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Field Methods

The Field type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAggregateQueryExpr
Get the field's aggregate query expression for use in an aggregate query SQL statement. The field's "AggregateType" property is used to ascertain any specific setting and if there is none, then the aggregate type is determined based on the field characteristics.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodBindControl
Bind the control to this field and set it up appropriately. Note that if the ControlBindingFlags.NoFieldBind is specified, the control is not bound, but it is set up as it would be if bound.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodBuildFilter
Build a filter based on the equality with the field's current rawValue.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodBuildFilter(String)
Build a filter based on the specified comparison operand and the field's current Value.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodBuildFilter(String, String)
Build a filter based on the specified comparison operand and the specified value.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodBuildFilter(String, String, FieldFilterFlags)
Build a filter based on the specified comparison operand, the specified value, and the specified FieldFilterFlags filter building options.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodBuildFilter(String, String, FieldFilterFlags, String)
Build a filter based on the specified comparison operand, the specified value, and the specified FieldFilterFlags filter building options, description provided.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodCanSave
Determine whether this field can be saved to an underlying column.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodCreateControl
Create a WebControl for the field based on CellType, flags, and other settings.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodCreateFilterControl
Create a control for the field for use in filtering (vs. manipulating data).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodCreateLabel
Create a label control for the field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodCurrencyLocaleSpec
Generate the currency locale spec expected by the currency formatting/deformatting functions in EAPUtils js.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodCurrencyLocaleSpec(CultureInfo)
Generate the currency locale spec expected by the currency formatting/deformatting functions in EAPUtils js.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodDateFormatPattern
Defines how DateTime values are formatted and displayed, depending on the DateCulture defined.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodDateSQL
Generate the locale-neutral string for a date/time value (form is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodDisplayTextGet
Get the display text (vs. the underlying raw data in Value). The display text is generated by applying any picklist and formatting in order to convert the raw value into a string appropriate for presentation in the UI. Use DisplayTextSet(String) to set the field's raw value from a diplay text value. You can use ToDisplayText(Object, ValueConversionFlags) to convert raw value to its display text (with some limitations).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodDisplayTextSet
Sets the field's value from a "pretty" string from the UI applying any picklist and formatting to parse out the underlying Value. You can use SetValue(Object, SetValFlags, Object) with the FromDispText combined with with other SetValFlags for additional control over if and how the value is set. Use DisplayTextGet(DispTextFlags) to get the field's diplay text value. You can use ToValue(String, ValueConversionFlags) to convert a display text value to its raw value (with some limitations) without setting the field value or otherwise affecting the field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExec(FieldExecCmds, Enum, Object)
The Exec method provide extended functionality for fields. See FieldExecCmds for the enumerated list of commands.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodExec(FieldExecCmds, Int32, Object)
The Exec method provide extended functionality for fields. See FieldExecCmds for the enumerated list of commands.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodExtractImageFile(IDataReader, Int32)
Extracts a file from the database via the provided reader.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodExtractImageFile(String, String)
Extracts a file from the database. No data reader is provided, so one is created that points to the data needed to be saved to file
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodFieldLog(String, String, Exception)
Devlog an entry using caller as source with mapper.field identified.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodFieldLog(String, String, String, LogMessageLevel, LogCategory)
Devlog an entry using caller as source with mapper.field identified.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodFilePathDelete
Delete the file associated with this FilePath cell-type field (per flags).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodFillPicklist(WebControl, PicklistFillFlags)
Fills a ListControl (DropDownList)
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodFillPicklist(WebControl, PicklistFillFlags, String)
Fills a ListControl (DropDownList)
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodFilterGuid
Builds a filter for this field as a GUID.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodFilterPicklist
Generate a SQL filter clause for a field with a picklist. Note that if the filter is a NULL or NOT NULL filter, that is handled elsewhere and this method not called.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFindByValueCaseInsensitive
Case-insensitive replacement for ListItemCollection.FindByValue().
