featureProperties Interface |
Properties specific to feature objects.
Namespace: SystemProperties
The featureProperties type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Accessibility_Landmarks | Specifies whether or not ARIA landmarks should be generated. | |
Accessibility_PaneCaptionElement | Specifies that console pane captions should be wrapped in this HTML element in order to improve accessibility. Typically a H1 - H6 element is specified as screen readers will take advantage of these. | |
Accessibility_SkipLinkProvided | A skip link (bypass block) is provided to the outercontent element. Configure outercontent to receive focus. | |
Accessibility_TabOrderRestrictions | Options for restricting explicit tab ordering of controls by the platform. See TabOrderRestrictions | |
audit_CaptureIPAddr | Specifies whether or not the audit should store the IP address of the request that caused the audit. | |
audit_CaptureRawValues | When logging audit data, capture each field's raw old and new values as XML attributes in the change_text column. | |
audit_ExportAuditAttrs | Determines what type of audit to perform, if any, upon a successful export. Each type can be used by itself, or in conjunction with any other audit type. See ExportAuditAttrs | |
audit_ExportAuditDatasource | Overrides the target datasource for "export" audit records (normally datasource is same as audit mapper). | |
audit_ExportAuditTable | Overrides the target table for "export" audit records (normally xot_audit_export). | |
audit_LimitFieldVisibility | Log audit data appropriately for enforcement of field-level visibility by the ReadableAuditVisibility extension. If false, the ReadableAudit attribute by the same name applies. | |
audit_NoItemDescription | Do not use the ItemDescription as the CustomAudit default expression. | |
audit_ReadableAuditDatasource | Overrides the target datasource for "readable" audit records (normally datasource is same as audit mapper). | |
audit_ReadableAuditTable | Overrides the target table for "readable" audit records (normally xot_audit_readable). | |
compatibility_AggregatesRequireQuery | When set, the datasheet will NEVER try to calculate aggregate values inline. This will generally result in additional DB queries that would otherwise be avoided. You should only set this feature if you are experiencing problems with datasheet inline aggregate calculations. | |
compatibility_DefaultTempFilterLife | Originally Temp SavedFilters with no EndDate were not cleaned up. Now, by default, they are deleted after 2 days. Override this by specifying the expiration days here, or zero to revert to the original behaviour. | |
compatibility_DisableAsyncRowCount | Disables the datasheets asynchronous, fire-and-forget row count mechanism. | |
compatibility_FasterAggregateDrilldown | Improves datasheet aggregate drilldown performance on slow lists. | |
compatibility_FindAutoSuggestFlavorLegacy | Turns off applying the Flavors.Find flavor to the Auto Suggest results mapper when a Find control is offerring Auto Suggest results. Note this makes the Auto Suggest results behavior inconsistent with the Find Control results behavior. | |
compatibility_ImmediateSaveOnUpload | Currently applies to the FileUploader cell type.The behavior of the FileUploader is to not perform an immediate save on the fields mapper when the file is uploaded. This behavior has changed from the original implementation and this feature attribute can be used to revert the FileUpload to perform an immediate save of the field's mapper when a document is uploaded. | |
compatibility_jQueryPath | Normally the platform decides which version of jQuery to use and the path to the jQuery js flie based on the MinIEVersion and any other relevant factors. Set this property to force the use of a particular jQuery js file. Note that this can be used to get jQuery from a CDN. | |
compatibility_LateBoundPicklistLegacyMode | Turns on legacy mode for late bound picklists. The legacy mode for late bound picklists is to cache a latebound picklist by discrim if a discrim value is provided, or by key if a discrim value is NOT provided.The new latebound picklist handling will cache by...Key if the latebound sql contains a {{KEY}} token.Discrim if the latebound sql contains a {{DISCRIM}} tokencombination of Key+Discrim if the latebound sql contains BOTH {{KEY}} and {{DISCRIM}} tokens. | |
compatibility_MinIEVersion | The minimum version of Internet Explorer (or Edge) that must be supported. Since the other major browsers update regularly, application functionality is generally limited by the oldest version of IE that must be supported. See MinIEVersion | |
