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PageElementProperties Interface

Properties specific to PageElement objects.

Namespace:  SystemProperties
Assembly:  EAP.Mapper (in EAP.Mapper.dll) Version: (
public interface PageElementProperties

The PageElementProperties type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBootCarousel_CarouselAttrs
Options for controlling carousel presentation and behaviour. See CarouselAttrs
Public propertyBootCarousel_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to column 0.
Public propertyBootCarousel_ContextTemplate
An optional template used to provide common content outside the carousel. Any field expressions embedded in the template are resolved against the page's primary mapper.
Public propertyBootCarousel_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyBootCarousel_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyBootCarousel_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. See Flavors
Public propertyBootCarousel_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyBootCarousel_HelpTemplate
The template to use for popup help on the pane. Note that no template marker resolution is performed at this time.
Public propertyBootCarousel_ItemDescription
Optional description of a single record in the mapper (may include field references). Used for subnav items and overrides mapper's ItemDescription.
Public propertyBootCarousel_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertyBootCarousel_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyBootCarousel_PanelCssClass
CssClass name(s) to merge onto the panel element.
Public propertyBootCarousel_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyBootCarousel_RowsPerPage
The maximum number of items to display in the carousel.
Public propertyBootCarousel_Template
The template used to layout each item in the carousel using mapper field expressions embedded in the template.
Public propertyBootCarousel_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyBootRepeater_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to column 0.
Public propertyBootRepeater_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyBootRepeater_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyBootRepeater_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. See Flavors
Public propertyBootRepeater_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyBootRepeater_HelpTemplate
The template to use for popup help on the pane. Note that no template marker resolution is performed at this time.
Public propertyBootRepeater_ItemCssClass
Additional CssClass to use for the item div on this element.
Public propertyBootRepeater_ItemGridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for each item in this element.
Public propertyBootRepeater_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertyBootRepeater_NewTarget
If specified, a new link is available on this pane if the mapper supports inserts.
Public propertyBootRepeater_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyBootRepeater_PanelCssClass
CssClass name(s) to merge onto the panel element.
Public propertyBootRepeater_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyBootRepeater_RepeaterAttrs
Options for controlling repeater presentation and behaviour. See RepeaterAttrs
Public propertyBootRepeater_RowsPerPage
The maximum number of items to display in the repeater.
Public propertyBootRepeater_Template
The template used to layout each item in the carousel using mapper field expressions embedded in the template.
Public propertyBootRepeater_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyCaption
The name of the element. For wizard page elements, this is the title of the page.
Public propertyChangePassword_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyChangePassword_Grouper
The name of the WizGrouper page element hosting this page element.
Public propertyChangePassword_UsersMapper
The mapper to use when saving changes to user information other than password (e.g. secret question and answer).
Public propertyConfirmation
The confirmation message to display. The confirmation applies to the most significant action, but varies from element to element.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_CacheLife
For relatively static data obtained via expensive queries, set the cache life (in minutes) to improve performance. Data is cached per-user.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Attributes affecting datasheet layout for the element. See DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_DatasheetNavAttrs
Attributes controlling datasheet navigation behavior. See DatasheetNavAttrs
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_DetailPane
Detail navigation should be to this pane in the specified console page. If no DetailTarget page is specified then the current page is assumed.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_DetailTarget
The detail target (MOP) for the link to each item in the list.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_DisplayAttributes
Attributes that control the display of the datasheet. See PageDisplayAttrs
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_DrilldownAttrs
Attributes to customize the behavior of the drilldown from a list view See DrilldownAttrs
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_DrilldownKey
The field to use as the PK in a drilldown to detail navigation.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page, combined with fields in groups specified in this element's GroupList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. See Flavors
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_GroupList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field groups of fields to show on this page, combined with fields specified in this element's FieldList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_HelpTemplate
The template to use for popup help on the pane. Note that no template marker resolution is performed at this time.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_HiddenFields
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to hide on this page, combined with other field display options. Fields marked both to show and hide are hidden.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_LinkCaption
The caption to use on the console pane link. Often include something like "(click here for complete list)".
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_MapperGrouping
Grouping to apply to the element's Mapper. Note that this property overrides any DefaultGrouping property on the mapper and any PageGrouping property on the page.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_MaxHeight
The maximum overall list height in pixels. Scrollbars will be added if needed.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_MultiAddField
When MultiAdd is specified, this is the Find field to use for Add configuration. If the mapper has only one Find field then this property may be omitted.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_NavigationAttributes
Attributes controlling how navigation from this pane is performed. See PaneNavAttrs
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_NewPane
New item navigation should be to this pane in the specified console page. If no NewTarget and no NewPane is specified then no new item navigation link will be provided.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_NewTarget
If specified, a new link is available on this pane if the mapper supports inserts.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_NoSearchWithinList
Controls the display of the 'search within this list' on mappers with FTS.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_OrderingField
The field storing the mapper's ordering. When specified the datasheet will expose its row-ordering feature.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_PaneCssClass
CssClass name(s) to merge onto the panel element.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_PaneWarningThreshold
Hideable console panes whose rendering exceed this threshold (in milliseconds) should display a slow pane icon letting the user know that closing the pane will improve performance. This value overrides the corresponding Performance feature for this pane.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_PopupType
Specifies how the target new/detail page is to be presented. See PagePopupType
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_RequiredFields
The semi-colon separated list of fields that should be required on this page in addition to those normally required.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_RollupDateFormat
The date format to use on any date/time RollupFields.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_RollupFields
The fields used in a GROUP BY clause to roll up aggregate results for this page.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_RollupOptions
Options for mapper roll up aggregation lists. See RollupOptions
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_RowCountAlgorithm
Specifies how the datasheet will retrieve the current list's record count when it is not determinable from the main data query. See RowCountAlgorithm
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_RowsPerPage
The number of rows to display on the datasheet.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_Sort
The sort to apply to the element's mapper.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertyConsoleDatasheet_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_DeleteTarget
The MOP that specifies the navigation target following a delete from a detail record. Overrides the corresponding application property.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_DetailLayout
The layout for the part of the element's mapper presented in this wizard page. This is generally a MOP or a layout spec generated by the page designer.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page, combined with fields in groups specified in this element's GroupList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_Filter
A filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. See Flavors
Public propertyConsoleDetail_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_GroupList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field groups of fields to show on this page, combined with fields specified in this element's FieldList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_HelpTemplate
The template to use for popup help on the pane. Note that no template marker resolution is performed at this time.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_InitialFocus
Identifies the field to be given focus. Overrides any mapper-level setting.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_LayoutControl
A .aspx UserControl specifying mapper field layout using "fld", "lbl", and "tip" elements with runat="server" and key="<field-key>". If specified, this overrides any DetailLayout setting.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_LayoutControlAttrs
Attributes for See LayoutControlAttrs
Public propertyConsoleDetail_LinkCaption
The caption to use on the console pane link. Often include something like "(click here to edit)".
