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Field Properties

The Field type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAliasName
The name of the field in the mapper's view/table. Typically this is the same as the Key. One use of alias is to map two fields to the same column in the view/table. Obviously in such a case care must be taken to ensure that there is no data loss due to a user setting both fields to different values. Typically one or both are locked.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyAllowF8
Gets whether or not the F8 info page is allowed according to the application's DebugAttrs.NoF8 attribute.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyAnomalies
Gets/sets certain field anomalies. This is primarily intended for internal use.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyApplication
The field's application object. The application is obtained from the mapper if there is a mapper, else from the current application context.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyAssociatedDate
Gets the DateTime value from the date-only IField associated with this field, if any, (via the TimePicker_DateField property). When using separate date-only and time-only controls, e.g. DatePicker and TimePicker fields, in conjunction with one another, the two fields must be associated in order to perform proper TimeZone conversion with regard to daylight savings time. This gets this field's DateTime value safely even if there is no such association (in which case DateTime.MinValue.Date is used). Note that GetAssociatedDate is now preferred because it return null when there is no such date.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyAssociatedDateField
Gets the IField associated with this field, if any, (via the TimePicker_DateField property). When using separate date-only and time-only controls, e.g. DatePicker and TimePicker fields, in conjunction with one another, the two fields must be associated in order to perform proper TimeZone conversion with regard to daylight savings time. Use AssociatedDate to get the field's DateTime value safely even if there is no such association (in which case DateTime.MinValue.Date is used).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyAttributes
FieldAttrs flags specifying various behaviour of the field and apply to all fields. Additional CellType-specific attributes, per the CellTypes specified in the field's CellType property, are available via CellTypeAttributes. Both Attributes and CellTypeAttributes are normally loaded from meta-data during Load and can be set or altered programmatically.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyBaseControl
The WebControl bound to this field. The field may also have a LabelControl associated with it.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyBrowser
Gets the BrowserInfo object for the current request. Note: This object will be null in non-browser contexts.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyCaption
The localized caption for the field. The Caption is typically used for field label text. For retrieving a caption for the field with additional options, use LabelText providing LabelFlags.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyCellType
The type of control or use for the field. The CellTypes dictates much of the behaviour of the field in the UI. Note that CellType determines the enumeration represented by CellTypeAttributes.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyCellTypeAttributes
CellType-specific attributes dictating the behaviour for the field in a manner specific to the field's CellType. In addition to these CellType-specific attributes, Attributes contains FieldAttrs that apply to all fields regardless of CellType.

Depending on the CellType this property's value will represent attributes from the following enums:

