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IConsoleTemplate Properties

The IConsoleTemplate type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActivePane
Gets the active IConsolePane for the console. The active pane is the pane driving the current action and controlling the toolbar. Unless PaneNavigation is in play, the ActivePane is always the MainPane. However, when PaneNavigation is in play, the ActivePane is often not the same pane as the MainPane. For example, if the main pane were a company detail and, using PaneNavigation and the user navigated to an addresses pane for that company then the MainPane would be the company pane, but the ActivePane would be the addresses pane. In that case, the Toolbar would be driven by the addresses pane and, for example, an Excel export would export a list of addresses rather than the company record.
Public propertyApplication
Returns the IAppContext object.
Public propertyIsEditMode
Gets the status of the console EditMode, true = on, false = off.
Public propertyMainMapperObject
Gets the primary IMapper associated with the MainRenderer. Note that not all renderers have a primary mapper so this may return null.
Public propertyMainPane
Gets the main IConsolePane for the console. The main pane is typically some type of detail renderer used to provide context for all the other panes including construction of parent filters on the other panes. For example, the main pane might be a company detail pane and some other panes might include company addresses and company contacts where each of those other panes are filtered against the current company in the MainPane to provide addresses and contacts specific to that company.
Public propertyMainRenderer
Gets the primary renderer for the current page (from the "main" slot). The renderer is expected to be derived from the EAPControlBase class and implement the IRenderer interface Use MainMapperObject to get its mapper, if any.
Public propertyPageInfo
Gets the PageInfo object for the current page.
Public propertyPanes
The console's collection of IConsolePane objects, indexed by PageElementInfo.Name. Note that this collection is a copy of the console's internal collection. It contains references to the actual IConsolePane objects, but changes to the collection itself (e.g. adding or removing panes) will have no effect to the console.
Public propertyToolbar
Returns the IToolbar for this page.
See Also