Public propertyConsoleDetail_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_LockFieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields that should be locked on this page even when not normally locked.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_NewPane
New item navigation should be to this pane in the specified console page. If no NewTarget and no NewPane is specified then no new item navigation link will be provided.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_NewTarget
If specified, a new link is available on this pane if the mapper supports inserts.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyConsoleDetail_PanelCssClass
CssClass name(s) to merge onto the panel element.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_RequiredFields
The semi-colon separated list of fields that should be required on this page in addition to those normally required.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_SaveQueryParams
Query parameters to be added to the destination SaveTarget upon successful save.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_SaveTarget
After save, navigate to this page.
Public propertyConsoleDetail_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyConsoleResponsiveNav_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyConsoleResponsiveNav_Navigator
The navigator to use on the ConsoleResponsiveNav.
Public propertyConsoleResponsiveNav_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyConsoleResponsiveNav_PanelCssClass
CssClass name(s) to merge onto the panel element.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_AllowFieldLinks
When true, the platform will attempt to render any Textbox that has properties allowing it to be rendered as a Navigation link to be rendered as such, instead of a flat field.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_Class
The CSS class to use for the list elements.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page. All fields are included if list is empty.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_GroupStartFields
A list of fields whose keys should "start" a new grouped set in the Detail's layout.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_LayoutStyle
The layout style for the element.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyConsoleSimpleDetail_PaneCssClass
CssClass name(s) to merge onto the panel element.
Public propertyDescription
Describes the page element. On wizard pages, this is used as the descriptive text shown at the top of the page (just below the page caption).
Public propertydsctrl_AlphaFilterAttributes
Attributes controlling how alphabetic navigation links are presented. See AlphaFilterAttrs
Public propertydsctrl_AlphaFilterField
The name of the field in the mapper to use for filtering with an alphabetic navigator (A, B, C, …). This overrides the Navigator and Filter Links on the page.
Public propertydsctrl_AlphaFilterTooltip
The tooltip to use when alpha filtering is configured.
Public propertydsctrl_CacheLife
For relatively static data obtained via expensive queries, set the cache life (in minutes) to improve performance. Data is cached per-user.
Public propertydsctrl_DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Attributes affecting datasheet layout for the element. See DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Public propertydsctrl_DatasheetNavAttrs
Attributes controlling datasheet navigation behavior. See DatasheetNavAttrs
Public propertydsctrl_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page. All fields are included if list is empty.
Public propertydsctrl_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertydsctrl_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertydsctrl_MapperGrouping
Grouping to apply to the element's Mapper. Note that this property overrides any DefaultGrouping property on the mapper and any PageGrouping property on the page.
Public propertydsctrl_Navigator
The navigator to use just above the datasheet.
Public propertydsctrl_NoSearchWithinList
Controls the display of the 'search within this list' on mappers with FTS.
Public propertydsctrl_PopupType
Specifies how the target new/detail page is to be presented. See PagePopupType
Public propertydsctrl_RequiredFields
The semi-colon separated list of fields that should be required on this page in addition to those normally required.
Public propertydsctrl_RowCountAlgorithm
Specifies how the datasheet will retrieve the current list's record count when it is not determinable from the main data query. See RowCountAlgorithm
Public propertydsctrl_SearchAgentWizard
The page to which to navigate if the user elects to create a search agent while saving a filter.
Public propertyEnableRule
Javascript expression, typically containing field references, used to determine whether or not a page element is available for the current record.
Public propertyFilmstrip_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyFilmstrip_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyFilmstrip_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. See Flavors
Public propertyFilmstrip_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyFilmstrip_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyFilmstrip_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyFilmstrip_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertyFilmstrip_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyFilmstrip_RowsPerPage
The number of pictures to display on a page.
Public propertyFilmstrip_Sort
The sort to apply to the element's mapper.
Public propertyFilmstrip_TargetFrame
The frame to display the link in. Use "_blank" to popup to a new window.
Public propertyFilmstrip_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertyFilmstrip_ViewKey
The key in the element's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the Primary Key is used.
Public propertyFilmstrip_WindowOpenOptions
Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions
Public propertyGMap_Channel
Used to track usage across different applications using the same client ID. Must be an ASCII alphanumeric string and may include ".", "_", and "-" characters. Overrides service setting, if any.
Public propertyGMap_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyGMap_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyGMap_CustomParams
Custom parameters/values to be added to the Google map request. Will be merged with any CustomParams specified on the service.
Public propertyGMap_DetailTarget
The detail target (MOP) for the link to the map item. If not set, the page's DetailTarget is used.
Public propertyGMap_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyGMap_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyGMap_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyGMap_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyGMap_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertyGMap_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyGMap_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyGMap_ShowClusters
Show closely grouped points using a cluster map vs. overlapped.
Public propertyGMap_Style
Style attributes to set on the containing <div> element that holds the map.
Public propertyGMap_TargetFrame
The frame to display the link in. Use "_blank" to popup to a new window.
Public propertyGMap_Template
The template used to layout the marker summary using mapper field expressions embedded in the template.
Public propertyGMap_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertyGMap_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyGMap_WindowOpenOptions
Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions
Public propertyGMap_ZoomLevel
Specifies the zoom level for the map. The default is 5.
Public propertyGraph_BarWidth
The width of the bars in a vertical or horizontal bar chart.
Public propertyGraph_CategoryAxis
The mapper field that represents the category.
Public propertyGraph_ChartSize
Size of the chart in the format: WxH (300x200)
Public propertyGraph_ChartType
The type of the chart.
Public propertyGraph_Colors
Semi-colon separated list of value axis colors. Color values are RRGGBB format hexadecimal numbers
Public propertyGraph_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyGraph_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyGraph_FormatY
Number format for the Y-axis.
Public propertyGraph_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyGraph_Gridlines
True to add gridlines to the graph.
Public propertyGraph_LabelInterval
The interval to insert labels. Applies to bar charts.
Public propertyGraph_Legend
Semi-colon delimited list of legend labels.
Public propertyGraph_LegendMargins
Width of the margin around the legend, in pixels. Use this to avoid having the legend bump up against the chart area or the edges of the image. (<legend_width>,<legend_height>)
Public propertyGraph_LinkCaption
The caption to use on the console pane link. Often include something like "(click here for complete list)".
Public propertyGraph_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyGraph_LinkMOP
The Page MOP to navigate to when clicking on the caption.
Public propertyGraph_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertyGraph_Margins
A 4 part string <left_margin>, <right_margin>, <top_margin>, <bottom_margin> of integers representing the margin around the chart.
Public propertyGraph_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyGraph_PaneWarningThreshold
Hideable console panes whose rendering exceed this threshold (in milliseconds) should display a slow pane icon letting the user know that closing the pane will improve performance. This value overrides the corresponding Performance feature for this pane.
Public propertyGraph_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyGraph_ScaleY
The scale for the y-axis.
Public propertyGraph_ShowLabels
Show labels on the items
Public propertyGraph_ShowLegend
Show the chart legend
Public propertyGraph_Sort
The sort to apply to the page element's mapper.
Public propertyGraph_TargetFrame
The frame to display the link in. Use "_blank" to popup to a new window.
Public propertyGraph_ValueAxis
Semi-colon delimited list of value (x-axis) fields.
Public propertyGraph_ValueRoundTo
The amount to round the max result to.
