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MapperProperties Properties

The MapperProperties type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAggregateDisplay
Specifies if and how a mapper (currently datasheet only) should display aggregate data. Note that aggregate data display requires an additional query by the mapper. See AggregateDisplay
Public propertyAjaxValueFields
A semi-colon separated list of keys of fields whose values should be added to Ajax events such as Button AjaxClick.
Public propertyCaption
The caption of the mapper.
Public propertyClassName
The name to use when generating the TypedMapper class.
Public propertyClientHtmlBlock
A block of HTML that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method.
Public propertyClientScriptBlock
A block of javascript (typically function declarations) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterClientScriptBlock() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyClientStartupScript
A block of javascript (to be run at page startup) that will be added to the page using the .Net RegisterStartupScript() method, but wrapped in a <script></script> block.
Public propertyCodeGenFlavor
Flavor to set on the mapper during code generation. See Flavors
Public propertyCodeGenOptions
Options for affecting code generation for this mapper. See CodeGenOptions
Public propertyCommandTimeout
The time (in seconds) to wait for the command to execute. The minimum value is 30 seconds
Public propertyDefaultGrouping
The grouping (a column name) to use when a page containing the mapper is opened. An optional DESC keyword can be appended to invert the group order.
Public propertyDefaultSort
The sort (typically a column name) to use when a page containing the mapper is opened.
Public propertyDeleteLockExpression
A javascript expression, typically containing field references, which is evaluated as the default DeleteLocked value just prior to the firing of the RowCurrent event.
Public propertyDrilldownPopupType
When list specifies popup navigation this specifies how the target page is to be popped up. See PagePopupType
Public propertyFitWidth
Fit the columns to the width of the text.
Public propertyFlushCacheKeys
Upon an insert, update, or delete the mapper should automatically flush related caches for this mapper. Related caches are those items in the operational data cache whose related IDs have the same value as any of these fields' values.
Public propertyFullTextField
The field to use for full text indexing.
Public propertyFullTextPK
The primary key field to use when building the filter.
Public propertyFullTextSearchAttributes
Attributes that control the full text search behavior. See FullTextSearchAttributes
Public propertyFullTextSearchField
The field to use for FTS. Default value is all (*).
Public propertyFullTextTable
The name of the full text table for global search.
Public propertyFullTextTemplate
The template to use for full text indexing.
Public propertyGroupBy
The SQL GROUP BY expression to apply.
Public propertyInitialFocus
Identifies the field to be given initial focus in detail views of the mapper. May be overridden at the PageElement level.
Public propertyItemDescription
A description of a single record in the mapper (may include field references).
Public propertyLoadMoreMaxRows
The maximum number of rows to load when a Load More button is clicked.
Public propertyLogicalDelete
Specifies the field to use for logical delete handling. Ignored unless the LogicalDelete attribute is set.
Public propertyMapperGroupingAttrs
Allows for specific options on how mapper row grouping is to be performed and displayed. See MapperGroupingAttrs
Public propertyMapperPerformanceOpts
Options for tuning mapper performance. See MapperPerformanceOpts
Public propertyMapperTweaks
A grab bag of hacks and tweaks providing workarounds to unusual mapper problems. Use with caution. See MapperTweaks
Public propertyObjectType
Public propertyPerformanceMonitoring
Public propertyPhantomCellWidth
The width of each column in a detail layout.
Public propertyPhantomColumns
The number of columns to use when laying out a detail control.
Public propertyPivotColumn
The column about which to perform the pivot (applies only when pivoting).
Public propertyPivotValue
The column to show in the pivot (applies only when pivoting).
Public propertyQuerySQL
A SQL query or stored procedure call used to retrieve data for the mapper instead of the normal, mapper-constructed query. May include [[PREFILTER]], [[FILTER]], [[OPTIONS]], [[SORT]], [[TOPN]] markers.
Public propertyRelatedPicklists
A semi-colon delimited list of picklists (Cache, SQL) that should be refreshed when this mapper is changed.
Public propertyRemoteClassName
The name to use when generating the RemoteMapper class.
Public propertyRowCssFields
A semi-colon separated list of keys of fields whose values should be added as CSS styles on the row.
Public propertyRowLockExpression
A javascript expression, typically containing field references, which is evaluated as the default RowLocked value just prior to the firing of the RowCurrent event.
Public propertyRowRevision
Specifies the field to use for optimistic locking via row revisioning. Field must be an integer.
Public propertyRowsPerPage
The number of rows to display on a page in a datasheet (list) view. Can be overridden per page and/or NavTarget.
Public propertySearchAgentMainTemplate
Specify a template for the main body of the search agent notification emails. You must provide both a main template and notify template for agents to present data inline, or inside a PDF attachment.
Public propertySearchAgentNotifyTemplate
Specify a template for the item details of the search agent notification emails. You must provide both a main template and notify template for agents to present data inline, or inside a PDF attachment.
Public propertyTabOrderAttributes
Specifies how the mapper should tab order controls in detail forms. Ignored if the NoTabOrdering attribute is set. Overridden by any non-zero page-level TabOrderAttributes setting. See TabOrderAttrs
Public propertyTenantFilterCaching
When caching is turned on and this property is true, the filters for this mapper will be cached with a name including a tenant ID. Therefore each tenant could have a different set of cached filters. The default is false and therefore caching is simply by mapper key and user profile.
Public propertyTypedMapperKey
The key name to use when validating the TypedMapper attach.
See Also