compatibility_NoConsolePaneCssMerge | Prior to v3.5.10.150 any custom ConsoleTemplate pane CssClass replaced the standard CssClass, "cnsh", on the pane div. Starting with v3.5.10.150, the custom CssClass is merged with the standard class. Set this property to revert to the original behavior. | |
compatibility_NoServerMaxLenValidation | Set this to disable server-side mapper field validation of string length per the field's MaxLength property. Provided for backward compatibility only. | |
compatibility_OldRowRequery | Mapper saves that include a RowRequery should not use the new ImprovedRowRequery that allows for post-save iteration with the mapper and will use the original RowRequery mechanism instead. | |
compatibility_PageElementPermissionsLevel | Used to configure the permissions available for configuring page elements. Note that changing the level will require running a conversion script. See PageElementPermissionsLevel | |
compatibility_SaveInstancesOfRuntimeDisabledPages | By default, only instances associated with enabled pages are saved when wizard data is saved. Set to true if you want the wizard to attempt to save instances of all wizard pages even if they are disabled at runtime. Note this does not apply to pages disabled at design time in meta data. | |
compatibility_SmartTemplatePopulation | Improve performance by populating the values collection used to expand templates based on the template content. At this time affects MiniDetail and MapperSummary template expansion. | |
compatibility_UseNodeBasedTemplateExpansion | Uses the new version of template expansion (as of Platform that parses the Template's internal text into a list of nodes. This replaces the original Template expansion which used a Replace on the entire Template text while iterating through each item in the NameValueCollection. | |
dataexport_ConsolePaneExport | Specifies whether or not Excel export buttons should be provided on console pane headers for mappers supporting data export. Default is True. | |
dataexport_ConvertTimezones | When set, fields having Timezone specifications will have those specifications applied during export. By default date/time values are exported without timezone conversion. | |
dataexport_DefaultServices | The default set of services that will be added to all instances of DataExport.Export mapper. This set of services can be overridden on the Extension. | |
dataexport_ExportHistoryPage | The page used to offline exports. | |
dataexport_ExportHtmlAsHtml | When set, fields known to contain HTML should be exported without conversion to plain text. Override for specific fields using each field's FieldExportAttrs property. | |
dataexport_ExportLimit | The maximum number of records that may be exported to Excel from a datasheet (0 means unlimited). This setting may overridden by the property of the same name on each mapper's ExcelExport extension instance. | |
dataexport_ExportLoggingBehavior | The export logging behaviour. See ExcelExportLoggingBehavior | |
dataexport_ExportMode | Determines whether offline exports are supported for this system. The options are Never - All exports are requested and executed from the front end. Always - all exports are initiated by the user, but executed offline by a scheduled task. Smart - when a user initiates an export, the platform determines automatically determines whether an export should complete from the front end, or be queued for offline execution. In smart mode, you should set the ExcelExportSmartThreshold property to the number of seconds anticipated delay before an export is deemed to be too slow and be executed offline. See ExcelExportMode | |
dataexport_ExportOfflineAlertTemplate | The template to use for the in-app notification when the offline export is complete. | |
dataexport_ExportSmartThreshold | When the ExcelExportMode is set to Smart, this is the number of seconds we want an excel export to complete in. If we think the export will take longer than 30 seconds, the export will be queued for offline execution. | |
datasheet_AjaxRowCount | Use ajax to update the record count on the datasheet when the NoCount attribute is set. | |
datasheet_AjaxRowCountThreshold | Ignore AjaxRowCount, if set, if the mapper's primary query exceeds this threshold (specified in milliseconds). | |
datasheet_ColumnDragging | Controls the availability of column drag and Drop on datasheets. | |
datasheet_CssClass | The class names to add to the default datasheet class names. | |
datasheet_FBFButtonOnRight | Specifies whether the datasheet FBF button should be to the right of the textbox. | |
datasheet_FBFMobilePivot | Support pivoting of FBF on small devices. | |
