ServiceProperties Interface |
Properties specific to Service objects.
Namespace: SystemProperties
The ServiceProperties type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
alert_AutoCloseSeconds | The number of seconds the message should be displayed before being closed automatically. Ignored if non-positive. | |
alert_CssClass | The CSS class to be added to the top level HTML presentation element for the message. | |
alert_Delivery | The delivery method for the message. See AlertDelivery | |
alert_PingInSecs | The interval, in seconds, between pings to check for new alerts. If less than 5, no ping is performed and alert delivery (but not message deliver) is disabled. | |
Blaze_ApiKey | The Blaze API authorization key. | |
Blaze_BaseUrl | The base URL for Blaze API requests. | |
Blaze_PartnerKey | The Blaze partner key. | |
BraintreeAPI_Environment | The Braintree environment - live or sandbox | |
BraintreeAPI_FailOnDuplicate | If true, fail if a duplicate card is added. | |
BraintreeAPI_MasterMerchantAccountId | The optional master merchant account to use. | |
BraintreeAPI_MerchantID | The optional Merchant ID value. | |
BraintreeAPI_PaymentExpirationType | How to handle the expiration date when adding a payment method. See PaymentExpirationType | |
BraintreeAPI_PaymentIncludeAttributes | Which parts of a card to include when adding a payment method. See PaymentIncludeAttributes | |
BraintreeAPI_PrivateKey | The API Private Key | |
BraintreeAPI_PublicKey | The API Public Key | |
Comment | Development comments about this service. | |
docstorage_AuditDownload | The name of the field in the mapper that indicates if a document download should be audited. | |
docstorage_Content | The field to use when storing the document content. | |
docstorage_Description | The field to use when storing the document description. | |
docstorage_DocumentType | The field to use when storing the document type. | |
docstorage_Filename | The field to use when storing the document filename. | |
docstorage_Mapper | The mapper to use when storing documents. | |
docstorage_MimeType | The name of the field specifying the mime type of the content. If not specified, application/octet-stream is assumed. | |
docstorage_MissingFileImages | A semi-colon separate list of logical paths to images to use when a missing file image is desired. | |
docstorage_RelatedId | The field to use when storing the ID of the document's owner. | |
docstorage_UploadcarePrivateKey | The Uploadcare private API key. | |
docstorage_UploadcarePublicKey | The Uploadcare public API key. | |
dynamsoftscan_ProductKey | The generated ProductKey to use in the DynamSoft environment. | |
FleetLocate_AuthorizationKey | base64 encoded string in the form of USERNAME:PASSWORD.USERNAME must be the master user of FleetLocate account. | |
GoCardlessAPI_AccessToken | Created and named in GoCardless dashboard (token only displayed once when created). API calls must contain access token. | |
GoCardlessAPI_URL | Base URL for API calls | |
GoCardlessAPI_Version | Required GoCardless-Version HTTP header | |
GoCardlessAPI_WebhookSecret | Created with a webhook in GoCardless dashboard. Should be changed once in a while. Used when ensuring valid signature of incoming notification. | |
googledrive_ApplicationName | The application name | |
googledrive_EmailFileShare | Semi-colon separted string of emails to share new docs with | |
googledrive_FindReplaceScriptFunction | Name of the function in the Google Apps script for find/replace for templated documents. | |
googledrive_FindReplaceScriptID | API ID of the Google Apps script used for find/replace for templated documents. | |
googledrive_ImpersonateEmail | The email of the person that the service account should impersonate. The service account must be part of the same GSuite as this person. | |
googledrive_KeyJson | The json string version of the key to be used for making service account credentials | |
googledrive_TemplateFolderID | ID of the Google Drive folder that holds templates. Must be shared with the service account user. | |
googlemaps_APIVersion | The version of the Google maps API to use. If omitted no version will be specified when using the API. | |
googlemaps_Channel | Used to track usage across different applications using the same client ID. Must be an ASCII alphanumeric string and may include ".", "_", and "-" characters. May be overridden at the page level. | |
googlemaps_ClientID | The Client ID provided by google for the business maps API. | |