Public propertyGraph_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertyGraph_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyGraph_WindowOpenOptions
Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions
Public propertyGRSS_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyGRSS_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyGRSS_MaxHeight
The maximum overall list height in pixels. Scrollbars will be added if needed.
Public propertyGRSS_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyGRSS_RssFeedCaptions
A semi-colon delimited list of RSS feed titles. You must provide a title for each feed specified in the RssFeedURL property
Public propertyGRSS_RssFeedURL
A semi-colon delimited list of RSS feed URL's. You must provide a feed URL for each title specified in the RssFeedCaptions property
Public propertyGRSS_RssMaxItems
The maximum number of items to display per feed.
Public propertyGRSS_RssRenderStyle
The style in which to render the RSS feed. If no style selected, the default is TabbedStatic
Public propertyGRSS_RssUpdateFrequency
The update frquency in minutes for the feed. If not specified, or set to zero, then the feed will not automatically update.
Public propertyGSearch_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertyGSearch_NoMatchText
For Global Search, the text to display when no match is found.
Public propertyGSearch_SearchValueExpr
The field expression of the field to use as the search criteria.
Public propertyHelpDeskDetailCtrl_DescriptionField
The text to display as the document download link
Public propertyHelpDeskDetailCtrl_DocumentField
The field used to determine the path of the document to be downloaded
Public propertyHelpDeskDetailCtrl_GrouperField
The field used to group the various sub documents
Public propertyHelpDeskDetailCtrl_LinkField
if this field is set and a value is provided the row is treated as a link instead of a document.
Public propertyHelpDeskListCtrl_DescriptionField
The text to display as the document download link
Public propertyHelpDeskListCtrl_DocumentField
The field used to determine the path of the document to be downloaded
Public propertyHelpDeskListCtrl_FilterFields
List the fields that will be used for filtering via the filter control on the page. If none are listed, search is disabled.
Public propertyHelpDeskListCtrl_GrouperField
The field used to group the various sub documents
Public propertyHelpDeskListCtrl_LinkField
if this field is set and a value is provided the row is treated as a link instead of a document.
Public propertyHelpDeskListCtrl_RecordCount
The number of records to show per grouped area. If not set, this defaults to 3.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_FinishPageElementName
If your import wizard implementation uses a Finish page with a different name to "Finish", then set this property to indicate to the Definition page what page represents the 'Finish' page.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportAttrs
Attributes to modify the behavior of the import. See ImportAttrs
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportModeExistingPicklist
Provide a picklist with two options that describe the options a user is presented if they choose to import from an existing templateThe two required options are 1 - Import Now Using This Template, 2 - Queue The Import To Execute Offline, Your picklist must have the NoNullEntry picklist attribute set.If you don't override this property, the ImportModeExisting picklist is populated from the system picklist eap-excel-import-mode-existing.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportModeNewDetailPicklist
Provide a picklist with three options that describe the options a user is presented if they choose to create a templateThe three required options are 1 - Import Now After Saving Template, 2 - Queue The Import To Execute Offline After Saving Template, 3 - Just Create The Template For Later UseYour picklist must have the NoNullEntry picklist attribute set.If you don't override this property, the ImportModeNewDetail picklist is populated from the system picklist eap-excel-import-mode-newdetail.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportModeNewPicklist
Provide a picklist with three options that describe what a user can do if they are importing a spreadsheet without selecting a template The two required options are 1 - Just Import, 2 - Queue The Import To Execute Offline, 2 - Create Import Template, Your picklist must have the NoNullEntry picklist attribute set.If you don't override this property, the ImportModeNew picklist is populated from the system picklist eap-excel-import-mode-new.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportTemplateDupeCheckFilter
Provide custom criteria that will be used to check if the user is trying to save an import template using a name that already exists in the application.The name of the template the user is trying to create will be appended to the end of the criteria you specify.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportTemplateIDMatchField
Specify which field on the ImportTemplateIDMatchFunction returns the matching import template id from the xot_import_template table.The default value for this property is import_template_id.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportTemplateIDMatchFunction
Specify a function that will be used in a DBLookup to return a template ID that matches the signature of the selected spreadsheet and the mapper. At a minimum, your function should return TWO fields.1) A template ID - from the xot_import_template table (see property, ImportTemplateIDMatchField)2) A matching score value - so the import wizard can order the results and choose the best matching import template (See property, ImportTemplateIDMatchSort)This function will be used in combination with the property ImportTemplateIDMatchField (the template ID field) ImportTemplateIDMatchSort (how to select the best matching import template).By default, the platform will use the functiondbo.xof_import_template_matches(!fnUserGUID$(), !fnTenantID$(), {{signature}}, {{mapperkey}})If you override this function it should be configured to take, at a minimum, two parameters.{{signature}} - representing the signature of columns in the import spreadsheet{{mapperkey}} - representing the mapper you are importing intoThese two parameters are substituted at run time based on the import selections a user makes.The platform function also takes an additional two parameters!fnUserGuiD$() - representing the current user!fnTenantID$() - representing the current user's companyThese two parameters are passed in order to select the correct template based on template permissions.Your function to match the import template to a spreadsheet should also take into consideration your custom permissions. If you override the properties ImportTemplatePicklist, and ImportTemplateDupeCheckFilter and they use different permissions logic to the default platform logic, your function should also contain that same permission logic.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportTemplateIDMatchSort
Specify a sort order on the data returned from your ImportTemplateIDMatchFunction property. Your function would typically return a match accuracy score and you sort those scores to have the import wizard choose the best match.The default value for this property is match_level_id.Your sort order can include as many fields as you need and supports ascending and descending modifiers.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportTemplatePermissionPicklist
Provide a picklist with up to three options to represent the access permissions available for a saved import template.There are three levels of permission0 - Organization (Accessible to anyone in the same organization)1 - Personal (Private to the person creating the import template)2 - Global (Accessible to all users across all organizations)The default access option is 'Organization'.This picklist supports a discrimination to restrict who can select an import template to be 'Global'Typically this would be restricted to users with an administrator roleYour picklist would typically have the following discrim type picklist formatID - Representative Text - Discrim Value-- ------------------- -------------0 - Organization - 01 - Personal - 00 - Organization - 11 - Personal - 12 - Global - 1Discrim value of 0 represents a standard user. Discrim value of 1 represents an admin level userThe discrim value is determined by inspecting which user roles have the Policy, ExcelImportAdminPermissions If you don't override this property, the list of permissions is obtained from the eap-excel-import-permission picklist.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_ImportTemplatePicklist
Provide a picklist to choose which existing import templates a user can select from.The requirements of the picklist are...The first item has an index value of ZERO and represents NONE import template selection.Subsequent items in the picklist have a non zero index value and reflect an existing import templateYour replacement picklist must have the NoNullEntry picklist attribute.If you override this picklist then it must implement the same permissions model in the other template management properties you have overridden, ImportTemplateIDMatchFunction and ImportTemplateDupeCheckFilterIf you don't override this property, the list of templates is obtained from the eap-excel-import-templates picklist.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_MapFieldsPageElementName
If your import wizard implementation uses a MapFields page with a different name to "MapFields", then set this property to indicate to the Definition page what page represents the 'MapFields' page.
