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IWizardTemplate Methods

The IWizardTemplate type exposes the following members.

Public methodActionScript(String)
Generate action script for the specified action. If the specified action is set on the page then script is generated for it. If not, a null/empty string is returned.
Public methodActionScript(String, String, String)
Generate action script for the specified action. If the specified action is set on the page then script is generated for it. If not, a null/empty string is returned.
Public methodChainToWizard(String, String)
Chain to another wizard programmatically. Typically wizards are chained together in meta-data by setting the ChainsToWizard attribute and an appropriate FinishTarget. Wizard chaining allows multiple wizard pages to be glued together into, essentially, one wizard. In general the platform attempts to glue the wizards together as seamlessly as possible in order to provide the appearance to the end use of a single wizard. Note that internally this method performs a call to Navigate(String, String, String, String, NavigateAttrs, String). If more navigation control is required in programmatic chaining, use the ChainToWizard(String, String, String, String, NavigateAttrs, String) overload.
Public methodChainToWizard(String, String, String, String, NavigateAttrs, String)
Chain to another wizard programmatically. Typically wizards are chained together in meta-data by setting the ChainsToWizard attribute and an appropriate FinishTarget. Wizard chaining allows multiple wizard pages to be glued together into, essentially, one wizard. In general the platform attempts to glue the wizards together as seamlessly as possible in order to provide the appearance to the end use of a single wizard. Note that internally this method performs a call to Navigate(String, String, String, String, NavigateAttrs, String). Generally programmatic chaining is performed using the simpler ChainToWizard(String, String) overload.
Public methodGetCascadedText
Get the specified localized text for this wizard page. Obtaining the text is a cascading five step process:
  1. Look for the text in UserData (use SetWizPageText(IWizPage, String, String) to set),
  2. if not found, look for the text item specified by ids in the PageElementInfoTextItems collection,
  3. if not found, look for the text item specified by ids in the PageInfoTextItems collection,
  4. if not found, look for the item specified by ids in the locale resource file,
  5. if not found, use the provided defaultText.
Public methodGetChainingQueryParams
Generates the query parameters required to carry wizard progress forward when chaining from the current wizard instance to another wizard instance. The parameters are properly URI encoded and start with a separating ampersand. If the current wizard was itself chained to, the parameters include the requisite information.
Public methodGetClonedPageInfo
Gets the cloned PageInfo object for this page. If the page's PageInfo object has not net been cloned then this method clones it and sets the clone back on the page. If the page's PageInfo object has already been cloned then that object is returned. In either case the returned PageInfo object will have the ClonedByUser status. Once the page's PageInfo has been cloned and set back on the page, the cloned PageInfo object can be freely manipulated without affecting other requests by the current, or other, users.

Note that cloning the PageInfo and setting back on the page does not update any IMapper objects already set up with the original PageInfo object. However, any IMapper objects set up after the operation will use the cloned PageInfo. Performing the operation during the ApplicationPageInit event (PageInit(IAppContext, ApplicationPageArgs)) sets up the clone very early in the page life-cycle and ensure that the page's IMapper objects will use the cloned PageInfo.

Public methodGetPageNumber
Gets the page number of the specified wizard page element.
Public methodGetWizardText(String)
Get the specified localized text for this wizard page (however, typically GetCascadedText(IWizPage, String, String) is preferred). This method should be used only for pre-defined wizard text items found in the IDS.Wizard globalization constants.
Public methodGetWizardText(String, String, String)
Get the specified localized text for this wizard page (however, typically GetCascadedText(IWizPage, String, String) is preferred). Obtaining the text is a three step process:
  1. Look for the text item specified by name in the PageInfo's TextItems collection,
  2. if not found, look for the item specified by ids in the locale resource file,
  3. if not found, use the provided defaultText.
Public methodLoadPageData
Load IField data from the specified IMapper into the wizard's UserData for the specified instance.
Public methodNavigate
This method may be called to perform programmatic navigation from a wizard extension. Typically the wizard is allowed to perform its normal cancel or finish navigation per its CancelTarget or FinishTarget, respectively. However, when programmatic navigation is required this method allows navigation to the same targets as would otherwise occur. Manual construction of the FinishTarget, in particular, can be complicated and this method takes advantage of the wizard's built-in FinishTarget construction. In addition, for cases in which the wizard may, or may not, be hosted in a popup, this method can be used to behave accordingly.
Public methodPageData
Gets the WizPageData helper class for the specified page in this wizard. Used to manage a wizard's UserData.
Public methodPagePop
Pops the previous page off the PageStack. This method is provided primarily for internal use, use with caution. Use PagePush(Int32) to push a new page onto the page stack.
Public methodPagePush
Pushes the specified page onto the PageStack. This method is provided primarily for internal use, use with caution. Use PagePop to pop the previous page off the stack.
Public methodSetWizardText
Stores a text string for this wizard page. This method should be used only for pre-defined wizard text items found in the IDS.Wizard globalization constants.
See Also