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TransactionStatus Enumeration

The status of the payment Transaction, status_id These are based on the Braintree Transaction Statuses and more detailed information about these statuses for Braintree statuses can be found there.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Services.Payment
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum TransactionStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
AUTHORIZATION_EXPIRED0 The transaction spent too much time in the Authorized status and was marked as expired. Expiration timeframes differ by card type.
AUTHORIZED1 The processor authorized the transaction. Your customer may see a pending charge on his or her account. However, before the customer is actually charged and before you receive the funds, you must submit the transaction for settlement. If you do not want to settle the transaction, you should void it to avoid a misuse of authorization fee.
AUTHORIZING2 No Braintree documentation found for this status.
FAILED3 An error occurred when sending the transaction to the processor.
GATEWAY_REJECTED4 The gateway rejected the transaction because AVS, CVV, duplicate, or fraud checks failed, or because you have reached the processing limit on your provisional merchant account.
PROCESSOR_DECLINED5 The processor declined the transaction. The processor response code has information about why the transaction was declined.
SETTLED6 The transaction has been settled.
SETTLEMENT_CONFIRMED7 No Braintree documentation found for this status.
SETTLEMENT_DECLINED8 The processor declined to settle the sale or refund request, and the result is unsuccessful. This can happen for a number of reasons, but the processor settlement response code may have more information about why the transaction was declined. This status is rare, and only certain types of transactions can be affected.
SETTLEMENT_PENDING9 The transaction has not yet fully settled. This status is rare, and it does not always indicate a problem with settlement. Only certain types of transactions can be affected.
SETTLING10 The transaction is in the process of being settled. This is a transitory state. A transaction can't be voided once it reaches Settling status, but can be refunded.
SUBMITTED_FOR_SETTLEMENT11 The transaction has been submitted for settlement and will be included in the next settlement batch. Settlement happens nightly – the exact time depends on the processor.
UNRECOGNIZED12 No Braintree documentation found for this status.
VOIDED13 The transaction was voided. You can void transactions when the status is Authorized, Submitted for Settlement, or – in the case of certain PayPal transactions – Settlement Pending. If the transaction is Settling or Settled, you will have to refund the transaction instead.
See Also