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IDataExportService Interface

An interface used by the DataExport set of processes to export a Mapper's set of data to a specific Data format. The format specified is determined by the Service itself.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Services
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IDataExportService : IServiceInfo, 
	ICloneable, IEAPBase

The IDataExportService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplication
Gets or Sets the IAppContext object for the service.
(Inherited from IServiceInfo.)
Public propertyAttributes
Gets/Sets the service attributes.
(Inherited from IServiceInfo.)
Public propertyCategory
Gets/Sets the service category.
(Inherited from IServiceInfo.)
Public propertyCommandInfos
A list of MapperCommand items processed by this Service.
Public propertyComponentID
Gets/Sets the service ComponentID.
(Inherited from IServiceInfo.)
Public propertyDefaultFileExtension
The Default File Extension to use when exporting.
Public propertyDefaultMIMEType
The Default MIME type to use when saving / pushing the file to the browser.
Public propertyID
Gets/Sets the service ID.
(Inherited from IServiceInfo.)
Public propertyIsLegacy
If true, then we intend to use this service in its original, Excel-only, implementation.
Public propertyMapPropExportRowCount
The name of the property, on the Mapper, that contains the Row Count of the exported items.
Public propertyName
Gets/Sets the service name.
(Inherited from IServiceInfo.)
Public propertyProperties
The Properties collection of Property objects for this object.
(Inherited from IEAPBase.)
Public propertyTextItems
The TextItems collection of TextItem localized text objects for this object.
(Inherited from IEAPBase.)
Public propertyType
Gets/Sets the service type.
(Inherited from IServiceInfo.)
Public propertyVersion
Gets/sets the version of this object's assembly.
(Inherited from IEAPBase.)
Public methodAllowExport
Determines if the service is set up to allow export in the given AppContext.
Public methodAuditMessage(IAppContext)
Gets the Audit message to use during the export process.
Public methodAuditMessage(IExtension)
Gets the Audit message to use during the export process.
Public methodAuditMessageNoCount(IAppContext)
Gets the Audit message (With no count) to use during the export process.
Public methodAuditMessageNoCount(IExtension)
Gets the Audit message (With no count) to use during the export process.
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable.)
Public methodConvert(String)
Converts a given file, or XML, to the default file extension of the Service.
Public methodConvert(String, Boolean)
Converts a given file to the default file extnsion of the Service. When set, the original exported files will be deleted.
Public methodConvert(String, String, IMapper)
Converts a given file, or XML, to the specified file extension.
Public methodConvertToStream
Converts a given set of XML to a filestream with the given file extension.
Public methodExec
The Exec method provides extended functionality.
(Inherited from IEAPBase.)
Public methodExport(IMapper, MapperExportOptions)
Performs the export of all records. Note that the mapper is assumed to be filtered correctly.
Public methodExport(IMapper, MapperExportOptions, Int32, String)
Performs the export. Note that the mapper is assumed to be filtered correctly.
Public methodGetMIMEType
Gets the MIME type for a given file extension.
Public methodOnWebhook
Handles an invocation of a "webhook" event for the service. You should implement this event if you want your service to handle webhooks through the standard platform webhook wiring. The raw wiring for the webhook would look like handler.ashx?req=webhook&service=sss&appkey=aaa&token=ttt where sss is the name of the service, aaa is the application key, and ttt is the authentication token. When wired up in the manner, the platform will instantiate an IAppContext object, authenticate the request based on the provided token, obtain an instance of the service from the Services collection, and invoke this method on the service. If the webhook is wired up in this manner, you must override the base implementation of this method or an exception will be thrown.
(Inherited from IServiceInfo.)
Public methodServiceLoaded
Called after the ServiceInfo object is loaded
(Inherited from IServiceInfo.)
See Also