Click or drag to resize

IToolbar Interface

The common interface for platform toolbars.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.WebControls
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IToolbar

The IToolbar type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCaption
The toolbar localized caption string.
Public propertyCaptionStyle
Options controlling the overall look of the toolbar.
Public propertyCaptionVisible
Gets/Sets the visibility of the caption
Public propertyCaptionWidth
Specifies how much space in the toolbar is reserved for the Caption.
Public propertyDivider
Specifies whether or not a divider is desired between Toolbar Caption and buttons.
Public propertyID
The Toolbar ID.
Public propertyInnerControl
The inner control for the toolbar. Not really very useful.
Public propertyLargeIcons
Specifies whether the toolbar should use the items' large icons instead of the small icons.
Public propertyPageDescription
The page description
Public propertyPageInfo
Gets/Sets the PageInfo object.
Public propertyToolbarAttributes
Gets/Sets the display attributes from the page
Public propertyVisible
Specifies the visibility of the toolbar.
Public methodAddButton
Adds a button item to the toolbar.
Public methodAddItem(String, WebControl, String, String)
Add a toolbar item to the toolbar.
Public methodAddItem(String, WebControl, String, String, ToolbarItemAttrs)
Add a toolbar item to the toolbar.
Public methodAddItem(String, WebControl, String, String, ToolbarItemAttrs, String)
Add a toolbar item to the toolbar.
Public methodAddLink
Adds a link item to the toolbar.
Public methodAddMenu
Adds a submenu to the toolbar.
Public methodCreateAndAddButton(String, String, String, String, String, String)
Creates a new button item and adds it to the Toolbar.
Public methodCreateAndAddButton(String, String, String, String, String, String, ToolbarItemAttrs)
Creates a new button item and adds it to the Toolbar.
Public methodCreateAndAddButton(String, String, String, String, String, String, ToolbarItemAttrs, String)
Creates a new button item and adds it to the Toolbar.
Public methodCreateAndAddItem
Creates a new toolbar item and adds it to the menu.
Public methodHideDisabledItems
Commands the toolbar to hide disabled items. Note that some items will ignore this command depending on those items' ToolbarItemAttrs.
See Also