googlemaps_CustomParams | Custom parameters/values to be added to the Google map request. Will be merged with any CustomParams specified on the page. | |
googlemaps_PrivateKey | The private key provided by Google for a business map API. | |
googlemaps_UseAPIKeyAuthentication | Use an API Key to authenticate with the Google Maps API instead of a Client ID / Private Key combo. API Key should be stored in the PrivateKey property. | |
googlemaps_UsePublicAPI | Use the GoogleMaps public API. The public API is only appopriate for developer testing, prototyping and very light usage. | |
JWT_SecretKey | Shared secret key | |
JWT_ServiceUrl | JWT Authorization endpoint URL | |
mailmanager_ApiKey | The ApiKey value from the Mailgun domain | |
mailmanager_DocStorageService | The document storage service to use when storing email attachments. | |
mailmanager_EmailManagerAttributes | Attributes that modify the behavior of the email manager. See EmailManagerAttributes | |
mailmanager_LogDatasource | The datasource to use when logging email. | |
mailmanager_ManagerType | The type of external email being managed. See EmailManagerType | |
mailmanager_Password | The password (api_key) for the mail manager account. | |
mailmanager_User | The api user for the mail manager account. | |
ortools_BaseURL | Base URL for OR Tools service. | |
ortools_FirstSolutionStrategyType | First solution strategy type See FirstSolutionStrategyType | |
ortools_LocalSearchMetaheuristicType | Local Search Metaheuristic Type See LocalSearchMetaheuristicType | |
ortools_MaxCapacityPerVehicle | Max capacity per vehicle | |
ortools_MaxDistancePerVehicle | Max distance per vehicle in miles. | |
ortools_TimeLimitMs | Time limit in ms. Used if UseGuidedLocalSearch is true. | |
ortools_UseGuidedLocalSearch | If set true, Local Search Metahuristic Type and Time Limit parameters must be provided. | |
paypal_CancelURL | The URL where the payer is redirected after he or she cancels the payment. | |
paypal_Environment | The PayPal environment to use, e.g. "sandbox". | |
paypal_LogoURL | The URL for the image to be displayed at the top left of the payment page. Should be an https path with an image no more than 750 x 90px. The business name is displayed if omitted. | |
paypal_MerchantSessionID | The customer session identification token used as an additional means to detect possible fraud. | |
paypal_NotifyURL | Your URL for receiving Instant Payment Notification (IPN) about this transaction. | |
paypal_Password | The PayPal account password. | |
paypal_PaypalURL | The URL for express checkouts using PayPal for payment rather than a credit card. | |
paypal_Signature | The API signature for the Username and Password. | |
paypal_Username | The PayPal account username. | |
pdfconverter_Author | Default Author for document options | |
pdfdocument_LicenseKey | The LicenseKey for PDFTechLib | |
pdfdocument_TempFileFolder | Determines where Temp files will be saved as part of the PDF Generation process. By default, this is the HTTPContext's root\~UserFiles, but in some cases this needs to be set manually. | |
pop3reader_AttachmentSavePath | Provide the path where email attachments will be saved. (For virus checking) | |
pop3reader_CustomAttachmentTable | If not specified, email attachments are saved to xot_email_attachments. This table must have same schema definition as xot_email_attachments.. If this is the same table as CustomEmailTable the table must have all the schema of both the xot_email_data and xot_email_attachments. | |
pop3reader_CustomEmailTable | If not specified, email attachments are saved to xot_email_data. This table must have same schema definition as xot_email_data. If this is the same table as CustomAttachmentTable the table must have all the schema of both the xot_email_data and xot_email_attachments. | |
pop3reader_LeaveCopyOnServer | Copy of email will be left on server after reading. | |
pop3reader_LinkDataMop | (Required for link) The mop for the navigation link. | |
pop3reader_LinkDataOrgName | (Optional for link) The column in LinkDataView that would provide the user's organization name. | |
pop3reader_LinkDataPK | (Required for link) The column in LinkDataView that would provide the primary key value for the navigation link. | |
pop3reader_LinkDatasource | The datasource to use when determining the link information. | |
pop3reader_LinkDataUserIDKey | (Required for link) The column in the LinkDataView to filter the LinkDataView to retrieve the users link data. | |
pop3reader_LinkDataUserName | (Optional for link) The column in LinkDataView that would provide the user's name. | |
