Click or drag to resize

IWizContainerPane Properties

The IWizContainerPane type exposes the following members.

Public propertyElementInfo
Gets the page PageElementInfo for this pane.
Public propertyExpanded
Gets/sets the expanded state of the pane (via the TogglerControl. Note that this property is not meaningful if read, and has no effect if set, until after the WizardPaneBeforeLayout event.
Public propertyPane
Gets the outer control of the pane control hierarchy.
Public propertyRenderer
Gets the renderer for this pane.
Public propertyTogglerControl
Gets the object used to toggle the pane open/closed, if any (may be null). If present, the toggler is expected to be an instance of either the NetQuarry.WebControls.Togger or NetQuarry.WebControls.TogglerB class both of which support the IToggler interface. Typically you should use Expanded to control the open/close state of the pane rather than using the toggler control directly.
Public propertyWizContainer
The IWizContainer wizard page hosting the pane.
See Also