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MapperFiltersGetFilter Method (GetFilterFlags, IMapper)

Returns the complete filter by combining filters in the collection according to provided GetFilterFlags and resolving any filters marked FutureEval (which requires the IMapper. For testing for filter existence HasFilter(GetFilterFlags, FilterFlags) is preferred.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public string GetFilter(
	GetFilterFlags flags,
	IMapper map


Type: NetQuarry.DataGetFilterFlags
Flags specifying which filter items to include. When zero, all items are included.
Type: NetQuarry.DataIMapper
The mapper owning these fields to be used when GetFilterFlags.FutureEval is specified.

Return Value

Type: String
A string representing the complete filter from the collection (per flags).
Duplicate clauses will not be included in the filter. Duplicate clauses in a filter used to cause disasterous performace on Oracle, but that may no longer be true. Also, Full-Text Search filtering will not be included because FTS filters have a null/empty Clause because FTS filtering is specified via the FullTextSearchValue property.
See Also