Public propertyImportWizDefinition_OfflineImportPriorityPicklist
Provide a picklist with three options to represent the priority of the offline import. Currently, three levels of priority are supported. 1 - Low, 2 - Medium, 3 - High. The display text of the picklist items you provide can describe what each priority level would mean to an end user. e.g. 1 - It can wait until tomorrow, 2 - I need by end of business day, 3 - I need the results right now!If you don't override this property, the priority picklist is populated from the system picklist eap-excel-import-priority
Public propertyImportWizDupe_ImportIdField
The field into which the xot_imports.import_id value should be set when LogInport is enabled.
Public propertyImportWizDupe_ImportNameField
The field into which the xot_imports.import_name value should be set when LogInport is enabled.
Public propertyImportWizDupe_LogImport
Log each import run to the xot_imports table.
Public propertyImportWizDupe_MaxErrorsPerRecord
The maximum number of errors to report per rejected record. Historically this value was 1, but the current default is 0, unlimited.
Public propertyImportWizDupe_UnrequiredFields
Fields normally required in the mapper, but which are NOT required in this import.
Public propertyImportWizDupe_ValidateValues
The wizard should validate values in the validation step by applying field min, max and other validation rules.
Public propertyLiteralContent_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyLiteralContent_ContentCssClass
The CssClass to use for content div on this element.
Public propertyLiteralContent_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyLiteralContent_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyLiteralContent_Grouper
The name of the WizGrouper page element hosting this page element.
Public propertyLiteralContent_HTML
The HTML content for the page. Note that content may be provided by Template, HTML, or Text, in that order.
Public propertyLiteralContent_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyLiteralContent_Template
The template used to layout the content. Embedded functions in the template will be resolved. The HTML content for the page. Note that content may be provided by Template, HTML, or Text, in that order.
Public propertyLiteralContent_Text
The text content for the page. Note that content may be provided by Template, HTML, or Text, in that order.
Public propertyMapperSummary_CssClass
Additional CssClass names to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyMapperSummary_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show in the summary. All fields are included if list is empty.
Public propertyMapperSummary_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyMapperSummary_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyMapperSummary_Filter
The filter to use on the summary's mapper. The filter may contain references to other instance fields on other pages within the wizard.
Public propertyMapperSummary_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The Summary flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyMapperSummary_HTMLSummaryFlags
Options controlling the look and feel of the summary. See HTMLSummaryFlags
Public propertyMapperSummary_Mapper
The mapper to use for this summary.
Public propertyMapperSummary_MapperSummaryAttributes
Options for summary presentation. See MapperSummaryAttrs
Public propertyMapperSummary_RowsPerPage
The number of rows to display on the summary.
Public propertyMapperSummary_Template
The template used to layout the summary in the Hover Summary.
Public propertyMapperSummary_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertyMapperSummary_ViewKey
The key in the element's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the Primary Key is used.
Public propertyMiniDetail_CacheDataOptions
Attributes that control the behavior and extent of data caching for certain console page elements See CacheDataAttrs
Public propertyMiniDetail_CacheLife
For relatively static data obtained via expensive queries, set the cache life (in minutes) to improve performance. Data is cached per-user.
Public propertyMiniDetail_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyMiniDetail_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyMiniDetail_DetailPane
Detail navigation should be to this pane in the specified console page. If no DetailTarget page is specified then the current page is assumed.
Public propertyMiniDetail_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyMiniDetail_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The MiniDetail flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyMiniDetail_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyMiniDetail_HelpTemplate
The template to use for popup help on the pane. Note that no template marker resolution is performed at this time.
Public propertyMiniDetail_LinkCaption
The caption to use on the console pane link. Often include something like "(click here to edit)".
Public propertyMiniDetail_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyMiniDetail_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyMiniDetail_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyMiniDetail_MaxHeight
The maximum overall pane height in pixels. Scrollbars will be added if needed.
Public propertyMiniDetail_MiniDetailAttributes
Options controlling MiniDetail behaviour. See MiniDetailAttrs
Public propertyMiniDetail_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyMiniDetail_PanelCssClass
CssClass name(s) to merge onto the panel element.
Public propertyMiniDetail_PaneWarningThreshold
Hideable console panes whose rendering exceed this threshold (in milliseconds) should display a slow pane icon letting the user know that closing the pane will improve performance. This value overrides the corresponding Performance feature for this pane.
Public propertyMiniDetail_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyMiniDetail_TargetFrame
The frame to display the link in. Use "_blank" to popup to a new window.
Public propertyMiniDetail_Template
The template used to layout the MiniDetail using mapper field expressions embedded in the template.
Public propertyMiniDetail_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertyMiniDetail_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyMiniDetail_WindowOpenOptions
Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions
Public propertyMiniList_AllowEditInList
Support immediate save editing of EditInList fields in this list.
Public propertyMiniList_CacheDataOptions
Attributes that control the behavior and extent of data caching for certain console page elements See CacheDataAttrs
Public propertyMiniList_CacheLife
For relatively static data obtained via expensive queries, set the cache life (in minutes) to improve performance. Data is cached per-user.
Public propertyMiniList_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyMiniList_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyMiniList_DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Attributes affecting datasheet layout for the element. See DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Public propertyMiniList_DetailPane
Detail navigation should be to this pane in the specified console page. If no DetailTarget page is specified then the current page is assumed.
Public propertyMiniList_DetailTarget
The detail target (MOP) for the link to each item in the list.
Public propertyMiniList_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page. All fields are included if list is empty.
Public propertyMiniList_FieldListExport
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to export. Use "*" to export all fields when overriding a non-empty FieldList/MobileFieldList.
Public propertyMiniList_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyMiniList_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyMiniList_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyMiniList_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The MiniList flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyMiniList_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyMiniList_HelpTemplate
The template to use for popup help on the pane. Note that no template marker resolution is performed at this time.
Public propertyMiniList_LinkCaption
The caption to use on the console pane link. Often include something like "(click here for complete list)".
Public propertyMiniList_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyMiniList_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyMiniList_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertyMiniList_MapperGrouping
Grouping to apply to the element's Mapper. Note that this property overrides any DefaultGrouping property on the mapper and any PageGrouping property on the page.
Public propertyMiniList_MaxHeight
The maximum overall list height in pixels. Scrollbars will be added if needed.
Public propertyMiniList_MultiAddField
When MultiAdd is specified, this is the Find field to use for Add configuration. If the mapper has only one Find field then this property may be omitted.
Public propertyMiniList_NavigationAttributes
Attributes controlling how navigation from this pane is performed. See PaneNavAttrs
Public propertyMiniList_NewPane
New item navigation should be to this pane in the specified console page. If no NewTarget and no NewPane is specified then no new item navigation link will be provided.
Public propertyMiniList_NewTarget
If specified, a new link is available on this pane if the mapper supports inserts.
Public propertyMiniList_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyMiniList_PanelCssClass
CssClass name(s) to merge onto the panel element.