datasheet_FBFOptional | The user should be able to toggle the FBF row open/closed. By default the FBF row should not be shown unless filter values are present. | |
datasheet_FillDownButtonLocation | By default the datasheet FillDown button is placed directly on the toolbar. Set this value to override its location. See MapperCommandLocation | |
datasheet_FindMaxHeight | Maximize the height of the Find and MultiFind popups. | |
datasheet_FindPagingStyle | Specifies the paging style for the Find and MultiFind results lists. The default style is PrevNext. See DatasheetPagingStyle | |
datasheet_FindRowsPerPage | Default number of rows per page for Find and MultiFind. | |
datasheet_FindRowsPerPageOptions | Semi-colon separated list of user-selectable FindRowsPerPage options. | |
datasheet_FitToPage | Fits datasheet contents to page adding scrollbars as needed to the containing DIV. Applies to FullPageScrolling mode only as this is the normal behaviour otherwise. | |
datasheet_FTSOptional | The FBFOptional toggler button should also toggle the corresponding datasheet's Full-Text Search (FTS) visibility. By default the FTS row should not be shown unless filter values are present. | |
datasheet_OmitFieldCssClassOnHeader | By default (starting with v4.0.2) each field's CssClass is included in the datasheet and wizard list column header for that field. Set this option to prevent this behaviour. | |
datasheet_PagingStyle | Specifies the paging style for the datasheet. The default style is PrevNext. See DatasheetPagingStyle | |
datasheet_RowCountAlgorithm | Specifies how the datasheet will retrieve the current list's record count when it is not determinable from the main data query. This may be overridden by the page element renderer. See RowCountAlgorithm | |
datasheet_RowCountAlgorithmByPerformance | If Ajax RowCount is enabled, will automatically enable asynchronous row counts on a mapper that isn't explicitly marked with the NoCount attribute. The logic kicks in when the mapper query exceeds a certain threshold as specified by RowCountAlgorithmByPerformanceThreshold. | |
datasheet_RowCountAlgorithmByPerformanceThreshold | When the RowCountAlgorithmByPerformance feature is turned on, the platform then uses the value of this property to set a query duration threshold at which the subsequent RowCount will be forced to be asynchronous as though the mapper had the NoCount attribute specified. If the value is less than or equal to zero, all RowCounts will be performed asynchronously. The default threshold is 500 msec. | |
datasheet_RowMenus | Specifies whether or not the datasheet supports row-specific MapperCommand menus, defaults to true. | |
datasheet_RowReorderOptions | Options specifying how row-reordering should function, where available, throughout the application. See RowReorderOptions | |
datasheet_RowsPerPage | Default number of rows per page. | |
datasheet_RowsPerPageOptions | Semi-colon separated list of user-selectable RowsPerPage options. | |
datasheet_RowsPerPagePosition | The position of the RowsPerPage buttons when presented in the datasheet. Default presenation is at the bottom of the datasheet. See RowsPerPagePosition | |
datasheet_StandardPicklistSortThreshold | When set, sorting on standard picklist fields is supported for picklists having no more than the specified number of items. A UNION subquery will be used for the sort. | |
datasheet_TimePickerWidget | Default to the TimePicker widget for TimePicker fields in editable datasheets. Provided to maintain backward compatibility when NOT set. | |
datasheet_UIForceBidirectional | For UI-based mappers (Datasheet, Detail), set the BiDirectional attribute on the underlying mapper. | |
datasource_AccountLog | The default location for the Account Log Datasource if not set on the AccountLog extension. If neither specified, will default to the data database. | |
datasource_FAFCountRequirePlatformSchema | FAF Counts are stored in database with platform schema, or, if the mapper datasource does not have platform schema, in the Data (default) Database. Set this feature property to true if you want to suppress the storage of FAF count in a database that is not the Mapper Datasource when the Datasource has no platform schema. Mappers in datasources without operational schema will present mapper counts only when manually requested by the user. | |
datasource_FailedSQL | Specifies the datasource to use for logging failed SQL requests. If not set, defaults to data database. | |
datasource_FieldTruncate | Specifies the datasource to use for logging field truncation errors. If not set, defaults to data database. | |
datasource_Journal | Specifies the datasource to use for logging Journal entries. If not set, defaults to data database. | |
