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PicklistItemInfo Properties

The PicklistItemInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes
Gets/sets the PicklistAttrs associated with this item.
Public propertyCacheName
Gets the cache name for the object
Public propertyDataSource
The datasource associated with this item (optional, some Picklists do not need a data source). This is normally a reference to the IDatabase from which to obtain the picklist values.
Public propertyKeyFormat
Gets/sets the .Net format string to use when converting an picklist item's key to a string. Note that the current implementation of this is spotty.
Public propertyMetaInDataDB
Gets/sets whether or not the meta-data for this picklist is stored in the data database (normally it is not).
Public propertyName
Gets/sets the name of the Picklist item.
Public propertyProperties
Gets the Properties collection for this picklist.
Public propertySource
The source of the row source. Typically a SELECT statement with 1-3 (but up to 5) columns.
  1. Column 1 - The Key. Loaded into Value. This is what is stored in the database.
  2. Column 2 - The DisplayText. Loaded into DisplayText. This is what is displayed to the user.
  3. Column 3 - The Discrim. Loaded into Discrim. This is used to create subsets within the picklist (e.g. states for various countries).
  4. Column 4 - The Enabler. Used to control Disabled in Attributes. When this column is in the query the value is treated as an integer where zero/null means disabled and any other value means enabled.
  5. Column 5 - The Group. Loaded into Group.
Public propertyTextItems
Gets the TextItems for this Picklist.
Public propertyType
Gets/sets the PicklistType of the picklist.
See Also