccept | Specifies the types of files that the server accepts (that can be submitted through a file upload). Used to set the HTML input ACCEPT attribute on the field's FILE input. | |
FileUploader_FileContentField | The sibling field in the mapper containing the file content. Depending on storage type this could be a document ID, binary data, or a file path. May be omitted if content is stored in this field. | |
FileUploader_FileUploadSource | The mechanism(s) provided for the user to upload the file. See FileUploadSources | |
FileUploader_MaxFileKB | The maximum upload file size, in KBytes. | |
FileUploader_MissingImageIndex | If a missing file image is desired, the 1-based index into the document service's MissingFileImages list. | |
FileUploader_StatusText | Status text used in pop-up status message during file upload. | |
FileUploader_StorageService | The document storage service to use. | |
FileUploader_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
FilterOptions | Options specifying field filtering availability and behaviour. See FieldFilterOptions | |
FilterWidget | The custom FilterWidget component to use for this field. | |
Find_AutoSuggestFields | A semi-colon separated list of fields in the search mapper against which to search when AutoSuggest is used. | |
Find_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Find cells. See CellFindAttrs | |
Find_FindCaption | The caption to use in the Find/MultiFind widget. | |
Find_FindDefaults | A semi-colon separated list of fields=value pairs specifying default search criteria. The values may include field references and/or embedded functions. | |
Find_FindDefaultSort | The default sort criteria to use when the find results are displayed | |
Find_FindFields | A tag string of field in the format <destination field>=[source field];<destination field>=[source field]. If the destination and source are the same, you may omit the source field. | |
Find_FindFilter | Filter to apply to the find. | |
Find_FindFlavor | The flavor to apply to both the find criteria and find results. See Flavors | |
Find_FindFullTextSearch | Specifies how Full-Text Search should be handled in Find and MultiFind. Overrides the corresponding UI feature setting. See FindFullTextSearch | |
Find_FindKey | The RowKey to the related item. For link navigation only, may be overridden with LinkKey. | |
Find_FindMOP | The Page to use for the find. For link navigation only, may be overridden with LinkMOP. | |
Find_FindNoSearch | A semi-colon separated list of fields, normally searchable in the search mapper, that should not be searchable in Find the UI. Note that each field can include and =<text> qualifier for display purposes. | |
Find_FindPageInstanceValues | A semi-colon delimited list of fields that exist on the same page as the find control. The value of these fields on the same page instance will be passed to the find dialog and potentially used for filtering. References to these instance values can be placed on FindFilter criteria using {} braces as the reference indicator. The Find will require that all such values are non-null/non-empty except those marked as optional with angle brackets (e.g. <first_name>). Standard reference syntax applies. | |
Find_HeightWidth | The fixed height and width (in the form "height;width") to use for the datasheet area of an inplace Find widget. | |
Find_LinkKey | The RowKey to the related item. Overrides FindKey which is otherwise used. | |
Find_LinkMOP | The Page to which to link. Overrides FindMOP which is otherwise used. | |
Find_NoTransaction | By default, the multi-find puts a transaction around the insert of items. Set this value to false to skip this step. | |
Find_RepeatDelimiter | Set this delimiter to use when RepeatedSelect is enabled and selections should append to existing value. | |
Find_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
Format | The .Net data format for the field. | |
Group | Specifies the name of the group to which this field belongs. If the name corresponds to the key of a GroupBox field in this mapper then the fields will be rendered within that GroupBox. | |
GroupBox_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to GroupBoxes. See CellGroupBoxAttrs | |
GroupingCaption | The text to use when the field is used for record grouping in a list. At this time field references are *not* supported. | |
GroupingSpec | Specifies how rows are to be grouped when grouping in the datasheet. | |
HeaderIcon | The image to use as the header picture. | |
HideFlavor | The flavor(s) for which this field should be hidden. See Flavors | |
Html_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to html type fields. See CellHtmlAttrs | |
Html_Height | The height of the control expressed in HTML units. | |
HtmlEditor_CssFile | The CSS file to use for the HTML editor. | |
HtmlEditor_EditModes | Specifies the HTMLEditor edit modes to be made available to the user when the field is writeable. | |
HtmlEditor_Height | The initial height of the control. | |
HtmlEditor_HtmlEditorNewLineMode | Controls the new line behavior in the HtmlEditor at the field level. | |
HtmlEditor_Skin | The skin to use on the Html editor. | |