datasource_QuickLink | Specifies the datasource to use for logging Quick Link URL's. If not set, defaults to data database. | |
datasource_RequestLog | Specifies the datasource to use for logging Page Requests. Will be used in preference to the Application property PageActivityDatasource. If neither are set, request logging will be to the data database. | |
datasource_TaskHistoryLog | Specifies the datasource to use for logging Task History/State. If not set, defaults to data database. | |
datasource_TaskLog | Specifies the datasource to use for logging Task Activity. If not set, defaults to data database. | |
datasource_ViewState | Specifies the datasource to use for recording Page View State. If not set, defaults to data database. | |
developer_DeveloperFeatureAttrs | A grab bag of feature attributes to turn on, to assist in tracking down certain problems. Setting developer features may actually have a performance impact on the system and should only by used temporarily. See DeveloperFeatureAttrs | |
developer_DisposableObjStackTraceLevel | Specifies the number of stack frames to capture (default is first 3) when creating a disposable object like DataReader, or Mapper. Those stack frames will be reported in the devlog if the Dispoable Object is not closed prior to disposing. Set value to 0 to disable this feature. | |
email_MailManager | The MailManager service to use for this application. | |
email_TemplateMailerMaxRecipients | The maximum number of recipients that will be included in any bulk email initiated by the template mailer. | |
excel_ConsolePaneExport | Specifies whether or not Excel export buttons should be provided on console pane headers for mappers supporting Excel export. Default is True. | |
excel_ConvertTimezones | When set, fields having Timezone specifications will have those specifications applied during export. By default date/time values are exported without timezone conversion. | |
excel_ExcelExportLimit | The maximum number of records that may be exported to Excel from a datasheet (0 means unlimited). This setting may overridden by the property of the same name on each mapper's ExcelExport extension instance. | |
excel_ExcelExportMode | Determines whether offline exports are supported for this system. The options are Never - All exports are requested and executed from the front end. Always - all exports are initiated by the user, but executed offline by a scheduled task. Smart - when a user initiates an export, the platform determines automatically determines whether an export should complete from the front end, or be queued for offline execution. In smart mode, you should set the ExcelExportSmartThreshold property to the number of seconds anticipated delay before an export is deemed to be too slow and be executed offline. See ExcelExportMode | |
excel_ExcelExportSmartThreshold | When the ExcelExportMode is set to Smart, this is the number of seconds we want an excel export to complete in. If we think the export will take longer than 30 seconds, the export will be queued for offline execution. | |
excel_ExcelImportMode | This feature behaves like a global switch to turn on, or off, Offline Import functionality.If no value is set for this feature property, the default value is for the Import process to behave as AlwaysOnline. Meaning no offline queueing is available. If no value is set, or, we set the property as AlwaysOnline it has two effects.1) Even if your import wizard has the WizImportDefinition page element added, the import wizard will SKIP this page so a user will navigate from Worksheet Selection to Field Mappings. The import wizard will import online.2) The scheduled task that is intended to monitor and execute the offline import queue will not actually read the queue and will not perform any offline importsSo if you want to execute Offline Imports, you must set this feature property to OfflineAvailable See ExcelImportMode | |
excel_ExportHistoryPage | The page used to offline exports. | |
excel_ExportHtmlAsHtml | When set, fields known to contain HTML should be exported without conversion to plain text. Override for specific fields using each field's FieldExportAttrs property. | |
excel_ExportLoggingBehavior | The export logging behaviour. See ExcelExportLoggingBehavior | |
excel_ExportOfflineAlertTemplate | The template to use for the in-app notification when the offline export is complete. | |
excel_IconPath | The path the Excel export icon. Default is images/excel.bmp and is 16x16 pixels. | |
excel_NativeExcelExport | Excel exports should be generated in the Excel native format rather than Excel XML format. | |