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodFireFieldEvent
Fire a field extension event for this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodFormatForFilterSQL
Format a value for use in a SQL filter clause.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodFormatValue
Format the provide values as specified in flags.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGenFilterClause
Generate a SQL filter clause for this field based on the specified value, operand, and filter flags.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGenFilterClauseAndDesc
Get a SQL filter clause, and its corresponding natural language description, for this field based on the specified value, operand, and filter flags.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGenFilterDesc
Get a natural language description for a filter built per the passed parameters. The parameters are identical to GenFilterClause();
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGenSortClause
Generate a SQL sort (ORDER BY) clause to use to sort on this field. The ORDER BY keywords are not included.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetAssociatedDate
Get the date value associated with this time field, if any. If no such association exists via the field's DateField property or if the value of the DateField is null or blank, then null is returned. If a DateField is specified and it has a valid date/time value then the date portion of that date/time value is returned.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetCascadedText
Get the specified localized text for this field. Obtaining the text is a cascading process from most specific to least specific always using the IDS as the id: 1) Look for the text item in the field's TextItems collection, 2) If not found, look for the item in the locale resource file, 3) If not found, use the provided defaultText.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetCssClass
Returns this field's CSS class(es) to use.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetCtrlValue(ControlValueGetFlags, Object)
Get the value from the control bound to this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetCtrlValue(ControlValueGetFlags, Object, Boolean)
Get the value from the control bound to this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetCurrencyCulture
Get the currency culture for the current field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetCurrencyCulture(ExpressionResolutionFlags)
Get the currency culture for the current field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetCurrencyCulture(String, ExpressionResolutionFlags)
Get the currency culture for the current field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetDisplayTimezone
Returns the TimeZone to be used for display purposes.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetFieldText
Get the specified localized text for the specified field. Obtaining the text is a three step process: 1) Look for the text item specified by name in the field's TextItems collection, 2) if not found, look for the item specified by ids in the locale resource file, 3) if not found, use the provided defaultText.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetFilePathBrowseJS
Get the javascript to use for file browsing for a FilePath cell.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetFilePathViewLink
Get the view link for a FilePath cell.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetFileUploaderViewLink
Get the view link for a FileUploader cell.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetFindLink
Get the navigation link for a Find cell.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetNavInfo
Get Navigation info for this field from cache, if cached, else generate it, cache it and return it.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetNavLink(String, LinkForNavFlags)
Calculates and returns the link for this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetNavLink(String, LinkForNavFlags, String)
Calculates and returns the link for this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetStorageTimezone
Returns the TimeZone to be used for storage purposes.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetTimezone(Int32)
Returns the TimeZone at the specified index. Use timezoneID -1 to get the user's current timezone and timezoneID -2 to get the server's current timezone. If requesting the user's current timezone and it is not known then the server's current timezone is returned instead. This behaviour matches that used to resolve !fnNow().
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetTimezone(Object)
Returns the TimeZone at the specified index.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodGetTimezone(String)
Returns the TimeZone at the specified index.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue
Retrieve the value from the field applying any specified transformations. If no transformation is required use Value.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodHasPermission
Determines if the field has the specified ObjectPermissions for the current user. If the object has no assigned permisions, the return value is true.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodHasTime
Determines if the specified date/time has a non-zero time component.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodInit
Initializes the control bound to the field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodIsAttrSet
Determines if a particular attribute (or any of a set of attributes) is set. Note that this is a shorthand for the expression (0 != (field.Attributes & attributes)) (C#) or (0 <> (field.Attributes Or attributes)) (VB).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodIsCellAttrSet
Determines if the specified CellTypeAttribute is set. Since a CellTypeAttribute is valid only for a particular CellType (since the bits are reused for other CellTypes), we must check both the CellType and CellTypeAttributes.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodIsChecked
Determine whether or not the field should be considered "checked" based on the provided value.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodIsReadOnly
Determine if field is read-only.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodIsReadOnly(String)
Determine if field is read-only and get the WhyLocked text.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodKeywordMatch
