Click or drag to resize

IWizPage Properties

The IWizPage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAppContext
Returns the IAppContext application context for the running instance.
Public propertyAutoEnterKey
Gets/Sets the value of the AutoEnterKey value.
Public propertyAvailableButtons
Returns the bitmask of available buttons
Public propertyBackCaption
The text to display on the Back button of your wizard.
Public propertyCancelCaption
The text to display on the Cancel button of your wizard. The default value is the string "Cancel"
Public propertyCancelScript
Called by the template to get the script to run when the Cancel button is clicked.
Public propertyContainer
Gets/Sets the container (Grouper) for this page.
Public propertyContinueScript
Gets/Sets the script to navigate to when the continue button is clicked.
Public propertyContinueText
Gets/Sets the text displayed AFTER the last page.
Public propertyControl
Returns the UserControl of this page.
Public propertyDescription
Gets/Sets the page description. The default (initial) value comes from the PageElementInfo for the slot.
Public propertyErrorMessage
Called by the template to get the error message after the Next button is clicked.
Public propertyEventSource
Gets/Sets the PostBack 'source' for this event.
Public propertyFinishCaption
The text to display on the Finish button of your wizard. The default value is the string "Finish".
Public propertyFinishScript
Called by the template to get the script to run when the Finish button is clicked.
Public propertyMapper
The primary mapper used by this wizard page. If no mapper is used then null should be returned. The wizard will use the mapper to ensure that client-side validation script is properly configured. The mapper object must implement the IMapper interface.
Public propertyNextCaption
The text to display on the Next button of your wizard.
Public propertyPageData
Gets the helper class for this wizard page used to manage the UserData.
Public propertyPageElementInfo
Gets/Sets this wizard page's PageElementInfo.
Public propertyPageInfo
The PageInfo object associated with the parent wizard.
Public propertyPageNumber
Gets/Sets this control's 1-based page number in the wizard.
Public propertyStatusMessage
Public propertyUserData
Gets/Sets the page-to-page state data. It is recommended that you manage the IWizardTemplateUserData using the PageData method which provides for more structured access.
Public propertyWizard
The wizard using this page. The type is expected to be WizTemplate and implement the IWizardTemplate interface.
See Also