Public propertyMiniList_PaneWarningThreshold
Hideable console panes whose rendering exceed this threshold (in milliseconds) should display a slow pane icon letting the user know that closing the pane will improve performance. This value overrides the corresponding Performance feature for this pane.
Public propertyMiniList_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyMiniList_PopupType
Specifies how the target new/detail page is to be presented. See PagePopupType
Public propertyMiniList_RecordCountLimit
The max rows to show when doing a record count. If the result is greater, then this value and the '+' sign are displayed. For best performance, set to same value as RowsPerPage.
Public propertyMiniList_RowCountAlgorithm
Specifies how the datasheet will retrieve the current list's record count when it is not determinable from the main data query. See RowCountAlgorithm
Public propertyMiniList_RowsPerPage
The number of rows to display on the datasheet.
Public propertyMiniList_Sort
The sort to apply to the element's mapper.
Public propertyMiniList_TargetFrame
The frame to display the link in. Use "_blank" to popup to a new window.
Public propertyMiniList_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertyMiniList_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyMiniList_WindowOpenOptions
Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions
Public propertyMiniNav_CacheLife
For relatively static data obtained via expensive queries, set the cache life (in minutes) to improve performance. Data is cached per-user.
Public propertyMiniNav_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyMiniNav_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyMiniNav_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyMiniNav_HelpTemplate
The template to use for popup help on the pane. Note that no template marker resolution is performed at this time.
Public propertyMiniNav_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyMiniNav_LinkMOP
The MOP of the page to navigate to from the caption of the console page.
Public propertyMiniNav_MaxHeight
The maximum overall list height in pixels. Scrollbars will be added if needed.
Public propertyMiniNav_MiniNavAttributes
Options controlling MiniNav behaviour. See MiniNavAttrs
Public propertyMiniNav_Navigator
The navigator to use on the MiniNav.
Public propertyMiniNav_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyMiniNav_PanelCssClass
CssClass name(s) to merge onto the panel element.
Public propertyMiniNav_PaneWarningThreshold
Hideable console panes whose rendering exceed this threshold (in milliseconds) should display a slow pane icon letting the user know that closing the pane will improve performance. This value overrides the corresponding Performance feature for this pane.
Public propertyMiniReport_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyMiniReport_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyMiniReport_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyMiniReport_MaxHeight
The maximum overall list height in pixels. Scrollbars will be added if needed.
Public propertyMiniReport_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyMiniReport_ReportName
The folder and name of the SSRS report.
Public propertyMiniReport_ReportParameters
A tag string of report parameters to set on this report. Param values may be embedded functions.
Public propertyMiniReport_ShowToolbar
Controls the visibility of the reporting toolbar.
Public propertyMiniReportCtrl_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyMiniReportCtrl_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyMiniReportCtrl_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyMiniReportCtrl_MaxHeight
The maximum overall list height in pixels. Scrollbars will be added if needed.
Public propertyMiniReportCtrl_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyMiniReportCtrl_ReportName
The folder and name of the SSRS report.
Public propertyMiniReportCtrl_ReportParameters
A tag string of report parameters to set on this report. Param values may be embedded functions.
Public propertyMiniReportCtrl_ShowToolbar
Controls the visibility of the reporting toolbar.
Public propertyNavBar_Navigator
The navigator to use for the NavBar
Public propertyNavBar_Width
The initial width for the side slot. The default value is 175px.
Public propertyNoRecordHtml
HTML to use then no records are found in the current filter.
Public propertyPackage
The package to use for permissions.
Public propertyPaneIFrame_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyPaneIFrame_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyPaneIFrame_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. See Flavors
Public propertyPaneIFrame_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyPaneIFrame_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyPaneIFrame_MaxHeight
The maximum overall pane height in pixels. Scrollbars will be added if needed.
Public propertyPaneIFrame_MOP
The MOP to render in the pane.
Public propertyPaneIFrame_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyPaneIFrame_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyPaneIFrame_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyPaneVisibility
Controls the console page element visibility. See PageElementVisibility
Public propertyPerformanceMonitoring
Public propertyphantomdetail_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page, combined with fields in groups specified in this element's GroupList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyphantomdetail_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyphantomdetail_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyphantomdetail_GroupList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field groups of fields to show on this page, combined with fields specified in this element's FieldList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyphantomdetail_InitialFocus
Identifies the field to be given focus. Overrides any mapper-level setting.
Public propertyPhantomDetail_LayoutControl
A .aspx UserControl specifying mapper field layout using "fld", "lbl", and "tip" elements with runat="server" and key="<field-key>". If specified, this overrides any DetailLayout setting.
Public propertyPhantomDetail_LayoutControlAttrs
Public propertyphantomdetail_LockFieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields that should be locked on this page even when not normally locked.
Public propertyphantomdetail_RequiredFields
The semi-colon separated list of fields that should be required on this page in addition to those normally required.
Public propertyRadChart_AutoTextWrap
Enables text-wrapping globally for all chart elements.
Public propertyRadChart_BorderVisible
Specifies whether or not chart borders should be visible.
Public propertyRadChart_CategoryAxis
The mapper field that represents the category.
Public propertyRadChart_ChartAttributes
Attributes affecting the way the chart is rendered or handled. See ChartAttributes
Public propertyRadChart_ChartMargins
Specifies the margins in pixels (top,right,bottom,left)
Public propertyRadChart_ChartType
The type of the chart.
Public propertyRadChart_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyRadChart_DefaultLabelValue
Public propertyRadChart_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyRadChart_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. See Flavors
Public propertyRadChart_FormatY
Number format for the Y-axis.
Public propertyRadChart_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyRadChart_Gridlines
True to add gridlines to the graph.
Public propertyRadChart_Height
The height of the chart.
Public propertyRadChart_HorizontalOrientation
Specifies whether a horizontal or vertical orientation is to be used.
Public propertyRadChart_LinkCaption
The caption to use on the console pane link. Often include something like "(click here for complete list)".
Public propertyRadChart_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyRadChart_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyRadChart_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyRadChart_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyRadChart_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyRadChart_RowKey
The key name of the field in the mapper to use for drill down.
Public propertyRadChart_Skin
The skin to use on the Chart.
Public propertyRadChart_Sort
The sort to apply to the element's mapper.
Public propertyRadChart_TargetFrame
The frame to display the link in. Use "_blank" to popup to a new window.
Public propertyRadChart_ValueAxis
Semi-colon delimited list of value (x-axis) fields.
Public propertyRadChart_ValueRoundTo
The amount to round the max result to.
Public propertyRadChart_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertyRadChart_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyRadChart_Width
The width of the chart.
Public propertyRadChart_WindowOpenOptions
Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions
Public propertyRadChart_YAxisMaxValue
The maximum value of the Y-axis.
Public propertyRadChart_YAxisMinValue
The minimum value of the Y-axis.
Public propertyRadChart_YAxisStep
The incremental step for the Y-axis.
Public propertyRecordSlider_CarouselAttrs
Options for controlling slider presentation and behaviour. See CarouselAttrs
Public propertyRecordSlider_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyRecordSlider_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyRecordSlider_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. See Flavors
Public propertyRecordSlider_ItemDescription
Optional description of a single record in the mapper (may include field references). Used for subnav items and overrides mapper's ItemDescription.
