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PhoneServiceAttrs Enumeration

Attributes affecting the behaviour of phone services. This affects implementing the IMessage and ITwilioVoice interfaces, specically the TwilioSMS" service.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Services
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum PhoneServiceAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
EnforceWhitelist1 Restrict use to phone numbers specified in the service's whitelist. Provided for testing and debugging purposes. The whitelist is composed of numbers from the service's twilio_Whitelist and entires in the xot_whitelist table. When whitelisting SMS messages if the phone number is not in the whitelist and a twilio_TestNumber is provided then the TestNumber is used, else an error is thrown. When whitelisting voices messages both to/from number must be in the whitelist of an error is thrown. Note that phone numbers are expected to be in E.164 format.
See Also