filtering_FilterSharing | Specifies whether users with the FilterSharing policy can share filters. | |
filtering_ManagerPage | The page used for filter management. | |
filtering_MaxOrClauses | The maximum number of OR clauses allowed in a single filter. The current default is 5,000. Excessive OR clauses in a query can overwhelm the DBMS. | |
filtering_PopupManager | Specifies whether the datasheet Filters menu Filter Management action should pop up the Filter Management page. | |
google_AnalyticsDomain | The domain to track. Use "none" (without quotes) to track all domains. To track only a subdomain, preface with a dot, e.g. ".mysub.com" (without quotes). | |
google_AnalyticsOptions | ||
google_AnalyticsProfileId | The profile ID for the Google Analytics account. Set the Page IncludeAnalytics attribute to enable analytics on that page. | |
highcharts_Enabled | True if HighCharts script should be inserted. | |
icons_DatePicker | A relative path to the calendar icon used in a DatePicker field. | |
icons_DivWidgetClose | A relative path to the close (X) icon used in an inplace div widget. | |
icons_Find | A relative path to the search icon used in a Find field. | |
icons_OverrideIcons | A semi-colon separated list of standard icons that should be overridden by identically named images in the application's ButtonImagePath folder. | |
logging_BrowserLoggingDatasource | The datasource to which to log when browser logging is enabled. | |
logging_BrowserLoggingOptions | Options controlling how logging is performed when browser logging is enabled. See BrowserLoggingAttrs | |
logging_DiagnosticService | The default diagnostic service to use. | |
logging_FailedSqlLoggingAttrs | Specifies what kind of logging should be performed to the xot_failed_sql_log. See FailedSqlLoggingAttrs | |
logging_LogAsync | If true, the request and timing log execute is done asynchronously. | |
mobile_CollapsedNavbarHtml | For Bootstrap-based applications, HTML to use in the collapsed Navbar menu in place of the standard platform HTML. | |
mobile_FooterControl | The control to render in the page footers. | |
mobile_IconPath | The value set for apple-touch-icon in the <head> element. | |
mobile_MarqueeImage | Mobile Marquee Image file. Relative to the root. | |
mobile_MasterPageFile | The master page file to use. By default, this is Mobile.master. | |
mobile_Navbar | The main navigation element to use for mobile applications. | |
mobile_StartupImage | The value inserted for apple-touch-startup-image in the <head> element. | |
performance_DocStorageWriteAsRead | When set, this allows any documents being written from the database via DocStorage to be flushed to the response as it is read into the response. | |
performance_FileWriteMaxBufferSize | When writing a file via HttpUtility.WriteFileFromDatabase, this determines the default buffer size when reading the document from the Database. | |
performance_NoCheckMsgs | When set to true, the EAP.CheckMsgs() javascript method is NOT called to check for registered page messages. | |
performance_PaneWarningThreshold | Hideable console panes whose rendering exceed this threshold (in milliseconds) should display a slow pane icon letting the user know that closing the pane will improve performance. This value can be overridden at the pane level. | |
performance_TimingLog | Specifies whether or not logging should be performed to the xot_timing_log. Default is True. | |
personalization_DoNotPersist | Do not allow personalization to be persisted beyond the current session. This should generally be set on applications that are public with a single "guest" user. | |
personalization_FavoritesPageTypes | The types of pages that users may add to their Favorites list. See PageTypesAllowed | |
popupmanagement_CloseOnAnySave | By default the PopupDialogTemplate closes on a save only if data was actually saved. Set this property to cause it to close even when no changes were made. | |
popupmanagement_DefaultPopupTemplate | The default page template to use in popup pages. | |
popupmanagement_ForcePopupScrollbars | Forces scrollbars on all popup windows overriding any WindowOpenOptions that would otherwise apply. | |
popupmanagement_HideFindFilterWidget | Hide (do not provide) filter widget in Find and MultiFind popups. | |
popupmanagement_InplaceDialogAttrs | Options for in-place popup div presentation. See InplaceDialogAttrs | |
popupmanagement_InplaceFind | Find and Multi-Find dialogs should be presented in in-place divs instead of popup windows. | |
popupmanagement_InplaceNew | New record dialogs should be presented in in-place divs instead of popup windows. | |
popupmanagement_UseLightbox | Specifies whether or not the jQuery lightbox should be used for Inplace popups. | |