pop3reader_LinkDataView | (Required for link) The view from which the link information can be looked up by the email senders user id. | |
pop3reader_LinkToEmailUserInfo | If true, generates a link on notification email that navigates to the specified mop showing pertinent data to the email sender. | |
pop3reader_LogDatasource | The datasource to use when logging email. | |
pop3reader_LookupDatasource | The datasource to use when looking up owner information. | |
pop3reader_LookupEmailColumn | (Required for owner notify) The column in the LookupView which is used to retrieve an owner email address. | |
pop3reader_LookupOwnerColumn | (Required for owner notify) The column in the LookupView which provides the email address of the owner of the inbound email. | |
pop3reader_LookupUserIdColumn | (Required for owner notify) The column in the LookupView which provides the user id matched to the inbound email. | |
pop3reader_LookupView | (Required for owner notify) The view in data database that provides link between email address and owner. | |
pop3reader_ManagerService | Select the mail manager service that defines how we map incoming email to managed mail messages. | |
pop3reader_MapFlagHeader | The header name to look for on an email that controls whether an email will not be mapped after loading. The default header is X-NQ-MAP. | |
pop3reader_MapToManagedMail | Attempt to map the retrieved mail to the managed mail log | |
pop3reader_NotifyOwners | Send email to the owner of the person sending the inbound email. | |
pop3reader_NotifyOwnersCC | A semi colon delimited list of email addresses to copy on matched notification emails. | |
pop3reader_NotifyUnmatched | Send email to a user if the owner of the email cannot be determined. | |
pop3reader_Password | Password for user's mailbox on POP3 server. | |
pop3reader_Port | Port to connect to POP3 server. Defaults to 110 for regular connection, 995 for secure. | |
pop3reader_SaveAttachments | Save attachments from emails | |
pop3reader_SaveMessagePath | The path where messages are to be saved. | |
pop3reader_SaveMessagesToDatabase | If true, messages are saved to database and service will honor the EmailLinkMeta and Notification properties. | |
pop3reader_SaveMessagesToDisk | If true, messages are saved to disk and service will honor the File properties. | |
pop3reader_Server | Name or IP address of POP3 server. | |
pop3reader_SMTPService | (Required for any notify) The SMTP Service to use for mail notification. | |
pop3reader_UnmatchedEmail | (Required for any notify) The email address to send notifications when email owner is not known. | |
pop3reader_User | Name of user's mailbox on POP3 server. | |
pop3reader_UseSSL | Determines if connection should use SSL. | |
ProviderAccount | For srevices with a 3rd-party provider, the provider account used by this service. | |
ProviderUser | The ID of the primary user for the ProvicerAccount. | |
reportconfig_AsyncPostbackTimeout | Gets or sets a value that indicates the time, in seconds, before asynchronous postbacks time out if no response is received. | |
reportconfig_Domain | The domain name for the user/password for the SSRS web service. | |
reportconfig_EnablePartialRendering | Specifies whether or not to enable partial rendering on the reports page. | |
reportconfig_Password | Password for the reporting user for SSRS. | |
reportconfig_ShowBackButton | Indicates whether the Back button is visible on the control. | |
reportconfig_ShowParameters | Controls the default visibility of the reporting parameter bar. | |
reportconfig_ShowToolbar | Controls the default visibility of the reporting toolbar. | |
reportconfig_User | The user name for validation. | |
reportconfig_WebServiceURL | The URI for the SSRS web service | |
s3docstorage_AuditDownload | The name of the field in the mapper that indicates if a document download should be audited. | |
s3docstorage_BucketName | The name of the Bucket, as exists on S3, to which documents should be stored / retrieved. | |
s3docstorage_CacheField | The name of the DateTime field on the mapper that will store the Cache-until Date value. | |
s3docstorage_ConfigBucketField | The field on the ConfigMapper that holds the S3 Bucket Name. | |
s3docstorage_ConfigEnabledField | The field on the ConfigMapper that holds the enabled/disabled bit value. | |
s3docstorage_ConfigHealthField | The field on the ConfigMapper that holds the Service Health value for each S3 bucket. | |