Public propertyRecordSlider_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertyRecordSlider_NewTarget
If specified, a new link is available on this pane if the mapper supports inserts.
Public propertyRecordSlider_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyRecordSlider_ParentViewKeySource
The key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is the primary key.
Public propertyRecordSlider_Template
The template used to layout each item in the slider using mapper field expressions embedded in the template.
Public propertyRecordSlider_ViewKey
The key in the target's Mapper to use as a filter key. By default, the parent's Primary Key is used. If it doesn't, set the ParentViewKeySource property.
Public propertyScheduler_AllowDelete
Allow scheduler items to be deleted.
Public propertyScheduler_AllowEdit
Allow scheduler items to be edited.
Public propertyScheduler_AllowInsert
Allow scheduler items to be created.
Public propertyScheduler_ColumnHeaderDateFormat
The format for the date header in the timeline view.
Public propertyScheduler_ContextMenu
The context menu to use on the scheduler.
Public propertyScheduler_DataCssField
The field whose value provides the CSS class for each item.
Public propertyScheduler_DataDescriptionField
The field to use as the description for each item.
Public propertyScheduler_DataEndField
The field to use as the end date/time for each item.
Public propertyScheduler_DataGroupField
The field or field expression to use as the GroupID for each item.
Public propertyScheduler_DataKeyField
The field or field expression to use as the key for each item.
Public propertyScheduler_DataStartField
The field to use as the start date/time for each item.
Public propertyScheduler_DataSubjectField
The field to use as the subject for each item.
Public propertyScheduler_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyScheduler_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The Summary flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyScheduler_HideViewChangeTabs
Hide the tabs to change the view.
Public propertyScheduler_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertyScheduler_LinkMOP
The MOP to navigate to on the click.
Public propertyScheduler_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertyScheduler_Navigator
The navigator to use just above the calendar.
Public propertyScheduler_Popup
When set, a user click on a scheduler item will present the item in a popup window rather than navigating to the item in place.
Public propertyScheduler_PopupHeight
The initial height for the popup window.
Public propertyScheduler_PopupWidth
The initial width for the popup window.
Public propertyScheduler_SelectedView
The scheduler view to display.
Public propertyScheduler_Skin
The Telerik skin name to use, by default this value is 'Office2007'
Public propertyScheduler_Sort
The sort to apply to the element's mapper.
Public propertyScheduler_SummaryMOP
The MOP providing the HoverSummary for the calendar item.
Public propertyScheduler_TargetFrame
The frame to display the link in. Use "_blank" to popup to a new window.
Public propertyScheduler_TimelineNumberOfSlots
The number of slots to show in the timeline view.
Public propertyScheduler_TimelineResourcePicklist
A picklist specifying the resources to display in the timeline view.
Public propertyScheduler_TimelineSelectable
Show the timeline view button.
Public propertyScheduler_TimelineSlotDurationMins
The duration of each slot in the timeline view in minutes.
Public propertyScheduler_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertyScheduler_WindowOpenOptions
Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_AllowDelete
Allow scheduler items to be deleted.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_AllowEdit
Allow scheduler items to be edited.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_AllowInsert
Allow scheduler items to be created.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_ColumnHeaderDateFormat
The format for the date header in the timeline view.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_ContextMenu
The context menu to use on the scheduler.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_DataCssField
The field whose value provides the CSS class for each item.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_DataEndField
The field to use as the end date/time for each item.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_DataGroupField
The field or field expression to use as the GroupID for each item.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_DataKeyField
The field or field expression to use as the key for each item.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_DataShowOnCalendarField
The field which provides a boolean value to denote whether the item should be displayed on the calendar. Defaults to True
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_DataStartField
The field to use as the start date/time for each item.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_DataSubjectField
The field to use as the subject for each item.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The Summary flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_HideViewChangeTabs
Hide the tabs to change the view.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_LinkMOP
The MOP to navigate to on the click.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_LinkQueryParams
Query parameters to be added to the destination LinkKey/LinkMOP navigation request.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_MiniCalColumns
The number of columns to display in the mini-calendar navigator.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_MiniCalRows
The number of rows to display in the mini-calendar navigator.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_MiniCalVisible
Show the MiniCal navigator.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_MonthItemsPerDay
The number of items to display within a single day cell of the month view. Default value is 2
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_Navigator
The navigator to use just above the calendar.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_Popup
When set, a user click on a scheduler item will present the item in a popup window rather than navigating to the item in place.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_PopupHeight
The initial height for the popup window.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_PopupType
Specifies how the target new/detail page is to be presented. See PagePopupType
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_PopupWidth
The initial width for the popup window.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_RememberSelectedDate
By default, the control remembers the last selected date. If set to False, the first view of the control will default to Today.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_SelectedView
The scheduler view to display.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_Skin
The Telerik skin name to use, by default this value is 'Office2007'
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_Sort
The sort to apply to the element's mapper.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_TargetFrame
The frame to display the link in. Use "_blank" to popup to a new window.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_TimelineNumberOfSlots
The number of slots to show in the timeline view.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_TimelineResourcePicklist
A picklist specifying the resources to display in the timeline view.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_TimelineSelectable
Show the timeline view button.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_TimelineSlotDurationMins
The duration of each slot in the timeline view in minutes.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertySchedulerCtrl_WindowOpenOptions
Options controlling the format of new browser windows. See WindowOpenOptions
Public propertySearchableGMap_ContentTemplate
The template to use for the Search Results / Info Pane content for each marker.
Public propertySearchableGMap_Filter
The filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertySearchableGMap_IconField
The field on the specified mapper that contains the Image picklist for the icons.
Public propertySearchableGMap_InfoDescription
Text / HTML to include on the popped up info pane under the Search input.
Public propertySearchableGMap_LatitudeField
The field on the specified mapper that corresponds to the latitude value for the record.
Public propertySearchableGMap_LongitudeField
The field on the specified mapper that corresponds to the longitude value for the record.
Public propertySearchableGMap_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertySearchableGMap_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertySearchableGMap_SearchableGMapAttrs
Attributes affecting SearchableGMap functionality and layout. See SearchableGMapAttrs
Public propertySearchableGMap_SearchRadius
The raidus (in miles) to use when determining if a Marker is close enough to the searched Place to be displayed on the map.
Public propertySearchableGMap_ServiceName
The GoogleMapsService to use when rendering this pane.
Public propertySearchableGMap_StartingLat
The Latitude value to use as a starting point when initially rendering the map.
Public propertySearchableGMap_StartingLng
The starting Longitude to use as a starting point when initially rendering the map.
Public propertySearchableGMap_StartingZoom
The starting amount of zoom to use when initially rendering the map.
Public propertySearchableGMap_View
The view to use on this element's mapper.
Public propertySelectedNavPane
The name of the nav target to select when this element is the active pane.
Public propertySimpleDetail_Class
The CSS class to use for the list elements.
Public propertySimpleDetail_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page. All fields are included if list is empty.
Public propertySimpleDetail_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertySimpleDetail_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertySimpleDetail_LayoutStyle
The layout style for the element.
