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IGoCardless Interface

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Services.Payment
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IGoCardless

The IGoCardless type exposes the following members.

Public methodCancelMandate
Immediately cancels a mandate and all associated cancellable payments. Any metadata supplied to this endpoint will be stored on the mandate cancellation event it causes.
Public methodCancelPayment
Cancels the payment if it has not already been submitted to the banks. Any metadata supplied to this endpoint will be stored on the payment cancellation event it causes.
Public methodCompleteRedirectFlow
This should be called after user gets redirect back to our site.
Public methodCreateBankAccount
Creates a new customer bank account object. RESTRICTED: this endpoint is restricted to GoCardless Pro accounts with approved payment pages. To instead use the GoCardless hosted payment pages, see GoCardless.Create function for redirect flows.
Public methodCreateCustomer
Creates a new customer object. RESTRICTED: this endpoint is restricted to GoCardless accounts with approved payment pages. To instead use the GoCardless hosted payment pages, see GoCardless.Create function for redirect flows.
Public methodCreateMandate
Creates a new mandate object. RESTRICTED: this endpoint is restricted to GoCardless Pro accounts with approved payment pages. To instead use the GoCardless hosted payment pages, see GoCardless.Create function for redirect flows.
Public methodCreatePayment
Creates a new payment object.
Public methodCreateRedirectFlow
For creating a customer, account + mandate.
Public methodCreateRefund
Creates a new refund object. DISABLED by default - contact GCL to enable
Public methodDisableBankAccount
Immediately cancels all associated mandates and cancellable payments. A disabled bank account can be re-enabled by creating a new bank account resource with the same details.
Public methodGetBankAccountDetail
Retrieves the details of an existing bank account.
Public methodGetBankAccountList
Returns a cursor-paginated list of your bank accounts.
Public methodGetCustomerDetail
Retrieves the details of an existing customer.
Public methodGetCustomerList
Returns a cursor-paginated list of your customers.
Public methodGetEventDetail
Retrieves the details of a single event.
Public methodGetEventList
Returns a cursor-paginated list of your events.
Public methodGetMandateDetail
Retrieves the details of an existing mandate.
Public methodGetMandateList
Returns a cursor-paginated list of your mandates.
Public methodGetPaymentDetail
Retrieves the details of a single existing payment.
Public methodGetPaymentList
Returns a cursor-paginated list of your payments.
Public methodGetRedirectFlowDetail
Gets all details about a single redirect flow
Public methodGetRefundDetail
Retrieves all details for a single refund
Public methodGetRefundList
Returns a cursor-paginated list of your refunds.
Public methodReinstateMandate
Reinstates a cancelled or expired mandate to the banks. RESTRICTED: this endpoint is restricted to accounts with approved payment pages. To instead use the GoCardless hosted payment pages, see GoCardless.Create function for redirect flows.
Public methodRetryPayment
Retries a failed payment if the underlying mandate is active.
Public methodUpdateBankAccount
Updates a customer bank account object. Only the metadata parameter is allowed.
Public methodUpdateCustomer
Updates a customer object. Supports all of the fields supported when creating a customer.
Public methodUpdateMandate
Updates a mandate object. This accepts only the metadata parameter.
Public methodUpdatePayment
Updates a payment object. This accepts only the metadata parameter.
Public methodUpdateRefund
Updates a refund object.
Public methodWebhookNotify
Handles GoCardless webhook notifications. Once application event is fired, app is responsible for ensuring that the event wasn't already processed (webhooks could arrive out of order)

Overview of some GoCardless objects:

  • A customer may have multiple customer bank accounts.
  • A customer bank account may have multiple mandates but we almost always only want one per account.
  • Multiple payments can be taken through a mandate.

Notes regarding some APIs:

  • The following APIs can't be used unless GoCardless approves their pages; asterisked APIs also require the GoCardless Pro package:
    customers create*, bank accounts create*, mandates create*, mandates reinstate.
  • A redirect flow can be used to create a customer, customer bank account and mandate without needing pages approved or the GoCardless Pro Package.
  • To use the refunds create API, GoCardless needs to be contacted to enable it.
  • An "Idempotency-Key" prevents duplication of successful payments over short periods of time.

See Also