s3docstorage_ConfigMapper | The mapper that points to the S3 Bucket configuration data for this service. | |
s3docstorage_ConfigOrderField | The field on the ConfigMapper that holds the order value for each bucket. | |
s3docstorage_ConfigRegionField | The field on the ConfigMapper that holds the Region value for the S3 bucket. | |
s3docstorage_ConfigUserIDField | The field on the ConfigMapper that holds the User ID value for the S3 bucket. | |
s3docstorage_ConfigUserKeyField | The field on the ConfigMapper that holds the User Key for the S3 bucket. | |
s3docstorage_Content | The field on the mapper that stores the file's binary data. | |
s3docstorage_Description | The field on the mapper that stores the file's description. | |
s3docstorage_DocumentType | The field to use when storing the document type. | |
s3docstorage_EnableCaching | Turns on cacheing for the S3 service. By default, once the document is uploaded to S3, the document will never exist again locally (in the DB). | |
s3docstorage_Filename | The field on the mapper that stores the file's name. | |
s3docstorage_LogicalDeleteField | The name of the field on the Document storage mapper that will hold the bit value for if the item is deleted or not. Only used if UseLogicalDelete is set. | |
s3docstorage_Mapper | The mapper for the documents table. | |
s3DocStorage_MaxUploadTime | The maximum time allowed, in minutes, for the background task to run before it is shut off. | |
s3docstorage_MimeType | The field that stores the file's MIME type | |
s3docstorage_Region | The AWS region in S3 where the bucket is located. | |
s3docstorage_RelatedId | The field on the mapper that stores the document's related ID value. | |
s3docstorage_S3DocTagOptions | Optional values that can be used as Tags on the S3 document upon upload. See S3DocTagOptions | |
s3docstorage_TimeToCache | The amount of time, in hours, that a document should be cached on the internal documents table before being uploaded to S3 and data removed from the documents table. | |
s3docstorage_UploadIDField | The field key on the Upload Mapper that holds the document_id value | |
s3docstorage_UploadMapper | The mapper to use when determining which files to upload / cache on S3. | |
s3docstorage_UseLogicalDelete | Turns on logical delete for the Document storage mapper. This can allow the system to start migrating an existing document storage solution to S3 without the need for deleting the local data. | |
s3docstorage_UserKey | The AWS user key that will be used to access S3. | |
s3docstorage_UserName | The AWS user name value that will be used to access S3. | |
smtpmail_AuthenticationType | The authentication type to use when connecting to the SMTP server. See SmtpAuthenticationType | |
smtpmail_CheckNoSendList | If true, the SMTP service will check the mail recipinet against a no send list. If there is a match, the recipient will not receive the email. | |
smtpmail_CopyAddressList | The list of addresses to add to BCC for a copy of every email. (Most for debug purposes) | |
smtpmail_DefaultSenderAddress | The default address to use when sending email. | |
smtpmail_Disabled | Disables SMTP mail delivery. For debugging purposes, all logic up to the actual SMTP send is performed. | |
smtpmail_EmailSendAttributes | Attributes that control send behavior. See EmailSendAttrs | |
smtpmail_ManagerService | The mail manager service to use. | |
smtpmail_NoSendListCheckDuration | The duration in minutes that elapse between when the service checks for new email addresses in the no send list. | |
smtpmail_Password | The password for validation. | |
smtpmail_Port | The port. (Typically 25) | |
smtpmail_ReplyToAddress | The default reply-to email address to use. | |
smtpmail_SendAsync | If set to true, the mail is sent asynchronously via the built-in thread pool. | |
smtpmail_Server | The name of the SMTP server. | |
smtpmail_SmtpSettingsPage | MOP to navigate to when the SMTP settings are required but not setup. | |
smtpmail_User | The user name for validation. | |
smtpmail_UseSSL | True if the SMTP server uses SSL. | |
smtpmail_ValidatorService | Specifies which email validation service to use. | |
Tookan_ApiKey | Tookan API Key | |
Tookan_BaseUrl | Base URL | |
Tookan_SharedSecret | Shared secret to verify webhook request comes from Tookan site. | |
Tookan_TookanAttributes | Attributes that modify the behavior of the Tookan service. See TookanAttributes | |
twilio_AccountSID | The Twilio Account SID | |