Public propertySimpleDetail_LinkCaption
The caption to use on the console pane link. Often include something like "(click here for complete list)".
Public propertySimpleDetail_LinkKey
The RowKey to the related item.
Public propertySimpleDetail_LinkMOP
The Page to which to link.
Public propertyStatusText
Text to display under the status message.
Public propertyToolTip
The text to use for a tooltip on this item.
Public propertyUserCtrlHolder_Column
The 0-based column in the layout. If not specified, elements are assigned to columns round-robin in ConsoleTemplate and assigned to column 0 in BootConsoleTemplate.
Public propertyUserCtrlHolder_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyUserCtrlHolder_GridColumns
The number of grid columns (1 - 12) for this element.
Public propertyUserCtrlHolder_MaxHeight
The maximum overall list height in pixels. Scrollbars will be added if needed.
Public propertyUserCtrlHolder_PaneAttributes
Attributes specifying console pane characteristics. See ConsolePaneAttrs
Public propertyUserCtrlHolder_UserControl
The user control to be contained.
Public propertyWizGenericFilterBuilder_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page. All fields are included if list is empty.
Public propertyWizGenericFilterBuilder_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyWizGenericFilterBuilder_InstanceName
The name of the object instance to which this element belongs. If no instance is specified, the element name is used.
Public propertyWizGenericFilterBuilder_Mapper
The mapper to build the filter on.
Public propertyWizGenericFilterBuilder_UseChooser
Specifies whether or not a Chooser control should be provided for managing the filter fields.
Public propertyWizGrouper_BackCaption
The caption to use on the Back button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizGrouper_CancelCaption
The caption to use on the Cancel button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizGrouper_ClientHtmlBlock
A block of HTML that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method.
Public propertyWizGrouper_ClientScriptBlock
A block of javascript (typically function declarations) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizGrouper_ClientStartupScript
A block of javascript (to be run at page startup) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterStartupScript() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizGrouper_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyWizGrouper_NextCaption
The caption to use on the Next button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizGrouper_WizardPageAttributes
Attributes specifying aspects of behaviour for a wizard page. See WizPageAttrs
Public propertyWizGrouper_WizardStep
The wizard step name. This should correspond to an item in the originating wizard's WizardStepList.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_BackCaption
The caption to use on the Back button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_CancelCaption
The caption to use on the Cancel button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_ClientHtmlBlock
A block of HTML that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_ClientScriptBlock
A block of javascript (typically function declarations) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_ClientStartupScript
A block of javascript (to be run at page startup) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterStartupScript() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The Wizard flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_Grouper
The name of the WizGrouper page element hosting this page element.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_InstanceName
The name of the object instance to which this element belongs. If no instance is specified, the element name is used.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_NextCaption
The caption to use on the Next button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_OverrideFilter
Use this filter instead of the normal wizard detail filtering on this instance.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_Template
The template used to layout the MiniDetail using mapper field expressions embedded in the template.
Public propertyWizMiniDetail_WizardStep
The wizard step name. This should correspond to an item in the originating wizard's WizardStepList.
Public propertyWizMiniNav_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyWizMiniNav_Grouper
The name of the WizGrouper page element hosting this page element (applies only when hosted in a wizard page).
Public propertyWizMiniNav_Navigator
The navigator to use on the WizMiniNav.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_BackCaption
The caption to use on the Back button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_CancelCaption
The caption to use on the Cancel button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizPhantomdetail_ClientHtmlBlock
A block of HTML that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_ClientScriptBlock
A block of javascript (typically function declarations) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_ClientStartupScript
A block of javascript (to be run at page startup) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterStartupScript() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_CopyValues
Semi-colon separated list of field values to copy, in the form <dst-instance>.<field-key>=<src-instance>.<field-key>. Note that values can only be copied to the current instance and therefore no <dst-instance> should be specified.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_DetailLayout
The layout for the part of the element's mapper presented in this wizard page. This is generally a MOP or a layout spec generated by the page designer.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page, combined with fields in groups specified in this element's GroupList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_Filter
A filter to apply to this element's mapper.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The Wizard flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_Grouper
The name of the WizGrouper page element hosting this page element.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_GroupList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field groups of fields to show on this page, combined with fields specified in this element's FieldList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_InitialFocus
Identifies the field to be given focus. Overrides any mapper-level setting.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_InstanceName
The name of the object instance to which this element belongs. If no instance is specified, the element name is used.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_InvalidatingFields
When the InvalidatesLaterPages WizardPageAttr is set, restrict the invaliding fields to the fields specified here as a semicolon-separated list.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_LayoutControl
A .aspx UserControl specifying mapper field layout using "fld", "lbl", and "tip" elements with runat="server" and key="<field-key>". If specified, this overrides any DetailLayout setting.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_LayoutControlAttrs
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_LockFieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields that should be locked on this page even when not normally locked.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_MapperSaveOptions
Options passed to the mapper during the final save. If AlwaysAttemptSave is set, a save will be attempted even if the mapper is not dirty. See MapperSaveOptions
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_NextCaption
The caption to use on the Next button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_OverrideFilter
Use this filter instead of the normal wizard detail filtering on this instance.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_RequiredFields
The semi-colon separated list of fields that should be required on this page in addition to those normally required.
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_WizardPageAttributes
Attributes specifying aspects of behaviour for a wizard page. See WizPageAttrs
Public propertyWizPhantomDetail_WizardStep
The wizard step name. This should correspond to an item in the originating wizard's WizardStepList.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_AddPopupType
When one of the WizardListOptions AllowAdd bits is set, this specifies how the target page is to be popped up. See PagePopupType
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_BackCaption
The caption to use on the Back button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_CancelCaption
The caption to use on the Cancel button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_ClientHtmlBlock
A block of HTML that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_ClientScriptBlock
A block of javascript (typically function declarations) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_ClientStartupScript
A block of javascript (to be run at page startup) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterStartupScript() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page. All fields are included if list is empty.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_Filter
The filter to use for the list. The filter may contain references to other instance fields on other pages within the wizard.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_FindFieldKey
When MultiAdd is specified, this is the Find field to use for Add configuration. If the mapper has only one Find field then this property may be omitted.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_FindFilter
Filter to apply to the find (ignored unless find is allowed)
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The Wizard flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_Grouper
The name of the WizGrouper page element hosting this page element.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_InstanceName
The name of the object instance to which this element belongs. If no instance is specified, the element name is used.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_ItemDescription
Optional description of a single record in the mapper (may include field references). Used where a row description is appropriate.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_LegacyRendering
Specifies whether the list should use legacy rendering. If not set, defaults per the LegacyEditList Wizard feature.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_MaxItems
If list allows addition of new items, this is the maximum number of items allowed in the list.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_NewTarget
When available, the target for the New link.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_NewTargetRowKey
Used in conjuction with the NewTarget property to override the default parent rowkey value for new items.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_NextCaption
The caption to use on the Next button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_ParentMapper
The mapper to which new items will be related. The request pk parameter will be assumed to be that parent item's primary key.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_ParentViewKeySource
The instance and key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is [].
