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FieldCodeGenOptions Enumeration

Options for code generation a IField object. CodeGenOptions provides IMapper code generation options.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Metadata
Assembly:  EAP.Mapper (in EAP.Mapper.dll) Version: (
public enum FieldCodeGenOptions
  Member nameValueDescription
Nullable1 Create this field's value property as Nullable (e.g. nullable int? vs. non-nullable int). This is typically used on numeric or bool fields which, by default, are created as non-nullable. Most other types are nullable by default (e.g. string, datetime, guid). when a null non-nullable numeric field has an underlying null value, 0 is returned. For bool fields, false is returned.
StandardPicklistEnum2 Create the field's value property as an Enum based on the field's specified Picklist (must be of type StandardPicklist).
ExcludeFromSelect8 The field should not be queried when performing code generation. Use ExcludeFromSelect to exclude the field from the mapper's SELECT clause at all times.
DebuggerDisplay16 Add this field to the TypedMapper's DebuggerDisplay so its value can be seen easily during debugging.
See Also