twilio_ApiKey | A unique identifier generated by Twilio that can be used in place of your AccountSID for many API calls and for token generation. Tokens generated with an ApiKey will be revoked when the ApiKey is revoked whereas tokens generated with an AccountSID can never be revoked. | |
twilio_ApiSecret | The secret associated with the ApiKey. This is used in place of an AuthToken whenever the ApiKey is used in place of the AccountSID. | |
twilio_AppKey | The application key to use in the callback for twilio. | |
twilio_ApplicationSID | The notification application SID to use when buying numbers. | |
twilio_AuthToken | The Twilio account token. | |
twilio_CallbackEndpoint | The callback endpoint for replies. Default value is the RootURL. | |
twilio_CallerIdentifiedRelativeURI | Relative URI to which call center agent browsers will be redirected when they start a call with an identified caller. Include a forward slash at the beginning. Basic field expressions (open square bracket field name closed square bracket) can be included. At the time of this writing, the only fields available are people_id and call_sid | |
twilio_CallerUnidentifiedRelativeURI | Relative URI to which call center agent browsers will be redirected when they start a call with an unidentified caller. Include a forward slash at the beginning. Basic field expressions (open square bracket field name closed square bracket) can be included. At the time of this writing, the only field available is call_sid | |
twilio_CallForwardTo | When set, inbound calls forward to this number. | |
twilio_EnableTwilioClientOutboundCalls | Whether or not, TwilioClient's are allowed to make outbound calls. With the TwilioClientApplicationSID you can limit what phone numbers or what category of phone numbers can be called. If that property isn't set then this property will do nothing. | |
twilio_IsProduction | If true, messages will ONLY be sent from +15005550006 (valid Twilio test number). | |
twilio_MessageServiceSID | The SID for the Twilio Message Service. | |
twilio_PhoneAttrs | Attributes specifying Twilio Phone Service behaviour. See PhoneServiceAttrs | |
twilio_PostCallTimeout | The duration in seconds to wait before setting the agent to Idle. This timer is started the call ends and the agent has been set to Post Call. Zero means no timeout. | |
twilio_RecordingMaxDuration | The maximum length of a recording in seconds. For a Twilio client the maximum recording length is 600 seconds. | |
twilio_RecordingTimeout | The number of seconds of silence tha must pass before a recording ends. | |
twilio_SendAsMMS | Set to true to send the message as a MMS message. The default is false. | |
twilio_SendAsync | If true, sends the message asynchronously. | |
twilio_ServiceToken | The service token used to create an application context during a reply. | |
twilio_SupervisorTwilioClientApplicationSID | The supervisor specific TwiML Application that Twilio Client's will connect to when attempting to make outbound phone calls. | |
twilio_TaskRouterWorkerTokenExpiration | The time, in seconds, for which a TaskRouter worker's token is valid. | |
twilio_TestNumber | Number to use in non-production environments. | |
twilio_TwilioClientApplicationSID | The default TwiML Application that Twilio Client's will connect to when attempting to make outbound phone calls. | |
twilio_TwilioClientTokenExpiration | The time, in seconds, for which a TwilioClient token is valid. | |
twilio_TwilioRecordingStatusCallback | The URL that will be passed to Twilio for callbacks about completed call recordings. This endpoint is not built in to the IVR application because it is expected that users will want to store their recordings in Amazon S3 and use EC2 or Lambda to respond to these call backs and kick off the transfer of recordings from Twilio to S3 | |
twilio_Whitelist | The meta-data-specified portion of the whitelist to use when EnforceWhitelist is set. Any operationally configured whitelist will be merged in. | |
twilio_WorkspaceSID | The TaskRouter workspace that owns the workers for which we will generate tokens. | |
xverifyapi_ApiKey | The account-specific XVerify API key. | |
xverifyapi_Domain | The pre-registered domain for the verification. | |
zoom_BaseUrl | Base URL for API calls | |
zoom_IMChatHistoryToken | Instant message chat history token assigned by Zoom | |
zoom_Key | API Key assigned by Zoom | |
zoom_Secret | API secret assigned by Zoom | |
zoom_VerificationToken | Use this verification token to validate an event notification request from for this app. |
Note |
This interface is declared for documentation purposes only and is not intended to be used from code. |