HtmlEditor_ToolsFile | The XML file specifying which tools should be provided on the HTML editor's toolbar(s). | |
HtmlEditor_Width | The initial width of the control. | |
Icon_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Icon fields. See CellIconAttrs | |
Icon_DetailPane | Detail navigation should be to this pane in the specified LinkMOP. | |
Icon_ImageUrl | The url for the default image (relative to the root). This image will be overridden by any row-specific image. | |
Icon_LinkKey | The RowKey to the related item. | |
Icon_LinkMOP | The Page to which to link. | |
IgnoreRowLock | Deprecated. Use IgnoreRowLock FieldBehaviorOptions enumeration. Ignore any mapper-level RowLock (has no effect on field-level RowLock). | |
InfoLink | URL for additional information about this field. | |
KeyFormat | The .Net data format for the field's key as used in a picklist. Applies only when a picklist is specified. | |
Label_CellTypeAttributes | Label specific attributes. See CellLabelAttrs | |
LabelCaption | The HTML text to show as the label content for the field. Overrides Caption specifically for use on a field label in a detail form. | |
LabelCssClass | The CSS class to use for the field's label. | |
LabelOptions | Options controlling the presention of a field's label. See LabelOptions | |
Link_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Link cells. See CellLinkAttrs | |
Link_DetailPane | Detail navigation should be to this pane in the specified LinkMOP. | |
Link_LinkKey | The RowKey to the related item. | |
Link_LinkMOP | The Page to which to link. | |
Link_LinkSource | An expression that resolves to the URL for the link. | |
Link_OnClick | Javascript placed on the link's onclick event. Note that the script will be resolved for field expressions and embedded functions if, and only if, wrapped in a !fnResolve(). | |
Link_TargetFrame | The frame/window target in which to display the link. | |
LinkBehaviorAttributes | Options specifying field link behaviour. See LinkBehaviorAttributes | |
ListBox_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to ListBox fields See CellListBoxAttrs | |
ListBox_Rows | The number of rows to display in a list box. This can be a non-integer value, e.g. 1.5. | |
ListCaption | The display text to show as a column header in the datasheet. | |
ListCssClass | The CssClass to use when the field is in the list. This is appended to the CssClass value. | |
ListOptions | Options affecting behaviour of field in list views. See FieldListOptions | |
LockFlavor | The flavor(s) for which this field should be locked (additive to other reasons for locking). See Flavors | |
MapperSummary_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to MapperSummary fields. See CellMapperSummaryAttrs | |
MapperSummary_ContainerElement | Optional container element for the summary. For example, use "ul" to wrap the summary content in an HTML UL element. | |
MapperSummary_FieldList | The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show in the summary. All fields are included if list is empty. | |
MapperSummary_FieldOrder | The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys in the order in which they should be presented in the summary. Other visible fields will follow. | |
MapperSummary_Filter | The filter to use on the summary's mapper. The filter may contain references to other instance fields on other pages within the wizard. | |
MapperSummary_Flavor | The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The Summary flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors | |
MapperSummary_HTMLSummaryFlags | Options controlling the look and feel of the summary. See HTMLSummaryFlags | |
MapperSummary_Mapper | The mapper to use for this summary. | |
MapperSummary_SummaryTemplate | The template to use for layout. | |
Max | Maximum allowed value for the field. (May include field references) | |
MaxLength | The maxiumn number of characters to accept into the field. | |
MaxLengthTruncate | If a MaxLength is specified, the field's value should be truncated to that length automatically. | |
Min | Minimum allowed value for the field. (May include field references) | |
MultiSelect_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to CellType MultiSelect. See CellMultiSelectAttrs | |
MultiSelect_Delimiter | Override the default MultiSelect delimiter (";"). | |
MultiSelect_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
OnChange | Javascript placed on the control's onchange event. Note that the script will be resolved for field expressions and embedded functions if, and oly if, wrapped in a !fnResolve(). | |
OnStartup | Javascript registered in the page's StartupScript. Supports field references including the [~.] notation to get a reference to the current field. | |
ParentField | The name of the field in the parent used when filling default values for fields marked with the DefaultFromParent attribute. | |
Password_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Password fields. See CellPasswordAttrs | |
Picture_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Picture fields. See CellPictureAttrs | |
