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Picklist Properties

The Picklist type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComboList
Returns a string with only the displaytext items, delimted with the pipe (|) character
Public propertyCount
Returns the number of PicklistItems in the Picklist.
Public propertyDataMap
Returns a dictionary with only the Value/DisplayText of each PicklistItem item.
Public propertyDiscrim
Gets/Sets the discriminator value
Public propertyHasDiscrim
Gets whether the picklist uses a discrim. Read-only.
Public propertyItem
This object's indexer.
Public propertyItemInfo
Gets/Sets the picklist's PicklistItemInfo which maintains many aspects of the picklist including the picklist's PicklistAttrs.
Public propertyLateBound
Gets whether the picklist is set up for Late Bound use. Read-only.
Public propertyMaxTextLen
Gets the MaxLength of a display text value in the list. Note that this value is only valid after Refresh has been called.
Public propertyName
Returns the name of the pickList.
Public propertyUsesKeyClause
Gets whether the picklist uses a late bound SQL containing a KEY clause. Read-only.
See Also