(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyColumnName
The name of the field's underlying column in the database. Typically this is the same as the Key.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyColWidth
The width, in approximate characters, to use for the field in datasheets and other dynamically generated UI mappers. When zero the field is hidden.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyControlName
The name of the control to which this field should bind. This is generally the same as the Key. In dynamically generated pages the ControlName is used as the ID of the dynamically generated control. In custom contols (ascx) used bound to a mapper, the ControlName may vary from the Key in order to match the ID of the control on the page.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyDatabase
The data IDatabase used by the field. The data database holds the field's operational data. Meta-data is stored in the Repository.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyDataSourceType
The DBMSType of the field's data source. Normally this is the DBMSType of the DataDB, but if the mapper is using a live DataTable as its data source then DBMSType.DotNet will be returned.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyDataTableColIndex
Internal use only. Sets the index of this field in the DataTable used for binding.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyDataType
The .Net data type of the field. For example, a string would have a DataType of "System.String". Note that there is not a one-to-one mapping of .Net data types to DBMS data types. For example, SQL-Server char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar, text, and ntext all map to System.String.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyDefaultContains
Gets whether or not filterering on the field should default to "contains" filtering instead of "starts with".
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyDefaultValue
The default Value for the field to use when moving to a new record.
  • The DefaultValue may take the form of an embedded function such as !fnUserID() or !fnNow() to be evaluated when the default is set. See EmbeddedParser for more information on embedded functions.
  • A field initialized from its DefaultValue will not be made Dirty unless DefaultMakesDirty is set.
  • You can handle the RowSetDefaults event to set a field's DefaultValue programmatically just prior to its being applied to a new record.
  • If DefaultFromParent is set, the mapper will attempt to default the field's value from the corresponding field in any parent IMapper.
  • Set UseDefaultOnUpdate to use the field's DefaultValue to set the field's Value (if field is not Dirty) on every update. This is commonly used to maintain updated_dt and updated_by fields.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyDescription
The localized description for the field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyDirty
Indicates whether the field's value has changed since loaded by its mapper. Normally the Dirty flag is set automatically when Value is set programmatically or due to user action in the UI. You can set Dirty programmatically if desired. The Dirty flag is used by the mapper when determining which fields to write during an UPDATE operation. To set a field value without making it dirty, use SetValue(Object, SetValFlags, Object).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyCode exampleExcludeFlavor
ExcludeFlavor is used indicate that a field should be included from any mapper if a corresponding Flavor is set. Fields that are excluded are not hidden; they are never loaded into the mapper's Fields collection. A zero ExcludeFlavor indicates that the field should not be omitted from any mappers (unless specifically marked for limited inclusion using IncludeFlavor). If a field is marked as both included and excluded for a particular Flavor then the exclude bit is favored.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyFieldBehaviorAttrs
Gets the FieldBehaviorOptions for this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyFieldID
The primary key for the field record in the database. This is unique across all fields in all mappers. The Key is only unique within a single mapper. FieldID is a GUID.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyFieldLabelOpts
Gets the LabelOptions for this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyFilterOptions
Gets the FilterOptions property for this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyFindPageInstanceValues
Get the field's FindPageInstanceValues (PIVs) property removing any optional field markers (surrounding angle brackets).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyFlavor
The field's flavor (obtained from its mapper if any, else zero).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyCode exampleFormat
Data type-specific format specification instructing the field on how to display its data and how to parse a value out of user entered text. Most standard .Net formatting is supported and formatting is locale-appropriate. Additional formatting specifications are provided to extend those provided by .Net. Examples Here
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyHasPicklist
Returns true if this field has a picklist.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyCode exampleIncludeFlavor
IncludeFlavor is used indicate that a field should only be included in a mapper if a corresponding Flavor is set. Fields that are note included are not hidden; they are never loaded into the mapper's Fields collection. A zero IncludeFlavor indicates that the field should be loaded into all mappers (unless specifically for exclusions using ExcludeFlavor). If a field is marked as both included and excluded for a particular Flavor then the exclude bit is favored.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyIsBigInt
Gets whether or not this field is a big (64-bit) integer field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyIsButtonlike
Is this field button-like in behaviour?
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyIsDataDriven
Is this field data-driven (based primarly on CellType)?
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyIsFiltering
Is the field on a mapper being used for filtering (vs. manipulating data)?
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyIsFinding
Is the field on a mapper being used for finding (vs. manipulating data)?
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyIsMobileOrTablet
Gets whether or not the current browser is for a mobile or table device.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyIsSubform
Is the host page a subform?
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyIsUTCToLocalDate
Gets whether or not this field has a timezone spec of the form "0,." meaning store the date in the database in UTC and display in the user's local timezone.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyKey
The unique ID for this field in its mapper. Generally the Key corresponds to the column name in the mapper's view or table, to the column name in the underlying table, and the ID of bound controls. These correlations can be overridden by the field's AliasName, ColumnName, and ControlName properties respectively.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyLabelControl
The Label control bound to this field based on AssociatedControlID. The field may also have a BaseControl.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyLocked
Indicates whether the field should be locked. The property evaluates to true if the column locked due to a number of reasons:
  • The field's Locked attribute is set.
  • The field is locked due to permission reasons.
  • The field's table does not have a primary key defined.
You can set Locked programmatically if desired.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyMapper
The live IMapper object owning this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyMapperAndFieldKey
Gets the unique name for the current mapper and field (currently in the format MapperKey.FieldKey).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyNativeDbType
The native data type name for the field's column in the database. For example, SQL-Server supports the following string data types: char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar, text, and ntext.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyNoBorderWhenLocked
Determines if, when locked, this field should be displayed without a border.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyOldValue
The original value as loaded by the mapper. The OldValue is set automatically from Value when Value is set to a new value.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyOleDbType
The field's column's data type in the underlying database as mapped to OleDbType. The OleDbType is used to determine the way the column can be set, read, filtered and sorted. For example, the SQL-Server text and ntext data types are mapped to the corresponding LongVarChar and LongVarWChar, respectively and in SQL-Server have limited filtering capability and cannot be used to sort.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyPageElement
Gets the PageElementInfo associated with this field's mapper.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyPicklist
The live Picklist object associated with this field. Picklists are sophisticated vocabulary lists that are used to resolved underlying values to their display equivalents (e.g. 1=California, 2=New York, 3=Texas, etc.). Picklists values can be specified using SQL queries, meta-data specified lists, numeric ranges and other platform-provided mechanisms and even populated programmatically.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyPicklistID
The ID of the Picklist associated with this field and available through the field's Picklist property.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyProperties
The field's Properties collection. Properties can be specified in meta-data using the field's property sheet, or programmatically. Properties are used to specify many aspects of field appearance and behaviour. The Properties collection is loaded by Load.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyRepository
The repository IDatabase used by the field. The repository holds the field's meta-data. Operational data is stored in the Database.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyRowLocked
Specifies whether or not the field should be locked for the current row only. This property is cleared by the mapper immediately prior to the RowCurrent event. An extension can then set the property to true to lock this field for that row only. To perform row locking on the entire row set the RowLocked property. The field will be locked for all the static reasons (e.g. if the Locked attribute is set), or if the field is row-locked, or if the mapper is row-locked and the field's IgnoreRowLock behaviour is not set. Note that the IgnoreRowLock behaviour applies only to mapper-level row locking and has no impact on field-level row locking. For row-specific delete control, DeleteLocked.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertySecurityAttrs
Gets the FieldSecurityAttrs for this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyTable
The underlying table in which this field's data is stored. By default this is the owner mapper's View unless the field's Table property overrides that.