Picture_ImageType | The type of image stored in the database. | |
Picture_ImageUrl | The url for the default image (relative to the root). This image will be overridden by any row-specific image. | |
Picture_PrefixBytes | Number of bytes to ignore when extracting an image stored in the database. | |
Picture_StatusText | Status text used in pop-up status messages. | |
Picture_Watermark | The picture to display when no picture value has been set. | |
PluginTemplate | An HTML template to be expanded and registered on the page. Typically the template includes script references for 3rd party javascript plug-ins as well as javascript for applying or configuring the plug-in. | |
PositionOptions | Options controlling the positioning of the field in the UI. See FieldPositionOptions | |
PropertyName | The name to use for the property element in the generated TypedMapper. Normally used where field Key is a .Net reserved word. | |
RadioButtons_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Radio Buttons. See CellRadioButtonsAttrs | |
RatingIcon_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to RatingIcon cells. See CellRatingIconAttrs | |
RatingIcon_ImageFile | The relative path to the rating icon image file to use in the "on" state. | |
RemotePropertyName | The name to use for the property element in the generated RemoteMapper. | |
SecureText_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to SecureText type fields. See CellSecureTextAttrs | |
SecureText_Confirmation | Confirmation message to present to user before retrieving and displaying the secure text. | |
SecureText_DecryptedCssClass | The Css Class or classes to use when showing decrypted data in-place. | |
SecureText_DecryptionTimeout | The time, in seconds, that a decrypted value should be visible. Zero indicates no timeout. | |
SecureText_EncryptionKey | The encryption key, may include a field reference, e.g. "[crypt_key]". | |
SecureText_Mask | A formatting mask where 'a' represents an alphabetic character, '9' represents a digit, and '*' represented an alpha-numeric character. For SecureText fields the ShowInPlace cell attribute must be set. | |
SecureText_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
SelectExpr | A SQL expression to use in the mapper's SELECT clause. The results will be aliased to the normal field SELECT name using AS. | |
ShadowAttrs | Attributes affecting how this field's ShadowColumn is to be used. See ShadowAttrs | |
ShadowColumn | Another field, typically a ShadowColumn CellType, that should be used as a shadow for improved filtering. | |
ShadowColumn_ShadowAlgorithm | The algorithm to use when transforming a shadowed field's data into a form more amenable for filtering. See ShadowAlgorithm | |
Signature_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Signature fields. See CellSignatureAttrs | |
Signature_DocumentType | Expression to use as the document type optionally including field references. | |
Signature_FileDescription | Expression to use as the document description optionally including field references. | |
Signature_Height | The height of the control, in pixels. If omitted, height will be calculated as a fraction of the width. | |
Signature_ImageFormat | The format of the signature image. The default format is jpg. See ImageFileFormat | |
Signature_PenColor | The color to use for the signature pen. Color values are RRGGBB format hexadecimal numbers (e.g. "ff0000" for red). | |
Signature_StorageService | The document storage service to use to store the signature image. | |
Signature_Width | The width of the control, in pixels. This is required for precise sizing since the HTML5 CANVAS element can be sized only in pixels. If omitted, pixel width will be calculated as consistently as possible with other controls. | |
SortDescInit | Deprecated. Use SortInitDesc FieldBehaviorOptions enumeration. Specifies whether the field should sort descending (vs. ascending) upon initial user-initiated sorting of the field. | |
SourceField | Another field in the mapper from which to copy the value. The source value is copied on insert and update unless the destination field is dirty. Typically used on a foreign key to identify the corresponding join value. | |
Style | The HTML style expression to include on the element. | |
SummaryKey | The RowKey for the HoverSummary related item. | |
SummaryMOP | The Page to use for HoverSummary information. | |
Table | The underlying table for this field. Enter '+' for an unlocked field, no storage. Enter '-' for a locked field, no storage. | |
TagAttributes | HTML tag attributes to be added literally to the tag -- use with care. | |
TextBox_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to TextBox fields. See CellTextBoxAttrs | |
TextBox_DetailPane | Detail navigation should be to this pane in the specified LinkMOP. | |
TextBox_EncryptionKey | The encryption key, may include a field reference, e.g. "[crypt_key]". Applied only if the Encrypted cell attribute is set. | |
TextBox_InputTagType | Override type for the TYPE attribute of HTML5 INPUT tags. This provides for enhanced features on supporting browsers degrading to basic textbox support on older browsers. Note that by default this is applied only to mobile/tablet devices and you must set the FieldBehaviourAttribute.ForceInputTagType bit for other devices. See InputTagTypes | |