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_RequiredFields
The semi-colon separated list of fields that should be required on this page in addition to those normally required.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_SelectorField
The field, if any, to be associated with row selectors. Ignored unless WizardPageSelectors.ProvideSelectors is set. When a SelectorField is specified, each row's page selector checkbox state is persisted to this field as well as being maintained in the wizard's UserData. If not provided, selector state is only maintained in the wizard's UserData.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_SizingScheme
The list sizing scheme to use. Ignored when LegacyRendering is in use, else defaults to Fixed. See SizingSchemes
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_Sort
The sort to apply to the page element's mapper.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_SummaryFilter
Use this filter on a summary instance of a list instead of the original editable list filter.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_SummaryMapper
Use this mapper as the summary instance of a list instead of the main list mapper.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_ViewKey
The foreign key field for use in Find.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_WizardEditListOptions
Options specific to wizard editable list pages. See WizEditListOptions
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_WizardListOptions
Options specific to wizard list-type pages. See WizListOptions
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_WizardPageAttributes
Attributes specifying aspects of behaviour for a wizard page. See WizPageAttrs
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_WizardPageSelectors
Wizard page record selector options. See WizPageSelectors
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_WizardStep
The wizard step name. This should correspond to an item in the originating wizard's WizardStepList.
Public propertyWizPhantomEditList_WizInstField
A field in the mapper, that when specified, should be set to the current wizard instance's WizInst value on a new record, and against which a WizInst filter should be created.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_AddPopupType
When one of the WizardListOptions AllowAdd bits is set, this specifies how the target page is to be popped up. See PagePopupType
Public propertyWizPhantomList_ClientHtmlBlock
A block of HTML that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_ClientScriptBlock
A block of javascript (typically function declarations) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_ClientStartupScript
A block of javascript (to be run at page startup) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterStartupScript() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Attributes affecting datasheet layout for the element. See DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Public propertyWizPhantomList_DetailQueryParams
Query parameters to be added to the destination DetailTarget navigation request.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_DetailTarget
The detail target (MOP) for the link to each item in the list. Applies only when the AllowDrillDown WizardListOption is set.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_DrilldownPopupType
When AllowDrilldown is set this specifies how the target page is to be presented. See PagePopupType
Public propertyWizPhantomList_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to show on this page, combined with fields in groups specified in this element's GroupList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_Filter
The filter to use for the list. The filter may contain references to other instance fields on other pages within the wizard.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The Wizard flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyWizPhantomList_Grouper
The name of the WizGrouper page element hosting this page element.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_InstanceName
The name of the object instance to which this element belongs. If no instance is specified, the element name is used.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_ListMode
The mode for the list - the default value is StaticList. See MapperMode
Public propertyWizPhantomList_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_MaxItems
If list allows addition of new items, this is the maximum number of items allowed in the list.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_MaxSelections
The maximum number of items that may be selected. Applies only if page selectors are provided.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_MinSelections
The minimum number of items that must be selected. Applies only if page selectors are provided.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_NewTarget
When available, the target for the New link.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_NewTargetRowKey
Used in conjuction with the NewTarget property to override the default parent rowkey value for new items.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_ParentMapper
The mapper to which new items will be related. The request pk parameter will be assumed to be that parent item's primary key.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_ParentViewKeySource
The instance and key name in the parent Mapper to use as the source of the filter. By default this is [].
Public propertyWizPhantomList_RequiredFields
The semi-colon separated list of fields that should be required on this page in addition to those normally required.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_RowsPerPage
The number of rows to display on the datasheet.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_Sort
The sort to apply to the page element's mapper.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_SummaryFilter
Use this filter on a summary instance of a list instead of the original editable list filter.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_ViewKey
The foreign key field for use in Find.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_WizardListOptions
Options specific to wizard list-type pages. Note that at this time only AllowDrilldown and AllowRemoveItems are supported. See WizListOptions
Public propertyWizPhantomList_WizardPageAttributes
Attributes specifying aspects of behaviour for a wizard page. See WizPageAttrs
Public propertyWizPhantomList_WizardPageSelectors
Wizard page record selector options. See WizPageSelectors
Public propertyWizPhantomList_WizardStep
The wizard step name. This should correspond to an item in the originating wizard's WizardStepList.
Public propertyWizPhantomList_WizInstField
A field in the mapper, that when specified, should be set to the current wizard instance's WizInst value on a new record, and against which a WizInst filter should be created.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_BackCaption
The caption to use on the Back button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_CancelCaption
The caption to use on the Cancel button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_ClientHtmlBlock
A block of HTML that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_ClientScriptBlock
A block of javascript (typically function declarations) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_ClientStartupScript
A block of javascript (to be run at page startup) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterStartupScript() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_CollapsedText
The text to display when a question is collapsed via the WizardQuestionnaireAttribute:CollapseQuestionOnAnswer
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields representing questionnaire questions, combined with fields in groups specified in this element's GroupList. All fields are included if both lists are empty.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_FieldListMobile
The semi-colon separated list of mapper fields to show on this page on mobile devices.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_Flavor
The flavor to use on the element's mapper. The Wizard flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_Grouper
The name of the WizGrouper page element hosting this page element.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_InstanceName
The name of the object instance to which this element belongs. If no instance is specified, the element name is used.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_Mapper
The mapper to use for this element. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_NextCaption
The caption to use on the Next button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_WizardPageAttributes
Attributes specifying aspects of behaviour for a wizard page. See WizPageAttrs
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_WizardQuestionnaireAttributes
Attributes specifying aspects of behaviour for a wizard questionnaire page. See WizQuestionnaireAttrs
Public propertyWizQuestionnaire_WizardStep
The wizard step name. This should correspond to an item in the originating wizard's WizardStepList.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_BackCaption
The caption to use on the Back button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_CancelCaption
The caption to use on the Cancel button on this wizard page.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_CopyValues
Semi-colon separated list of field values to import from elsewhere in the wizard, in the form <field-key>=<src-instance>.<field-key>.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_CssClass
The CssClass to use for the top level div on this pane.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Attributes affecting datasheet layout for the element. See DatasheetLayoutAttrs
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_FieldList
The semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys of fields to to map in the import. All fields are included if list is empty.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_FieldOrder
An optional semi-colon separated list of mapper field keys specifying the order in which fields should be displayed. Other visible fields will follow.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_Filter
The filter to use for the list. The filter may contain references to other instance fields on other pages within the wizard.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_FindCaption
The caption to use for the import's Find.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_Flavor
The flavor to use on the import mapper. The Import flavor will always be ORed in. See Flavors
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_Grouper
The name of the WizGrouper page element hosting this page element.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_ImportType
The type of import. This value will be stored in the xot_import.import_type column.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_InstanceName
The name of the object instance to which this element belongs. If no instance is specified, the element name is used.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_Mapper
The mapper to use for the import. If none is specified, the mapper specified on the page will be used.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_MaxImportRecords
The maximum number of records that should be imported.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_MaxSampleRecords
The maximum number of records that should be displayed in the field mapping page.
Public propertyWizSimpleImport_NextCaption
The caption to use on the Next button on this wizard page.
Note Note
This interface is declared for documentation purposes only and is not intended to be used from code.
See Also