reporting_AdHocWizardPage | The page used for ad hoc report creation (generally based on reporting!adhoc-wizard). | |
reporting_DoNotEnforceLinkUser | Allow use of SSRS report links created for one user (and authenticated against that user) by other users. | |
reporting_FooterControl | The default control to render in the report footer. | |
reporting_HeaderControl | The default control to render in the report header. | |
reporting_MaxRecords | The maximum records, by default, for reports to allow when using mapper filtering. | |
scanning_FileFormat | The file format to store for scanned documents. See ImageFileFormat | |
textmanagement_ImplicitVocab | When set, vocab substitution is applied implicitly by matching the normal text, vs. explicitly requiring !fnVocab markers. Note that field caption vocab is ALWAYS implicit. See ImplicitVocabLocations | |
ui_AllowBrowserZoom | If True and in Bootstrap, we'll disable the Viewport header when not in a mobile app. This will allow users to zoom the browser window (like on an iPad). | |
ui_AllowSimpleDetailFieldLinks | If true, SimpleDetail (and ConsoleSimpleDetail) controls will attempt to render any Textbox field that has metadata set for Navigation links to be rendered as HyperLinks instead of flat Labels. | |
ui_AppUIStyle | Specifies the application UI style. See AppUIStyle | |
ui_BaseCSS | If supplied, this takes the place of EAPDefault.css | |
ui_BaseHref | Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in the document. | |
ui_BookmarkHistory | Automatically maintain a history of those recently visited pages having the BookmarkHistory page attribute set and make a navigable history available to the user. | |
ui_BookmarkHistoryMax | The maximum number of items to maintain in a user's BookmarkHistory. The current default is 10. | |
ui_BreadcrumbsPerTab | When set, breadcrumbs are tracked separately for each browser window/tab (even in the same browser session). Note that this requies an additional AJAX call with resulting latency. | |
ui_ChangePasswordPage | The page to use as a change password page. This overrides the ResetPasswordMop on the application. | |
ui_ConsoleOptions | Console page options. See ConsoleOptions | |
ui_DefaultContains | Default all fields to 'contains' filtering instead of 'starts with' filtering. | |
ui_ErrorDelivery | The type of delivery for errors. See AlertDelivery | |
ui_FindFullTextSearch | Specifies how Full-Text Search should be handled in Find and MultiFind. May be overridden at the field level for Find fields. See FindFullTextSearch | |
ui_ForceCheckboxLabel | Always render a LABEL element with a checkbox. This is required for the awesome-bootstrap-checkbox plug-in. | |
ui_HtmlEditorNewLineMode | Controls the new line behavior in the HtmlEditor at the application level. | |
ui_LegacyLiteralContent | Specifies whether LiteralContent renderer should use legacy rendering. If not set, the current default is True, but the default will be changed to False at some point in the future. | |
ui_MaskedInputScript | Path to the MaskedInput .js file. Required only if standard platform MaskedInput is being overridden. | |
ui_PersistScroll | Specifies whether or not to persist the page's current vertical scroll position on a post back. Default is True. | |
ui_SubnavAboveCaption | When set, the dsnav subnavigator will be rendered above the page caption and toolbar. | |
ui_TextButtons | Toolbar buttons should be text-based and CSS-driven rather than image-based. | |
ui_TimePickerCSS | Path to the TimePicker .css file. Required only if standard platform TimePicker is being overridden. | |
ui_TimePickerScript | Path to the TimePicker .js file. Required only if standard platform TimePicker is being overridden. | |
ui_X_UA_Compatible | The full string to set in the meta tag when redering pages in Internet Explorer. | |
wizard_CancelButtonOnRight | If true, the cancel button will be laid out as the right-most button on the page. | |
wizard_LegacyEditList | Specifies whether WizPhantomEditList pages should use legacy rendering. If not set, the current default is True, but the default will be changed to False at some point in the future. | |
wizard_ResponsiveListBreakpoint | When ResponsiveTableList is set, this specifies the largest size for which the list should be pivoted. See BootstrapBreakpoints | |
wizard_ResponsiveTableList | Specifies whether WizPhantomEditList pages should be rendered as a responsive table whose rows can be transformed using CSS into a vertical arrangement. Increases the page size somewhat. |
Note |
This interface is declared for documentation purposes only and is not intended to be used from code. |