Click or drag to resize

ToolbarItemAttrs Enumeration

Attributes for toolbar items.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.WebControls
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum ToolbarItemAttrs
  Member nameValueDescription
SelectiveText1This item should include its caption if the SelectiveText option is selected.
NoHideWhenDisabled2Do not hide this item even when it is disabled and told to hide disabled items.
TooltipHelp4This item's tooltip provides general help and should be made more prominent to the user.
RenderAsTextButton8This item should render as a text button rather than an image button.
PopupMenu16This item invokes a popup menu.
NoUI32This item has no UI. It needs to be rendered on the toolbar, but not visible.
UseGlyph128This item should render using the associated glyph rather than the associated image.
Disabled512This item is disabled and should not be used.
See Also