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HttpExtensions Methods

The HttpExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberEAPRequestID
Gets the platform request ID from the current HttpContext object, if any. If no current HttpContext object exists (e.g. in the studio), a null or empty string is returned.
Public methodStatic memberEAPUtkn
Gets the user token from the cookie on the HttpContext object. If no current HttpContext object exists (e.g. in the studio), a null or empty string is returned.
Public methodStatic memberGetDevCmd
Gets the developer command, if any. This is obtained from the "devcmd" query parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetEAPAction
Gets the EAP action if it can be determined. It's fairly difficult, in general, to determine the action (e.g. button clicked) invoked by a postback. This method examines the posted back FORM and attempts to identify the EAP action that caused the postback.
Public methodStatic memberGetEventArgs(HttpContext)
Gets the event argument (__EVENTARGUMENT) from the HttpContext's request.
Public methodStatic memberGetEventArgs(HttpRequest)
Gets the event argument (__EVENTARGUMENT) from the request.
Public methodStatic memberGetEventTarget(HttpContext)
Gets the event target (__EVENTTARGET) from the HttpContext's request.
Public methodStatic memberGetEventTarget(HttpRequest)
Gets the event target (__EVENTTARGET) from the request.
Public methodStatic memberGetPostActionSummary
Creates a summary of the action being invoked by a POST. Captures key information from the posted FORM that helps identify the action being performed.
Public methodStatic memberPageCommand
Get the platform-specific page command from the request. The page command is a generic platform for posting back commands from the page via a hidden "eappgcmd" element inserted via javascript into the DOM of the requesting page.
Public methodStatic memberQueryStringOrFormValue
Gets the specified QueryString/Form key from the HttpRequest. Unlike HttpRequest[key], the request Cookies and ServerVariables collections are NOT searched. Only the QueryString and Form collections, in that order, are searched.
Public methodStatic memberReadRawForm
Reads the raw FORM string from a POST request. Note that the URI components are still UriEncoded.
Public methodStatic memberReloadPage
Reloads the current page by redirecting to the current raw URL.
Public methodStatic memberRequestValue
Gets the value of the specified parameter from the current HttpRequest. If there is no current HttpContext or HttpRequest, or if the parameter is not found then null is returned.
See Also