In addition, there are two "special" tables, "+" and "-". The "+" and "-" are used to signify a field that has no table (e.g. is ExcludeFromSelect), or for which it is desirable to disassociate the field from its table (e.g. to prevent a dirty value from being saved to the database). The "+" table causes the field to be editable in the UI, assuming the field is not otherwise locked. The "-" table causes the field to be Locked in the UI.

(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyTextItems
The field's localized TextItem collection. For a particular instance of a field only the locale (language) for the current user is loaded. The text is loaded by Load.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyToolTip
The localized tooltip for the field. Note the tooltip use is affected by the field's ToolTipOptions.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyUseBootstrap
Gets whether or not to render for a Boostrap-base application.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyUseLightbox
Gets whether or not to use a lightbox for inplace Find/MultiFind and similar popups.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyValue
The current value of the field. Setting the Value will set the field's Dirty flag and cause the previous Value to be copied to the field's OldValue. The Value is the underlying value of the field as stored (or to be stored) in the database. In many cases this is the same as the DisplayText. However, in some cases (e.g. when a Picklist is specified) the Value may not be the DisplayText. Use the DisplayTextGet(DispTextFlags) and DisplayTextSet(String) methods to obtain and set the DisplayText. You can use the SetValue(Object, SetValFlags, Object) for lower-level control when setting the field Value.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public propertyVisible
Indicates whether the field should be visible. The property evaluates to true if the column width is set to 0 or the field is hidden due to permissioning or other reasons. You can set Visible programmatically if desired. Programmatically setting the field visible will override all other visibility logic except permissioning.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected propertyWatermark
Gets the field's watermark string, if any and if appropriate (e.g. not if filtering). Null is returned if watermark is not present, or not in use, or blank.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
See Also