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FieldAjaxSaveEventArgs Properties

The FieldAjaxSaveEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBulkContext
Gets/sets the context of the current bulk operation, if any. If this event is part of a bulk operation, this is the context of that bulk operation. If this event is not part of a bulk operation, this context will be null.
(Inherited from EAPEventArgs.)
Public propertyErrorDeveloperMessage
An optional, developer-specific error message. This will be logged to the Devlog and xot_request_log, but only displayed in user error messages when the user is identified as IsDeveloper.
(Inherited from EAPEventArgs.)
Public propertyCode exampleErrorMessage
Sets the extention's error message for this event.
(Inherited from EAPEventArgs.)
Public propertyErrorOptions
Options used to specify additional characteristics about an exception.
(Inherited from EAPEventArgs.)
Public propertyEvent
Gets/Sets the event that is currently executing.
(Inherited from EAPEventArgs.)
Public propertyJsonResponse
The JSON response. The HTTP response will be cleared and this JSON string will be written to the response. If the extension DOES NOT want this value written to a cleared response object, set the HandledByExt or ContinueNoExec result in the event args. Note that a cancel result will also prevent the HTTP response from being modified.
Public propertyResult
Gets/Sets the result to return from the event.
(Inherited from EAPEventArgs.)
Public propertyRowKey
The RowKey for the record of the posted back value.
Public propertyValue
The posted back value.
See Also