TextBox_LinkKey | The RowKey to the related item. | |
TextBox_LinkMOP | The Page to which to link. | |
TextBox_LinkSource | An expression that resolves to the URL for the linkable label associated with this TextBox. Ignored if LinkMOP is specified. | |
TextBox_Mask | A formatting mask where 'a' represents an alphabetic character, '9' represents a digit, and '*' represented an alpha-numeric character. | |
TextBox_Rows | The number of rows to display in a multi-line text box. This can be a non-integer value, e.g. 1.5. | |
TextBox_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
TextWithWidget_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to TextWithWidget fields. See CellTextWithWidgetAttrs | |
TextWithWidget_EnumType | The enumeration type to use as the source for the popup dialog for TextWithWidget fields. | |
TextWithWidget_ImageUrl | The url for the icon button image (relative to the root). | |
TextWithWidget_OnClick | Javascript placed on the widget button's onclick event. Note that the script will always be resolved for field expressions and embedded functions. | |
TextWithWidget_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
TextWithWidget_WidgetURL | Path to the widget content HTML (relative to root). | |
TimeDuration_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to TimeDuration fields. See CellTimeDurationAttrs | |
TimeDuration_MinuteInterval | The interval, in minutes, between selectable minute values. | |
TimePicker_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to TimePicker fields See CellTimePickerAttrs | |
TimePicker_DateField | The date field in this mapper associated with this time field. | |
TimePicker_MinuteInterval | The interval between minute selections presented in the TimePicker minute selector. | |
TimePicker_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
Timezone | The timezone format. Leave blank to store as written, use 0,. to store GMT, display local. | |
ToolTip | The field's tooltip. | |
ToolTipOptions | Options specifying how the field's tooltip is to be presented. See ToolTipOptions | |
Tree_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Tree fields. See CellTreeAttrs | |
Tree_CssHoverNode | The CSS class to use as the style for rendering a tree node when the mouse pointer is positioned over it, default is TreeHover. | |
Tree_CssLeafNode | The CSS class to use as the style for rendering leaf nodes, default is TreeLeaf. | |
Tree_CssNode | The CSS class to use as the default style for rendering tree nodes, default is TreeNode. | |
Tree_CssParentNode | The CSS class to use as the style for rendering parent nodes, default is TreeParent. | |
Tree_CssRootNode | The CSS class to use as the style for rendering the root node, default is TreeRoot. | |
Tree_CssSelectedNode | The CSS class to use as the style for rendering selected nodes, default is TreeSelected. | |
Tree_ImageSet | The group of images to use for the TreeView control. See TreeViewImageSet in the .Net documentation. | |
Tree_NodeSpacing | The amount of vertical spacing between adjacent nodes in the tree, default is 1px. | |
Tree_PaddingHoriz | The amount of space to the left and right of the text in the node, default is 5px. | |
Tree_PaddingVert | The amount of space above and below the text for a node, default is 2px. | |
Url_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to Url fields. See CellUrlAttrs | |
Url_LinkSource | An expression that resolves to the URL. | |
Url_LinkText | Link text to use in LinkOnly mode. This overrides the caption and may include field references. | |
Url_RootPath | The root path to prepend (if not present) to the link. | |
Url_TargetFrame | The frame/window target in which to display the link. | |
Url_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). | |
Url_WindowOpenOptions | Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions | |
ValidationRegEx | A regular expression used to validate the field value. The field will be considered valid if the expression matches. | |
ValidationRule | Specifies a data-specific field validation rule to apply. See FieldValidationRule | |
ValidationScript | A custom javascript validation function for the field of the form func(fld, val, full, caption) returning an error message string if validation failed else a null or blank string. | |
ValidationText | The text to display in the case of a field value validation failure. | |
WebServiceAttributes | Attributes specific to fields as they are generated in RemoteMappers for the purposes of a WebService. See WebServiceFieldAttrs | |
WebSite_CellTypeAttributes | Attributes specific to WebSite fields. See CellWebSiteAttrs | |
WebSite_TargetFrame | The frame/window target in which to display the link. | |
WebSite_URL | The literal text or field expression ([field name]) (or combination) to use as the URL. The default is to use the contents of the field. | |
WebSite_Watermark | Text to display in field when field value is not set (may use HTML placeholder attribute). |