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IWizardTemplate Properties

The IWizardTemplate type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAppContext
Get the IAppContext application context for this wizard.
Public propertyCaption
Gets/sets the caption to use for the page. See also Description. By default the Caption text item for the page's PageInfo is used, but this can be overridden by setting this property. The Caption can be set programmatically as late in the page life-cycle as PreRender and therefore typically during the WizardBeforePageLoad(Object, WizardPageEventArgs) or WizardPageLoad(Object, WizardPageEventArgs) events.
Public propertyCompletedPages
The collection of WizCompletedPageInfo objects for this wizard and any previous wizards that chained to this wizard.
Public propertyCurrentPage
Gets or Sets the current page number, 1-based.
Public propertyCurrentWizPage
Returns the current wizard IWizPage page object.
Public propertyDebugList
Provides a list of name/value pairs for this wizard for viewing in the debugger. Because of the unordered nature of a Hashtable, Use DebugList to view the data in this object. For performance reasons you should not use this except for debugging.
Public propertyDescription
Gets/sets the description to use for the page. See also Caption. By default the Description text item for the page's PageInfo is used, but this can be overridden by setting this property. Note that unless DescTwoPart is set, this Description is ignored and that of the current PageElementInfo is used. At this time, if the Description is to be set programmatically, it must be set quite early in the page life-cycle, typically during the WizardBeforePageLoad(Object, WizardPageEventArgs) event (the WizardPageLoad(Object, WizardPageEventArgs) event is too late).
Public propertyExtensions
Returns the collection of extensions attached to this wizard.
Public propertyFinalDestinationPage
Returns the final destination wizard IWizPage page object. When moving between pages in the wizard, two pages are rendered, the page being departed, and the final detestination page (for the initial page of the wizard there is only a final destination page). At the time the page being departed is rendered, the wizard has NOT loaded the final destination page and so FinalDestinationPage will return null (at least at present). You can use IsCurrentPageFinalDestination to determine if the CurrentWizPage is the final destination page is being rendered.
Public propertyIsCurrentPageFinalDestination
Determines whether or not the IWizPage currently being rendered, the CurrentWizPage, is the final destination page. When moving between pages in the wizard, two pages are rendered, the page being departed, and the final detestination page (for the initial page of the wizard there is only a final destination page). You can use FinalDestinationPage to get the final destination page, if known by the wizard.
Public propertyIsDesignMode
Determines whether or not the current page is supposed to be in design mode.
Public propertyOriginatingReferrer
Gets the originating referrer URL if available. This can be used as the ReturnToCaller destination if no specific destination can be determined from the current URL.
Public propertyOriginatingWizard
The originating IWizardTemplate wizard. This will be the PageInfo either for the current wizard instance or the initial wizard instance in a series of one or more wizards chaining to other wizards.
Public propertyPageInfo
Get the PageInfo object for this wizard.
Public propertyPageStack
Gets the current page stack. Page numbers are 1-based, and the first element in the array is the bottom of the stack. Note that the CurrentPage is NOT on the stack. The following stack manipulation methods are provided primarily for internal use, use with caution:
Public propertyPageVisits
Gets the list of pages visited during this wizard invocation. Page numbers are 1-based and the first element in the array is the first page visited. Visited pages may include pages beyond the current page in the case where a user moves forward through the wizard and then back to previously-visited pages.
Public propertyPostSource
Gets the source of the current post-back (if this is a post back). This can be used by wizard pages, early in their life-cycles (e.g. in their InitPage(Boolean) method), to determine if the user clicked the Next, Previous, Finish, or Cancel button.
Public propertyPrevPage
Gets the Previous Page from saved state, 1-based. This is the top page on the PageStack.
Public propertyStepCaptionFormat
Gets or sets the format of the wizard step caption.
Public propertyUserData
Returns the UserData collection which is used to persist page data between postbacks as the user moves from page to page. Among other data, this includes the various user-entered field values from previous pages. Rather than accessing this data directly, it is recommended that you access UserData via PageData(String) which returns a WizPageData object prividing for a more structured approach.
Public propertyWizardAttributes
The wizard page WizAttrs attributes.
Public propertyWizardPages
Returns the WizardPages as a collection of PageElementInfo objects.
Public propertyWizInst
Gets the WizInst (wizard instance) GUID for this wizard instance. Each time a wizard is run a unique WizInst is generated. The most common use for the WizInst is to tie temporary records to a particular wizard invocation.
See Also