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AlertAttrs Enumeration

Attributes for use with alerts and page messages (created via DisplayMessage(Alert) or one of its overloads). See Alert.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Services
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum AlertAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
DisplayMessage1 Indicates that this alert is a page message (typically created via DisplayMessage(Alert), or one of its overloads, and should not be delivered via the alert scan mechanism UNLESS the DeliverByScan attribute is also set. This provides for backward compatibility with the existing alert facility.
DeliverByScan16 Explicitly specifies that this alert should be delivered via the alert scan mechanism even if the alert is marked with DisplayMessage to identify it as a page message.
SeverityInfo4096 This is an informational message/alert. You should set only ONE severity. If multiple severities are specified the most severe is used.
SeverityWarning8192 This is a warning message/alert. You should set only ONE severity. If multiple severities are specified the most severe is used.
SeverityError16384 This is an error message/alert. You should set only ONE severity. If multiple severities are specified the most severe is used.
SeverityCritical32768 This is a critical message/alert. You should set only ONE severity. If multiple severities are specified the most severe is used.
SeverityMask61440 The mask of bits set aside for severity.
HtmlBody65536 The alert body contains HTML and should not be escaped.
See Also