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FirstSolutionStrategyType Enumeration

First solution strategy types from for use with the platform ORTools service using the IOrTools interface.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Services.OrTools
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum FirstSolutionStrategyType
  Member nameValueDescription
Automatic0Lets the solver detect which strategy to use according to the model being solved.
GlobalCheapestArc1Iteratively connect two nodes which produce the cheapest route segment.
LocalCheapestArc2Select the first node with an unbound successor and connect it to the node which produces the cheapest route segment.
PathCheapestArc3Starting from a route "start" node, connect it to the node which produces the cheapest route segment, then extend the route by iterating on the last node added to the route.
PathMostConstrainedArc4Similar to PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC, but arcs are evaluated with a comparison-based selector which will favor the most constrained arc first. To assign a selector to the routing model, use the method ArcIsMoreConstrainedThanArc().
EvaluatorStrategy5Similar to PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC, except that arc costs are evaluated using the function passed to SetFirstSolutionEvaluator().
AllUnperformed6Make all nodes inactive. Only finds a solution if nodes are optional (are element of a disjunction constraint with a finite penalty cost).
BestInsertion7Iteratively build a solution by inserting the cheapest node at its cheapest position; the cost of insertion is based on the global cost function of the routing model. As of 2/2012, only works on models with optional nodes (with finite penalty costs).
ParallelCheapestInsertion8Iteratively build a solution by inserting the cheapest node at its cheapest position; the cost of insertion is based on the the arc cost function. Is faster than BEST_INSERTION.
LocalCheapestInsertion9Iteratively build a solution by inserting each node at its cheapest position; the cost of insertion is based on the the arc cost function. Differs from PARALLEL_CHEAPEST_INSERTION by the node selected for insertion; here nodes are considered in their order of creation. Is faster than PARALLEL_CHEAPEST_INSERTION.
Savings10Savings algorithm (Clarke & Wright). Reference: Clarke, G. & Wright, J.W.: "Scheduling of Vehicles from a Central Depot to a Number of Delivery Points", Operations Research, Vol. 12, 1964, pp. 568-581.
Sweep11Sweep algorithm (Wren & Holliday). Reference: Anthony Wren & Alan Holliday: Computer Scheduling of Vehicles from One or More Depots to a Number of Delivery Points Operational Research Quarterly (1970-1977), Vol. 23, No. 3 (Sep., 1972), pp. 333-344.
FirstUnboundMinValue12Select the first node with an unbound successor and connect it to the first available node. This is equivalent to the CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND strategy combined with ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE (cf. constraint_solver.h).
Christofides13Christofides algorithm (actually a variant of the Christofides algorithm using a maximal matching instead of a maximum matching, which does not guarantee the 3/2 factor of the approximation on a metric travelling salesman). Works on generic vehicle routing models by extending a route until no nodes can be inserted on it. Reference: Nicos Christofides, Worst-case analysis of a new heuristic for the travelling salesman problem, Report 388, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, CMU, 1976.
See Also