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MailService Properties

The MailService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplication
Gets or Sets the IAppContext object for the service.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyAttributes
Gets/Sets the service attributes.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyAuthenticationType
Specifies the authentication mechanism to use when authentication is required to send messages to an SMTP service using a TCP/IP network socket.
Public propertyCategory
Gets/Sets the service category.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyCheckNoSendList
True if the mail service should check outgoing email address against the no send list.
Public propertyComponentID
Gets/Sets the service component ID.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyDefaultSenderAddress
Gets/Sets the address to use when there is no FROM address supplied in the message.
Public propertyDisabled
True if the mail service is disabled.
Public propertyEmailSendAttributes
Gets/Sets the property to control the 'Sender' property of the email address. The Sender can be different than the From address. If it is, then the message comes FROM the Sender ON BEHALF OF the From address. This can improve results with spam filters.
Public propertyID
Gets/Sets the service ID.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyIsSendAsync
Returns true if the service delivers mail asynchronously.
Public propertyIsValidConfig
Returns true if the Smtp configuration is valid.
Public propertyName
Gets/Sets the service name.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyNoSendListCheckDuration
Number of minutes that elapse between automatic refreshing of the no sender list
Public propertyProperties
Gets the service's configuration properties
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertySendAsync
True if the mail should be sent using the ThreadPool, otherwise synchronous
Public propertyServiceName
Returns the name of the email service.
Public propertySmtpPassword
The password used to authenticate to an SMTP server using basic (clear-text) authentication.
Public propertySmtpPort
The port on which the SMTP service specified by the smtpserver field is listening for connections.
Public propertySmtpServer
The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the name of the local SMTP server is used.
Public propertySmtpUserName
The username for authenticating to an SMTP server using basic (clear-text) authentication.
Public propertyType
Gets/Sets the service type.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyUseSSL
True if the SMTP server should use SSL.
See Also