Determine if the specified word matches against a word in a keyword list.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodLabelText(LabelFlags)
Get the field's label text.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodLabelText(LabelFlags, String)
Get the field's label text.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodNumberLocaleSpec
Generate the number locale spec expected by the numeric formatting/deformatting functions in EAPUtils js per the current session number culture.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodPermissions
Get the ObjectPermissions for the field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodPicklistGet
Get the picklist object, if any, for the field and cache it in _picklist.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodPicklistList
Get a delimited list of item DisplayText from the field's picklist, if any.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodPreprocessFindFields
Pre-process Find cell fields into a form easily handled in javascript. The FindField Find cell-type specific property is a semi-colon separated list of dst=src values (where dst=src can be abbreviated to src when src and dst are the same). The result is a string of semi-colon separated sets of dst=src FindFields where each destination name is converted from a IField.Key to its IField.ControlName (generally identical), each source name is the IField.Key, and abbreviated pairs are fully expanded.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodRegisterFieldLog
Register DevLog information for logging if and only if the field's mapper's operational query fails.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodRemovePermissions
Remove the specified ObjectPermissions from the field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodResolveExpression(Object, ExpressionResolutionFlags)
Resolve an expression optionally having embedded functions and/or field references.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodResolveExpression(String, ExpressionResolutionFlags)
Resolve an expression optionally having embedded functions and/or field references.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodSetCtrlValue
Set the value of the control specified control using this field's current value.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodSetValue
Set the value of the field. Typically you simply set the field's value by assigning to Value, but you can use this method if finer control is required. For example, in order to set the field's value, but not cause it to be marked Dirty as a result you would call: field.SetValue("the new value", SetValFlags.DoNotMakeDirty, null). Unless this level of control is required it is recommended that Value be assigned directly.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodSiblingField
Get the specified sibling field in the mapper.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodSQLValue
Return the current field value formatted for use in a SQL clause.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodSupports
Determines if the field is capable of supporting the specified FieldCapabilities. The type of the field's underlying column in the database and the field's meta-data are used to determine if the field can provide such support.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodStatic memberSupportsVerticalSizing
Determines whether the specified field supports vertical sizing.
Public methodToDisplayText
Format the provided value as specified in the IAppContext, IField, and user preferences. This takes into account the IFieldNativeDbType, OleDbType, CellType, Format, etc. Note that the result will be formatted as it would be if the value were the field's Value and its display text were obtained via DisplayTextGet(DispTextFlags). This method is the inverse of ToValue(String, ValueConversionFlags).
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Public methodToString
Override the generic ToString method to warn if the ToString is called directly on the Field object This is a warning agains a fairly common mistake where a developer thinks they are accessing the field's value property by default, when in fact they are not. I've seen this type of problem cause errors when setting parameters in SQL statements
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodToValue
Parse the provided text as specified in the IAppContext, IField, and user preferences. This takes into account the IFieldNativeDbType, OleDbType, CellType, Format, etc. Note that the result will be parsed as it would be if the field's Value were being set via DisplayTextSet(String). This method is the inverse of ToDisplayText(Object, ValueConversionFlags).

Note that this method does not set the field's Value. Note also that the method does not use the mapper's operational data from other fields and so, for example, discrim values will not be applied.

(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodValFromDispText(Object)
Convert a DisplayText value, that is a value as it would be displayed to the user, to a raw value of the appropriate type.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodValFromDispText(Object, ConvertValOpts)
Convert a DisplayText value, that is a value as it would be displayed to the user, to a raw value of the appropriate type.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodValFromDispTextCur
Convert a text string into a currency value using the appropriate culture.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodValFromRawValue
Convert a raw value to a value of the expected type for this field.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodValueAsDate
Returns the value as a DateTime object using the specified TimeZone information.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Protected methodWindowOpenOptionsHex
Get the WindowOpenOptions as a hex string. Note that this method enforces certain application-wide features, in particular ForcePopupScrollbars which forces scrollbars on popup windows.
(Inherited from FieldKernel.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodEqualValue
Determines if the object value is equal to another object. If the two objects are null, then this returns true. There is special handling for guid comparisons (since a guid could be a string formatted in up to 3 different ways). If the special guid handling is not performed, then the object.Equals method is used.
(Defined by EAPUtil.)
See Also