Click or drag to resize

FilterWidgetPicklist Class

This class is intended for use in response to an AJAX call that expects RowSourceFilterWidget widget HTML to be returned.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data.WebMappers
Assembly:  EAP.WebMappers (in EAP.WebMappers.dll) Version: (
public class FilterWidgetPicklist : FilterWidgetBase

The FilterWidgetPicklist type exposes the following members.

Public methodFilterWidgetPicklist
Initializes a new instance of the FilterWidgetPicklist class
Protected propertyCaption
The caption to use for the widget. Typically the widget is provided in the AJAX call. Override this property if the caption is being provided server-side.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyCssClass
A Css class to be added to the widget for widget-specific styling.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyDivOpts
DivWidget options provided by a derived class as a combination of flags from DivWidgetBaseDivOptFlags.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyFilterID
Gets the client-side filter control ID from the request "id" parameter.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyFilterOptions
Get the field filter options to apply to the widget. Note that only a few of the FieldFilterOptions have any effect on a filter widget.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyFilterText
Gets the filter text from the request "txt" parameter.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyMOP
The MOP of the page requesting the filter widget presentation.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyUseBootstrap
Gets whether or not Bootstrap is being used.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyWidgetID
Gets the client-side widget ID from the request "wid" parameter.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyWidgetOptions
Get the filter widget options (a set of character flags that may be widget-specific).
  • a - Include Apply Now button.
  • u - Unlimited list of items.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected propertyWidgetWidth
Get override for default client-side widget width, in pixels. If value is less than or equal to zero then no override is used.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected methodAddApplyNowButton
Add an Apply Now button BETWEEN the OK and Cancel buttons. The OK button's click script will be used along with script to click the FBF apply button. Currently the ApplyNow button only works in the context of the FBF and so, unless forced, it is only added if requested (which is in the context of the FBF).
(Inherited from FilterWidgetBase.)
Protected methodAddFilterRadio(RadioButtonList, String)
Add a single radio button item to the specified RadioButtonList.
(Inherited from FilterWidgetBase.)
Protected methodAddFilterRadio(ListControl, String, String)
Add a single radio button item to the specified RadioButtonList.
(Inherited from FilterWidgetBase.)
Protected methodAddFilterRadio(ListControl, String, String, String)
Add a single radio button item to the specified RadioButtonList.
(Inherited from FilterWidgetBase.)
Protected methodAddFormGroupBoot
Creates a Bootstrap "control-group" inside a Bootstrap "form-group", and adds the "form-group" to the provided container. If includeControlsContainer is specified then a "controls" element is created inside the "control-group". The innermost of these is returned.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected methodAddLabelledControlGroupBoot
Creates a Bootstrap "form-group" with a label and single control associated with that label and adds the "form-group" to the provided container.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected methodAddRow
Add a row to the specified table spanning all columns and containing the specified control.
(Inherited from FilterWidgetBase.)
Protected methodAddSingleControlGroupBoot
Creates a Bootstrap "form-group" with a single control and adds the "form-group" to the provided container.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected methodCloseJS
Generates standard standard widget close javascript.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected methodCreateBndLkup
Creates a new control implementing the IBndLkup interface. Currently the determination of which control to use is based on whether or not the application is Bootstrap based.
(Inherited from FilterWidgetBase.)
Protected methodCreateNumberTextbox
Create a TextBox for the numeric filter widget.
(Inherited from FilterWidgetBase.)
Protected methodCreateRadios
Create a set of radio buttons.
(Inherited from FilterWidgetBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFetchMore
Support fetching more items for picklist filter widget when user clicks on "(more)" item.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetPicklistWidgetItems
Gets the list of items with distinct display text for the specified picklist.
Protected methodGetText
Get the specified localized text. Obtaining the text is a two step process: 1) Look for the item specified by ids in the locale resource file, 2) if not found, use the provided defaultText.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOkCancelControlsBoot
Generate a standard OK/Cancel button Bootstrap "controls" container DIV for use in non-Bootstrap layouts. Use OkCancelRow(IAppContext, Button, Button) for use native Bootstrap layouts.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected methodOkCancelRow
Generate a standard OK/Cancel button row for use in non-Bootstrap layouts. Use OkCancelControlsBoot(IAppContext, Button, Button) for use native Bootstrap layouts.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected methodRender
Generate the HTML for the widget.
(Overrides DivWidgetBaseRender(IAppContext).)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWriteResponse
Write the widget content and widget usage information to the response object in JSON format.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected field_appCxt
The current IAppContext object initialized in the constructor.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Protected field_httpCxt
The current HttpContext object initialized in the constructor.
(Inherited from DivWidgetBase.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodEqualValue
Determines if the object value is equal to another object. If the two objects are null, then this returns true. There is special handling for guid comparisons (since a guid could be a string formatted in up to 3 different ways). If the special guid handling is not performed, then the object.Equals method is used.
(Defined by EAPUtil.)
See Also